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Action Item / Request

Entry Date

Target Date

Responsible Council Member (if applicable)

Responsible Staff member (if applicable)

Additional Notes


Singapore Meeting Planning

David Cake to take the lead on developing the proposed agenda for GNSO weekend session in Singapore


David Cake

Glen de Saint Gery / Marika Konings

Notes from discussions during GNSO wrap up session:

  • SG/C reports should become a feature for the AGM in the form of reports to the GNSO
  • ccNSO-GNSO meeting - format welcomed, continue for next meeting
  • Follow up on visa procedures / support to ensure GNSO participants can attend ICANN meetings
Council members encouraged to provide input for agenda items and topics for discussion particularly for meetings with the ICANN Board, ccNSO and GAC.


GNSO Review

  • Form small GNSO Review Committee to consider issues and possible next steps in relation to the GNSO review - reconfirm volunteers on existing mailing list



Jen Wolfe

Rob HoggarthAn updated list of volunteers has been collected in preparation for formation of the proposed Review Committee. In the wake of Board Resolution 2013.09.28.09, the Council discussed the most recent developments on this matter during its weekend work session in Buenos Aires and explored appropriate next steps. The Council Chair and Council lead met with the Chair of the Board’s Structural Improvements Committee in Buenos Aires to discuss next steps and ensure co-ordination going forward. Jen Wolfe met with ICANN Staff on 18 Dec to discuss the proposed ICANN Organizational Audit concept. Follow-up planned for early January.

Updated provided by Jen Wolfe at 23/1 meeting. Topic to be discussed during 27/2 meeting.


PDP Improvements

  • Circulate call for volunteers to form small committee to work with staff especially on items 3 and 5 of the proposed PDP improvements.
  • Provide status update at ICANN F2F meetings

 18/7 27 22/26


Marika Konings




Updated table was provided including proposed actions for each proposed improvement and discussed during the GNSO Council meeting in BA and 12/12 meeting. Based on the feedback provided on 12/12, further updates will be were made to the document. In addition, it was suggested that a small group of volunteers would be was formed to support staff in the next steps for each / some of the proposed improvements.Call for volunteers circulated on 30/1Commencing at the ICANN meeting in London, F2F status update to be provided.

Multi-Stakeholder Innovation Panel

  • Council 'liaisons' to this effort (i.e. follow this initiative and provide the Council with updates as appropriate)
  • Follow up with Theresa Swinehart to discuss how to ensure ongoing engagement interaction


Jen Wolfe, James Bladel


Jonathan Robinson


Marika Konings MSI Panel Webinar scheduled for 30/1Item on the agenda for 27/2 meeting - Council to discuss if/how input is to be provided in response to MSI recommendations.

WHOIS Survey WG Final Report & Recommendations

  • Transmit results to IETF and EWG
10/1018/2Jonathan RobinsonBerry CobbFollowing the adoption of the Whois Survey WG Final Report & Recommendations, the GNSO Council agreed to send the survey results to other applicable efforts regarding Whois and Domain Name Registration Data for their consideration.


EWG & IETF letters were sent to their respective chairs and posted on the GNSO's Correspondence page.

Cross Community Working Groups (CWG) Drafting Team

  • Form DT including other SO/AC members to take forward original GNSO work and ccNSO feedback
7/1/14927/2Jonathan Robinson, John BerardMary WongPer GNSO Council resolution, other SO/AC Chairs were invited to help recruit DT members from their communities; ccNSO Council in addition was invited to appoint a co-chair to the DT.

Circulate list of existing DT members to Council list (Completed)

Council members are requested to confirm / update representatives to DT. 

First DT meeting will take place on 27 February.

Confirmation of WG Chairs

  • Communicate confirmation of PPSAI & T/T WG Chairs after Council confirmation
23/127/2 Glen de Saint Gery Completed

Metrics & Reporting

  • Following adoption of the Charter, WG has been requested to update their name to better reflect and communicate the objective of the effort.
  • Circulate call for volunteers

    Data & Metrics for Policy Making

    • Setup first WG Meeting
    23/127/2Mikey O'ConnorBerry Cobb WG now called Data & Metrics Reporting for Policy Making. The CfV Call for Volunteers was sent out. A 2nd announcement will be was sent out to and will be announced at Feb Council Meeting as only 1 person has signed upto attract additional volunteers.

    Internet Governance

    • Invite Theresa Swinehart and/or Sally Costerton to provide update at next GNSO Council meeting on IG related developments
    • Avri Doria volunteered to provide the Council with a synopsis of IG developments
    23/127/2Avri DoriaMarika Konings  Sally Costerton will participate in the 27/2 meeting to provide an update on IG related developments.

    SSR Discussion List

    • Mikey O'Connor suggested and volunteered to spearhead a mailing list sponsored by the Council and open to anybody with an SSR interest in the community
    23/127/2Mikey O'ConnorJulie Hedlund / Steve Sheng 


    Mailing list has been created and archives are publicly available at

    SSAC Liaison to GNSO Council / GNSO Council liaison to the SSACBA wrap up session27/2Jonathan RobinsonJulie Hedlund Jonathan to explore with Patrik Falstrom the options for a SSAC liaison to the GNSO and/or visa versa.