At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
ALAC Liaisons and Representatives
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development
Page History
- ISOC Hong Kong has worked on security and privacy as this is the #1 issue for At-Large as well as security issues related to IPv6 and Green Dam (
- ISOC Hong Kong has a WG on security and privacy and is trying to balance those issues. The dilemna is that while users think they want security and privacy, there are tradeoffs or compromises. Eg. dot CN requires real name for domain registration which increases security, but with loss of privacy.Note : see link at due to the length and the difficulty in inserting the text
\[From Charles Mok, APRALO\]
Wiki Markup
Just to add: Edmon was speaking in his capacity of Internet Society Hong Kong also, in addition to his DotAsia and APRALO many hats \ :)
FY12 Draft Operating Plan and Budget
DNSSEC for Everybody: A Beginners Guide
\[From Charles Mok, APRALO\]
A clip from the talk, part of the interesting role play skit mentioned above: \\
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IDN Varaint TLD
Time: 16:00 - 17:30
Location: Canning/Padang