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ccNSO Report January 2015

  • ccNSO Internet Governance Coordination Committee: At the Council meeting, I was appointed as an observer on the ccNSO IG Coordination Committee - IG issues for ccTLDs are an interest area for me and I appreciate the support of the Council for my membership of this committee; 
  • ALAC-ccNSO meeting in Singapore (Tuesday 10th Feb, 7.15am-8.15am)Their proposed topics include: Setting a fixed time for future meetings, CWG Stewardship: progress to date, Decision making processes, outreach efforts? and CCWG Accountability: progress to date. More details as the Council minutes become available.
  • ccNSO Newcomer Webinar- 27 January @ 8:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC. To introduce newcomers to the ccNSO and ICANN world 
  • Next meeting of ccNSO Council  22 mtg Agenda (22 January ( 1200UTC) Agenda to include updates on : Internet Governance Update (Jordan Carter); IANA Stewardship Transition Process (CWG-Lise Fuhr; ICG-Keith Davidson; ISTACC-Byron Holland); Enhancement ICANN's Accountability Process (Matthieu Weill); Appointment of members to the Review Guidelines Committee and of the ccNSO IG Coordination Committee; Name Collision issue; Feedback on the Top 5 ICANN Enterprise Risks for the Board Risk Committee; Council Schedule for the Singapore meeting (including meeting with ALT on Tuesday am); and Councillors' updates. 
  • Singapore meeting of ALT and ccNSO Council - Tuesday 10th Feb, 7.15am-8.15am - Agenda still TBC
  • Meeting documents from 11 Dec Council meeting available (minutes still to be confirmed)
  • Current email discussions: 
    • Patrick Myles flagged in his GNSO report the topic of ICANN revenue produced by the new gTLD auctions - a CCWG appropriate?
    • Chris Disspain recently raised gTLDs wanting the CWG Accountability Group to have a role in determining an Appeals process for registry operators and governments (In the case of ccTLDs) to deal with delegation and "redelegation" decisions. Don't they recognise the new policy that the Freedom of Interpretation WG (FOIWG) spent more than 3 years developing? (Cheryl to comment?) 
    • Olivier began the year with a request for ccTLDs who were not members of ccNSO - I raised the spreadsheet which Ron, Dev and I partially coordinated, of ALS, ccNSO  and GAC members from each country. Not all countries have all 3 organisational members. RALO coordination is required to complete the details in the spreadsheet but then it would be helpful to be able to attach it to something meaningful where the information could be accessed and made useful. Gabriella is still trying to get volunteers for the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee - ALAC doesn't seem to have that problem (smile)

ccNSO Report 15 December 2014
