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Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the Ad-hoc NARALO FY 18 Budget Requests Discussion Call on Thursday, 12 January 2017 at 14:00 UTC

  Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:

  Alan Greenberg:On another call. Will move over here on phone bridge when that one ends.

  Yesim Nazlar:Thank you for letting us know.

  Javier Rua-Jovet:HI!

  Glenn McKnight:

  Yesim Nazlar:wELCOME jAVİER!

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Yes

  Javier Rua-Jovet:can hear fine

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Not yet!

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Now its getting good!

  Evan:Evin is a she

  Evan:same way

  Evan:Heidi's computer is more awake then me

  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all

  Javier Rua-Jovet:im having some bandwith isses, so I might be on and off

  Glenn McKnight:Please provide the links

  Silvia Vivanco::) my laptop took some time to wake up as well

  Glenn McKnight:Welcome all

  Glenn McKnight:And Marita Moll too

  Alan Greenberg:ok

  Glenn McKnight:1. Proposals  accepted but no payment to community membership

  Glenn McKnight:community member

  Glenn McKnight:2. Outreach is not a focus

  Glenn McKnight:can include but not exclusive,

  Alfredo Calderon:So any individual would have to pay his travel expenses.

  Alfredo Calderon:Capacity building ?

  Glenn McKnight:Question from Alfredo on expenses?

  Glenn McKnight:Folks  not sure if Heidi is seeing this chat

  Glenn McKnight:NARALO is on April 2-5  2017

  Glenn McKnight:GA

  Glenn McKnight:Judith

  Alfredo Calderon:Right.

  Alfredo Calderon:OK!

  Evan:Question 1): Is it OK if ICANN is not the exclusive funder of the project -- that is, can the proposal organiozers solicit funding from other sources (that might cover payments to proposers), so long as the ICANN payment are used for the described purposes?

  Glenn McKnight:Evan can you speak?


  Glenn McKnight:one sec.  Heidi can reply to evan

  Marita Moll:Is it okay for a project to be country specific if it was  capacity building

  Glenn McKnight:One second Marita

  Glenn McKnight:I would think so

  Glenn McKnight:Ed and Alan  one second.  Marita is next

  Alfredo Calderon:Me too. Otherwise our NASIG would have some problems seeking third party funding / sponsorships.

  Alfredo Calderon:Me too, meaning I would believe it must be possible, otherwise we may have issues.

  Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, the text and perspecitve can be yours.

  Evan:That is appreciated ... but if the communications consultant(s) must be vetted/approved by ICANN communications, that may compromise the independence of the result.

  Glenn McKnight:Alan you are next

  Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, if the comms item has only the At-Large logo on it, I think the text can be basically developed by you.

  Heidi Ullrich:If it has the ICANN logo on it, then there will be a review by Comms.

  Evan:Fair enough

  Eduardo Diaz:@Alan: My question was directed to fund just to pay the speakers for their travel and expenses - no renumeration

  Evan:finger to screen

  Glenn McKnight:TImelines

  Glenn McKnight:Deadline is  January 16

  Glenn McKnight:Welcome Joly

  Glenn McKnight:Joly does  your  ALS  have a proposal?

  Glenn McKnight:Revision time after Jan 16 and then final requests by  Jan 30

  Joly MacFie:I will be meeting with Tom tonight. We'll talk about it.

  Alfredo Calderon:How detailed must the budget be for the 16th January?

  Glenn McKnight:@Joly please let the NA  list know your plans so the community is aware

  Javier Rua-Jovet:I think its clear that ICANN can pay for travel and lodging for a speaker in our proposed Nort American IG School.

  Glenn McKnight:We have for the record   Evan, Marita and Ed and company have proposals

  Glenn McKnight:Judith and myself has ATLARGE wide proposals

  Glenn McKnight:Note   don't  worry about the budget items for the proposal

  Glenn McKnight:Note   Short comments

  Glenn McKnight:Note  Use multi tags

  Glenn McKnight:Note  Location

  Glenn McKnight:Note   Alignment to the strategic plan LINK

  Glenn McKnight:Note  What  geography, demographics  naralo only?

  Glenn McKnight:Note  Deliverables impact  that is sustainable  long term impacts

  Glenn McKnight:short and long term impacts.  legacy?

  Glenn McKnight:Notes  Metrics   Evaluaton, etc

  Glenn McKnight:Note  Request for  subject matter experts  required details  on the type of person

  Glenn McKnight:Note   Tech support ,  av , room,  livestream, adigo, adobe etc

  Glenn McKnight:Note  Language support, translation etc

  Robert Hoggarth:Hello everyone.  As a matter of further note, the ICANN Board and senior staff are looking to incorporate  even more accountability and transparency into the Special Budget Request Process, so there are growing reporting documentation goals.  Thus, having the Request Objectives robustly described is very important.

  Glenn McKnight:One second Joly

  Robert Hoggarth:Thanks Heidi.  A pleasure to be here

  Glenn McKnight:Joly question  on joint proposal from two ALS

  Glenn McKnight:More the merrier  is fine with me

  Glenn McKnight:Alan did you want to respond?

  Alan Greenberg:There is no reason why it could not be a multiple ALS request.

  Glenn McKnight:ok

  Glenn McKnight:ed you are next

  Alfredo Calderon:Check what we ISOC-PR has done for the last two years at

  Alan Greenberg:Rob, that seems to be quite a challenge to accomplish in th next two weeks.

  Glenn McKnight:Alan is your  question in response to Evan?

  Alan Greenberg:Yes

  Alfredo Calderon:Last  year we actually did a contest where community was invited to do short video clips on their of Internet Issues.

  Glenn McKnight:Alan your will be bumped up in front of Ed

  Glenn McKnight:Ed i am letting Alan speak first in response to Evan's comment

  Glenn McKnight:i don't see Evan's comments

  Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, I'm happy to set up a call with Comms once you have a draft request

  Heidi Ullrich:or to send your draft to Comms

  Evan:Actually, I agree with what Rob says and am very confrtable with this. If the comms team looks at some submissions and says "this project shouldn't be a special request, it should be taken in as a mainstream ongoing activity" .... that's cool with me.

  Evan:didn't press <enter>  :-P

  Glenn McKnight:@marita  did you have your idea prepared to discuss?

  Marita Moll:yes

  Glenn McKnight:you will be next

  Glenn McKnight:Alan your qualifing question or comment as soon as  Rob stops speaking

  Eduardo Diaz:@rob: Thanks

  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, you may wish to reach out to the Meetings Team,  GSE (both Chris and Rodrigo) and the DPRD (for education tools)

  Glenn McKnight:Note  50% of the requests are refused but they can be considered elsewhere  

  Evan:Perfect, Alan. Thanks. Just what I wanted to hear.

  Glenn McKnight:Robert one sec

  Glenn McKnight:I need to let them summmarize their proposal

  Robert Hoggarth:thank you Glen.  no rush

  Glenn McKnight:rob you can interject before alfredo

  Robert Hoggarth:I will have to go host another scheduled call about 3 mins to the top of the hour.  happy to continue conversations individually if needed.

  Glenn McKnight:sorry ed,  Alfredo  please speak up when Rob finishes

  Alan Greenberg:Note that got the Int Gov School, although we may be able to share ICANN resources, it may be better to find other resources, just as the Indian School was held at a local university which presumably donated the space. and provided food at a lower cost than the hotels we use would.

  Glenn McKnight:Sorry Joly let Alfredo and Javier wrap up then you

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Ok

  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo/Alfredo/Javieor, you may wish to consider if this event could be part of the premeeting outreach that ICANN at times organizes.

  Heidi Ullrich:Also, I believe PR has an Internet Day, if this event could link to that the impact could be sustained, etc

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Just to strees the NARALO Puerto Rico School of IG will be the first ever, and that we are doing all we can to build up the critical mass of additional sponsors

  Alan Greenberg:SOunds like it might be focused more as a Caribbean/Spanish School

  Heidi Ullrich:+1 Javier

  Glenn McKnight:@marita  you will be the last presenter. I will table judith, and my proposals since they are ATLARGE

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Thanks Heidi!

  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, have you been in touch with other ICANN depts?

  Joly MacFie:my mic is on

  Joly MacFie:my mic is on - shows level

  Alfredo Calderon:@Joly, we can hear you now.

  Robert Hoggarth:thank you for sharing Marita! I am VERY sorry for the short time I am with you all today.  am happy to follow up with anyone who wants to have 1:1 calls over the next several days

  Heidi Ullrich:@Maria - re your capacity building, this may be an event that normal staff responsibilities (IT/At-Large) can cover.

  Glenn McKnight:I will do a quick closing comment

  Heidi Ullrich:so, you could submit it, but it might come back as being within normal staff support

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Rob!!

  Joly MacFie:Thasnkyou

  Marita Moll:That's okay. It's a process and I am interested in understanding it as well

  Heidi Ullrich:@Marita, sure

  Heidi Ullrich:The RALO Development Session at the AGM will be placed in the core budget

  Alfredo Calderon:Excellent session.

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Thanks to all, thanks Glenn!

  Heidi Ullrich:as weil the ALAC development session

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all

  Alfredo Calderon:Bye!

  Eduardo Diaz:Gracias Glenn for the meeting Very effective.

  Glenn McKnight:thanks  bye

  Heidi Ullrich:Evan sorry

  Heidi Ullrich:do you wish to have a call?