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Sandra Hoferichter:                 The question was raised was which people are we doing this education and what do we want to do?  And I think as we are talking as ALAC we should focus on the end user and in my experience I found out just as Michelle mentions they don’t care about ICANN?   They don’t even know what it is and I don’t think it's worth that to explain that to a normal end user.  What I care about and what is interesting to them is all the upcoming issues, the new gTLDs, DNS and all these things. 

Wiki MarkupAnd I just posted the link to a video which  was produced by \[inaudible video which  was produced by [inaudible 00:16:28\] Secretariat.    And which I use very often and find all of it was very helpful not even through the normal end user but also to an advanced community attending the Summer School of Internet Governance.    And just to explain with no words because then you don’t have the language problem, how the internet system, the DNS system or the future issues we will talk about how they work on.  

In this regard I found out on the Cartagena meeting the beginner session on the [inaudible Wiki MarkupIn this regard I found out on the Cartagena meeting the beginner session on the \[inaudible 00:17:06\] which was moderated and run by the registrar and they made this funny theater play for us.    And this was very helpful for a newcomer like I am in the ICANN community to better understand what are the issues and a very cute and very quick \ [inaudible 00:17:31\]. unmigrated-wiki-markup 

And I think those movies, you can spread them online and they will be used on various websites.    I think they are very helpful and the one I just posted here, I don’t know when this one was produced.      I'm not sure if it was \ [inaudible 00:17:50\] -- actually you did this already.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          So in some way Statton that kind of answers your other question which is in what form this should be produced.  It looks as though videos are sometimes a lot easier to access, to understand than having quantities of written material which people usually just wade through.  I'm not sure –


I think we’re going to have to look at multiple avenues for people to discover the information so we can benefit from them knowing what they're doing.

Wiki MarkupOlivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Alan.  Well now I see in the chat that Statton asked where did the -- what was the \[inaudible           Thank you Alan.  Well now I see in the chat that Statton asked where did the – what was the [inaudible 00:22:36\] from resources that were already out there.    I mentioned the neutrality and others also mentioned the aspects of publicizing it around, did you want to add anything?

Statton Hammock:                  From neutrality do you mean a not ICANN produced thing?  Is that what you meant by neutrality?  What are peoples thoughts on neutrality?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          I will – I thought ICANN was neutral.

Wiki Markup
Michelli:                                  When we speak of neutral one would think of something coming from a registrar and would be or could be seen as marketing material for that registrar.  Well they document from ICANN that would be agreed by the ALAC and by the registrars is something which has both a neutrality aspect and also this whole legitimacy side of it.  It's legitimate and it cannot be seen as marketing material because all registrars have the same access to it.  And effectively it puts everyone in a clean, level field.  Every registrant will have the same answers or should have the same answers.  I'm saying \[inaudible 00:24:14\] just this is more of a brainstorming than anything else.

Michelli:                                  When we speak of neutral one would think of something coming from a registrar and would be or could be seen as marketing material for that registrar.  Well they document from ICANN that would be agreed by the ALAC and by the registrars is something which has both a neutrality aspect and also this whole legitimacy side of it.  It's legitimate and it cannot be seen as marketing material because all registrars have the same access to it.  And effectively it puts everyone in a clean, level field.  Every registrant will have the same answers or should have the same answers.  I'm saying [inaudible 00:24:14] just this is more of a brainstorming than anything else.

Statton Hammock:                  Yes, good.  I understand that point that some of the informational materials out there on the web are sponsored by hosting companies or domain name registrars or whatever.  And so at the end of the segment, so for these reasons [inaudible 00:24:42] from us.  So you're saying we need to take it out of that context.  I appreciate that and that makes sense.  But at the same – so whose is the neutral party to push this out?  Is it the organization?  Which is fine.  But whose name goes on it at the end of the Wiki MarkupStatton Hammock:                  Yes, good.  I understand that point that some of the informational materials out there on the web are sponsored by hosting companies or domain name registrars or whatever.  And so at the end of the segment, so for these reasons \[inaudible 00:24:42\] from us.  So you're saying we need to take it out of that context.  I appreciate that and that makes sense.  But at the same -- so whose is the neutral party to push this out?  Is it the organization?  Which is fine.  But whose name goes on it at the end of the day?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          I saw Sandra had her hand up but Sandra was it to answer this or was it I didn’t see Alan had his hand up, maybe that was to answer.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay alright then next we have Sandra.

Wiki MarkupSandra Hoferichter:                 Yes Olivier I have the opinion we are talking about two different issues here.  One is education which is \[inaudible Hoferichter:                 Yes Olivier I have the opinion we are talking about two different issues here.  One is education which is [inaudible 00:28:13\] from consumer guidelines. \ [inaudible 00:28:17\] register. \ [inaudible 00:28:20\] domain name you will have plenty of material all around the world already.    Maybe it's a good idea if ICANN published a general guideline about this issue.    But my feeling was that when we had the meeting in San Francisco that we are focusing more on a way to educate people or end user or customer or whatever. customer or whatever. 

And in this regard I would like to draw your attention to the ALAC initiative, the South American and European Summer School.  I posted it already in the chat room.  Those Summer Schools are existing [inaudible Wiki MarkupAnd in this regard I would like to draw your attention to the ALAC initiative, the South American and European Summer School.  I posted it already in the chat room.  Those Summer Schools are existing \[inaudible 00:29:09\] five years and we found out if now is the right time to publish a text book which contains general -- which has an aesthetic part about general issues, history of ICANN, history of the internet and all that stuff. unmigrated-wiki-markupthat stuff. 

And which has a dynamic part in terms of the future development of domain names, et cetera.    And still ICANN is involved in publishing educational books because ALAC is a body within ICANN.    And the summer school initiatives they are in the \ [inaudible 00:29:53\] initiative because people from South America and from Europe are part of the ALAC and are running the summer schools.  

So I think it could be an idea if we flipped those things to see if the consumer guidelines [inaudible Wiki MarkupSo I think it could be an idea if we flipped those things to see if the consumer guidelines \[inaudible 00:30:14\] but also don’t for get to make a real textbook about basic internet issues which can be developed in the next year.    And I think the registrars would be a good source for knowledge and of course, for money.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thank you Sandra, Statton?


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          I was imagining this could be stuff that resides on the ICANN pages but is embedded in the registrar’s pages, if they wish to do so.

Statton Hammock:                  What do you mean in the registrar pages?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Well your website would have a link from there or I don’t know.  I see a lot of crosses so I think maybe we can say no to that one.

embedded in the registrar’s pages, if they wish to do so.

Statton Hammock:                  What do you mean in the registrar pages?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Well your website would have a link from there or I don’t know.  I see a lot of crosses so I think maybe we can say no to that one.

Michelli:                                  I just [inaudible 00:32:44] for the Wiki MarkupMichelli:                                  I just \[inaudible 00:32:44\] for the moment.

Statton Hammock:                  Well i would disagree too only because what I've heard in San Francisco was that – because I believe I raised it during our meeting that ICANN does have all these educational materials on the site.  And what I heard was “Oh yeah but nobody goes there and if you didn’t know ICANN you wouldn’t end up there.”  Really what we want to get to is a separate site independent where somebody – this is what I'm thinking hypothetically and if someone has different views, then please share them. 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yep and let's continue working all together.  Bye everyone. 

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