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Comment: updating with meeting minutes


1(800)550-6865, Teleconference EN ID: 1638






Call Management:

Summary Minutes:    

Action Items: EN

Recording:   EN

Webex Chat: EN    

Transcript: EN


1. Attendance (XX/43)

This section is to record the meeting attendance. Colors are to identify the corresponding attendance state:  Green=Present, Yellow=Apology, Red=Not Present,

ALS (Total 23 :: 10CA/2PR/11US) - Attendance (XX/23) 










Kenneth L. Whitehurst


Karen Mulberry


New Connection Information

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EN: Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight, Adrian Schmidt, Alan Greenberg, Allan Skuce, Anna Loup, Gordon Chillcott, Greg Shatan, Joel Thayer, John More, Joly MacFie, Jonathan Zuck, Judith Hellerstein, Kristin Doan, Leah Symekher, Loris Taylor, Nathalie Coupet, Susannah Gray, Bill Jouris, Marita Moll, David Morar, Dana Perry

Apologies: Matthew Rantanen, Javier Rúa (added by ED after the meeting for the record - see page 8 in the transcript)

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivianco, Evin Erdoğdu, Christopher Mondini, Claudia Ruiz

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz


Summary Minutes:    

Action Items: EN

Recording:   EN

Webex Chat: EN    

Transcript: EN



1. Attendance (XX/43)

This section is to record the meeting attendance. Colors are to identify the corresponding attendance state:  Green=Present, Yellow=Apology, Red=Not Present,

ALS (Total 24 :: 10CA/2PR/12US) - Attendance (XX/24) 





1Pacific Community Networks Association/CAAllan Skuce (P)Bev Collins
2Nova Scotia Community Access Program/CADana Perry (P)Erick Stackhouse
3ISOC DC/USDustin Phillips John More (P)
4ISOC PR/PREduardo Díaz (P)Alfredo Calderón
5Canadian Association for Open Source (CLUE)/CAEvan LeibovitchMathew Rice
6Foundation For Build. Sustainable Communities/CAGlenn McKnight  (P)Robert T Bell
7Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group/CAGordon Chillcott  (P)Scott Sullivan
8Knujon/USGrath Bruen -
9Association of Internet Users/US :: ALAC 2017-19John LaPriseCristina Willlard
10ISOC NY/USJoly McFie (P)Greg Shatan (P)
11Capital Area Globetrotters/USJudith Hellerstein (P)Le-Marie Thompson
12Consumers Council of Canada/CA

Kenneth L. Whitehurst

Howard Dean

Karen Mulberry

14ISOC SF/USLeah Sykmekher (P)Susannah Gray (P)
16Native Public Media/USLoris Taylor (P)Elyse Dempsey
17Telecommunities Canada/CA Marita Moll (P)Garth Graham
18Communautique/CAMonique Chartrand -
19The IP/Tech. Section of the HI State Bar Assoc./USSeth ReissTracey Ohta
20ISOC Quebec/CADestiny Tchehouali
Robert Castonguay
21ISOC Canada/CAShelley RobinsonMurray McKercher Inc./USThomas Lowenhaupt Robert Pollard
23Hispanic Educational Tech. Services (HETS)/PRYubelkys MontalvoYelixa Castro
24At-Large North American Graduate Students David Cristian Morar (P)Anna Cecile Loup (P)

For updates please contact Evin Erdoğdu, At-Large Staff.


Unaffiliated (Total 22 :: 4CA/1PR/17US) Attendance (X/22) 




1Adrian Schmidt (P)CA
2Alan Greenberg (P)CA
3Daniel WrightUS
4David AllnutUS
5Edward HasbrouckCA
6Endrias ZewdeUS
7Javier Rúa Jovet (P)PR
8Jean Armour PollyUS
9Jeongwon RyuUS
10John Levine - 2017 Rep.*US
11Jonathan Zuck (P)US
12Kristian Stout US

For updates please contact Evin Erdoğdu, At-Large Staff.


Unaffiliated (Total 22 :: 4CA/1PR/17US) Attendance (X/22) 




1Adrian SchmidtCA
2Alan GreenbergCA
3Daniel WrightUS
4David AllnutUS
5Edward HasbrouckCA
6Endrias ZewdeUS
7Javier Rúa Jovet (P)PR
8Jean Armour PollyUS
9Jeongwon RyuUS
10John Levine - 2017 Rep.*US
11Jonathan Zuck US
12Kristian Stout US
13Linda KaiserUS
14Michelangelo De SimoneUS
15Philip RighterUS
16Roberto GuerraCA
17Roland YarbroughUS
18Thomas StruettUS
19Thomas W CampbellUS
20Wendy SeltzerUS
21Wes BoudvilleUS
22William Cunningham US
23Nathalie Coupet (P)US

<<For updates please contact Evin Erdoğdu, At-Large Staff.


--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]: 



Meeting Discussion Order 





Allotted Time/Running Time


New ALS :: North American Graduate Students (NAGS)

: To provide introduction remarks by the founders

David Morar

Anna Loup

(00:02 /00:02)


: To call for volunteers to provide feedback about the NARALO.ORG  website as to navigation and content. Google doc

Glenn(00:01 /00:03)


NARALO ALAC members Update Reports

: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.




(00:04 /00:07)


NARALO Elections

→: To provide an update on the 2018 NARALO Elections


(00:04 /00:11)

2018 NARALO Individual Member Representative (IMR) Elections

→: To provide an update on the 2018 NARALO IMR Elections according to Paragraph 3.3 of the 2017 approved NARALO Rules and Procedures state that “Appointment of a new voting representative and alternate(s) of the Individual Members shall take place as soon as practical after each ICANN Annual General Meeting”.




(00:03 /00:14)


→: To provide an update/report for the following CROP supported events:  ARIN 41 (William), Digital Inclusion (Glenn) and RigthsCon (Judith)


(00:9 /00:23)

2018 NomCom update report

→: Please read the written report included in this discussion item of the agenda which was provided off-line on 4/23/2018 - CLICK

Leah(00:01 /00:24)

Individual Members Certification Criteria

→: The process for certification of new Individual members should be revised to assure that they are to follow NARALO Rules and Procedures and any other NARALO approved governance document. An on-line form should be created to manage new applications. Current criteria and process are located HERE. :: 14 May 2018: Recommend to put on dormant state for further evaluation in the future.

Eduardo(00:01 /00:25)

North America Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for FYI 18/19

→: To discuss the final North America Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for FYI 18/19 to be launch on May 14, 2018.




(00:10 /00:35)

SWebinar: Intelectual Property Constituency (IPC) / Business Constituency (BC) Accreditation & Access Model for Non-Public Data. This has a direct impact on the GDPR compliance and its' impact on WHOIS. Specially when recently it has been said by 'The European Commission’s data  protection advisory body... it continues to have “concerns” about plans to bring the internet’s WHOIS service into compliance with sweeping new data rules set to come into force in Europe next month, indicating that those plans (proposed by ICANN) are as yet insufficient". ( , ,



(00:15 /00:50)



-Any Other Business (AOB)All-
-Next meeting: 11 June 2018 @19:00 UTC--

*(allowed time/running time)

5. Current Discussions (→= current meeting date)

This section is for discussions that have been carried forward to this meeting.

ITEM 002: 2018 NARALO Individual Member Representative (IMR) Elections

LEAD: Alan or Staff


This section is to approve moving to their respective archive locations the discussions that have been closed or made dormant in the previous meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]: 

ITEM 027: Global indigenous Ambassador Program (GIA)

LEAD: Matthew and Geoffrey

OPEN:14 March 2018, CLOSED: 14 March 2018

TYPE: [Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: Program Update

--→ 14 March [Recording: 12:20] Update given. Testimonial given by Mathew about his experience with the program. Testimonials given by Michelle from Canada and Lillian from Colombia. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

ITEM 011: 2018 CROP Program Coordinators (PCs)

Good suggestion son what to do 

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:Dormant @ 12/11/17

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Designate CROP Program Coordinators (PCs) for NARALO.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action required:  NARALO Secretary in coordination with staff to inform 2018 designations to the CROP manager and update CROP page HERE.Glenn and Judith are the current PCs. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 33:50]  Status quo, depending on ALAC's decision and when positions are open. ALAC to discuss this sometime after January 2018. NARALO will act accordingly. In the meantime Judith and Glenn will remain in their current positions.[Decision]: This discussion is to be put on a dormant state until ALAC discuss this.

--→ 14 March [Recording: 20:50]  Program is being put on hold so there was no to much to say. [Decision]: Recommend to put in dormant state until final decision is made about the program.

ITEM 009: NARALO Hot Topics


OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 9 April 201714 May 2018

TYPE: PolicyGeneral

DESCRIPTION: Seven (7) NARALO hot topics (HTs) were identified during the General Assembly (GA) held in New Orleans in April 2017. These are as follows: Privacy, Trust, Surveillance, Net Neutrality, Digital Literacy, Universal Internet Access and Cybersecurity. You can see a summary of these HERE. The original discussion that occurred during the GA is located HERE.  Volunteers have been assigned lead roles to f/u on the HTs. We need to re-confirm them. In addition, each HTs needs to be clearly defined indicating what is the specific issue(s) that affects our region and what outcome we want to see after discussing them.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action required: Public WG to define these and include in their work flow. Decision]:   Carry forward to next meeting

11 December 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  There was no one from the Policy Group to discuss this item. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

12 February 2018 [Recording: 42]  There was no one from the Policy Group to discuss this item. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

14 March [Recording: 22:17]: Mentioned three groups that have been created to tackle hot topics and bringing new blood into the region. These are: Policy, Education and Outreach.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 51] This item was discussed as part of the Policy group.  [Decision]: Recommend to close and fuse into into the Policy group. 

ITEM 030: ccTLD Update - Dot NYC

LEAD: Tom Lowenhaupt

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED: 09 April 2018

TYPE: [General]

DESCRIPTION: Presentation about city ccTLDs

--→ 09 april [Recording: 33] Presentation given. Please see details starting at page 18 in the transcript. Tom would like to know from anyone in the group how well city TLDs are serving the needs of resident of various cities.  [Decision]: Recommend to close.

5. Meeting Discussion Order 





Item #


Allotted Time/Running Time


NARALO ALAC members Update Reports






(00:05 /00:15)


2018 Individual member representative - Elections


CROP Trips for FY18- ARIN, Digital Inclusion and RightsCon




NARALO Education Group Update Report


NARALO Hot Topics




Individual Members Certification Criteria


To provide an update on the 2018 NARALO IMR Elections according to Paragraph 3.3 of the 2017 approved NARALO Rules and Procedures state that “Appointment of a new voting representative and alternate(s) of the Individual Members shall take place as soon as practical after each ICANN Annual General Meeting”.  

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action to take: NARALO secretary to coordinate with staff and Independent Members the selection of the 2018 representative [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 21:52] Lead to be changed to Glenn McKnight.  Current rep is John Levine which is not interested in continuing in that role. Glenn to coordinate with staff to check which unaffiliated members want to continue their participation in NARALO and which ones have been active in the monthly calls. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Item not discussed.  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

12 February [Recording: --]  Need to clarify who is the current rep and how to move forward with selecting the new rep for 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

14 March [Recording: 47:00] Briefly talked about these issues. No action items generated [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 20 ]  Alan provided a summary of this. The position of representative is not currently filled. in the process of essentially refreshing the individual membership to make sure the people we have are still alive and active and interested in being involved which is going to happen before the end of May.  At that time, we will then have a selection process for selecting the individual representative  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 16:48 ] Individual elections announced: Alan is the representative. Javier will be alternate.   [Decision]: Close discussion.

ITEM 005: 2018 NomCom update report

LEAD: Leah Sykmekher

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Brief report by our 2018 NomCom representative.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 52:05]  Report given. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting Off-Line Report: The 2018 NOMCOM is tasked with filling 9 open leadership positions on the ICANN board. The team kicked off with meetings at ICANN 60 in Abudhabi where we got right into the preparatory phase of our work that focused on detailed planning for responsibilities in the coming year. We achieved the following: - Defined operating procedures - Outlined 2018 NOMCOM timelines, goals and strategies - Formed 8 subcommittees each focused on specific tasks. Outreach:  We are currently in the candidate recruitment phase of our annual process where outreach to the community plays a significant role. NOMCOM delegates attending IGF 2017 in Geneva began our outreach efforts with more to come at ICANN 61 and at /through other appropriate channels. We welcome NARALO to encourage suitable candidates to apply for these open seats: ICANN Board of Directors 3 Seats, GNSO 1 seat, ALAC 2 seats (Europe & North America) & ccNSO 2 seats.Resources: For more information on NOMCOM 2018 and to be continually updated on our activities please use the following resources: 2018 NOMCOM website as a resource for information:,  2018 NOMCOM wiki for candidate applications (will be up soon), 2018 NOMCOM Update (will be available soon  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

12 February2018 [Recording: --]   Off-Line Report:  Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: Thx Glenn direct people to my summary, the website and let all know that we are in the recruiting phase so direct intersted candidates  to website.Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

14 March [Recording: --] No report given.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: --] No report given.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 1:02 ]  Off-line report update at @4/23/2018 :: for leadership positions within ICANN, the NomCom initiated a recruitment phase in January. The NomCom carried out various outreach activities, including circulating an invitation via social media platforms, email and news updates via professional networks. NomCom members presented at multiple events, reached out to potential candidates and encouraged them to apply. This effort was intensified during ICANN61. In parallel, an independent recruitment firm targeted candidates for Board positions. At the end of the period for expressions of interest, the NomCom received 109 complete applications. Applicants applied from Africa (19), Asia Pacific (25), Europe (21), Latin America and the Carribbean (13), and North America (31). There were 33 female and 76 male applicants. In terms of ICANN leadership position application numbers, there were (87) Board, (43) GNSO, (19) ALAC and (40) ccNSO.Updates on the candidate assessment phase will follow shortly. Reported by Leah Symekher ALAC-NARALO delegate to the NomCom 2018. Leah reported during the meeting as well [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

ITEM 014: Individual Members Certification Criteria

LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: Dormant @ 14 May 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: The process for certification of new Individual members should be revised to assure that they are to follow NARALO Rules and Procedures and any other NARALO approved governance document. An on-line form should be created to manage new applications. Current criteria and process are located HERE.

20 November 2017: [Recording: XX]. This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action required: Revise certification process for individual members [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting.. Glenn to lead this item. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

08 January 2018: 

*(allowed time/running time)

5. Current Discussions (→= current meeting date)

This section is for discussions that have been carried forward to this meeting.

ITEM 002: 2018 Individual member representative - Elections

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is created to execute the following: Paragraph 3.3 of the 2017 approved NARALO Rules and Procedures state that “Appointment of a new voting representative and alternate(s) of the Individual Members shall take place as soon as practical after each ICANN Annual General Meeting”.  

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action to take: NARALO secretary to coordinate with staff and Independent Members the selection of the 2018 representative [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 21:52] Lead to be changed to Glenn McKnight.  Current rep is John Levine which is not interested in continuing in that role. Glenn to coordinate with staff to check which unaffiliated members want to continue their participation in NARALO and which ones have been active in the monthly calls. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Item not discussed.  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

12 February [Recording: --]  Need to clarify who is the current rep and how to move forward with selecting the new rep for 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

14 March [Recording: 47:00] Briefly talked about these issues. No action items generated [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 20 ]  Alan provided a summary of this. The position of representative is not currently filled. in the process of essentially refreshing the individual membership to make sure the people we have are still alive and active and interested in being involved which is going to happen before the end of May.  At that time, we will then have a selection process for selecting the individual representative  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]: 

ITEM 005: NomCom update report

LEAD: Leah Sykmekher

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Brief report by our 2018 NomCom representative.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]:   Carry Carry forward to next meeting.meeting 

12 February 2018 11 December 2017:  [Recording: 52:05--]  Off Line Report given. :  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

14 March 08 January 2018:  [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting Off-Line Report: The 2018 NOMCOM is tasked with filling 9 open leadership positions on the ICANN board. The team kicked off with meetings at ICANN 60 in Abudhabi where we got right into the preparatory phase of our work that focused on detailed planning for responsibilities in the coming year. We achieved the following: - Defined operating procedures - Outlined 2018 NOMCOM timelines, goals and strategies - Formed 8 subcommittees each focused on specific tasks. Outreach:  We are currently in the candidate recruitment phase of our annual process where outreach to the community plays a significant role. NOMCOM delegates attending IGF 2017 in Geneva began our outreach efforts with more to come at ICANN 61 and at /through other appropriate channels. We welcome NARALO to encourage suitable candidates to apply for these open seats: ICANN Board of Directors 3 Seats, GNSO 1 seat, ALAC 2 seats (Europe & North America) & ccNSO 2 seats.Resources: For more information on NOMCOM 2018 and to be continually updated on our activities please use the following resources: 2018 NOMCOM website as a resource for information:,  2018 NOMCOM wiki for candidate applications (will be up soon), 2018 NOMCOM Update (will be available soon  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

12 February2018 [Recording: --]   Off-Line Report:  Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: Thx Glenn direct people to my summary, the website and let all know that we are in the recruiting phase so direct intersted candidates  to website.Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

47:00] Briefly talked about these issues. No action items generated [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 48] Silvia explain that the individual members of at-large are the NARALO has a criteria, which is number one, to be a permanent resident of one of the countries or territories in the North American region as defined by ICANN. Not be a member of an accredited ALs, be subscribed to the mailing list of NARALO, this is a very simple criteria and the email requesting membership must be sent to at-large staff, then we coordinate with NARALO leadership and the individual who wishes to become an affiliated member is certified.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]: Move to a dormant state for future discussion.

ITEM 017: NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is for discussing the NARALO Outreach Group efforts.

20 November 2017: [Recording: XX] This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Report given [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

12 February 2018 [Recording: 42]  Report given. Please refer to recording/transcript fro more details. 14 March [Recording: --] No report given.   [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.09 april [Recording: --] 

No report given.  14 March [Recording: 50:00]  Update given. Talked about strategic plan. Various testimonials given about outreach efforts. Example given: ICANN read outs, ARIN meetings and IGF Geneva. No action item generated. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

09 april --→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]:  

ITEM 014: Individual Members Certification Criteria

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: The process for certification of new Individual members should be revised to assure that they are to follow NARALO Rules and Procedures and any other NARALO approved governance document. An on-line form should be created to manage new applications. Current criteria and process are located HERE.

20 November 2017: [Recording: XX]. This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action required: Revise certification process for individual members [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting.. Glenn to lead this item. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting 

12 February 2018 [Recording: --]  Off Line Report:  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

14 March [Recording: 47:00] Briefly talked about these issues. No action items generated [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 48] Silvia explain that the individual members of at-large are the NARALO has a criteria, which is number one, to be a permanent resident of one of the countries or territories in the North American region as defined by ICANN. Not be a member of an accredited ALs, be subscribed to the mailing list of NARALO, this is a very simple criteria and the email requesting membership must be sent to at-large staff, then we coordinate with NARALO leadership and the individual who wishes to become an affiliated member is certified.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]: 

ITEM 017: NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is for discussing the NARALO Outreach Group efforts.

20 November 2017: [Recording: XX] This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Report given [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

12 February 2018 [Recording: 42]  Report given. Please refer to recording/transcript fro more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

14 March [Recording: 50:00]  Update given. Talked about strategic plan. Various testimonials given about outreach efforts. Example given: ICANN read outs, ARIN meetings and IGF Geneva. No action item generated. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

09 april [Recording: 29 & 50 ]  William suggested that we put forward an effort to reach out to what are called HBCU, historically black colleges and universities, starting at Howard University in Washington DC. (see more details Page 16 in the transcript). Glenn provided and updated report on outreach efforts during ICANN 61 in Puerto Rico. please refer to page 25 in the transcript for more details. [Decision]: Chris Mondini and William to get on the phone or meet in DC to continue this discussion. 

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]:

ITEM 023: NARALO Elections

29 & 50 ]  William suggested that we put forward an effort to reach out to what are called HBCU, historically black colleges and universities, starting at Howard University in Washington DC. (see more details Page 16 in the transcript). Glenn provided and updated report on outreach efforts during ICANN 61 in Puerto Rico. please refer to page 25 in the transcript for more details. [Decision]: Chris Mondini and William to get on the phone or meet in DC to continue this discussion. 

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   Not in agenda for this meeting. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

ITEM 023: NARALO Elections

LEAD: Glenn Mcknight

OPEN: 12 February 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update on the 2018 NARALO Election 




23 April 2018 (ended)

Nominations* open for four positions: Chair, Secretariat, ALAC Representative and NomCom Delegate. ROP 6.1.2"Candidates for office may be an Individual Member or a member of an ALS Member, and must be resident in North America."

4 May 2018 (ended)

Nominations Close. ROP 6.4.1"The nomination period shall be no fewer than ten (10) working days."

11 May 2018 (ended)

Deadline for Nomination Acceptance. ROP 6.4.2"Nominations other than self-nominations must be accepted within 7 days of the close of the nomination period."

14 May 2018Elections, if required, open.

15 May, 2018

NARALO Special Purpose Call on NARALO 2018 Elections: "Get to Know the Candidates" -  15 May 2018 @ 21:00 UTC

18 May 2018

Elections, if required, end.

18 May 2018Elections results are published.

Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the ALAC Wrap Up Session during the 2018 AGM.


NARALO Chair: Currently held by Eduardo Díaz. Eduardo is not term limited. Current term ends at the end of the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  

NARALO Secretariat: Currently held by Glenn McKnight.  Glenn is not term limited. Current term lasts until the end of the 2018 AGM.

ALAC  Representative:  Currently held  by Alan Greenberg.  Alan is not term limited. Current term lasts until the end of the 2018 AGM.

NARALO  NomCom Delegate: The current NA delegate to the 2018 NomCom is Leah Symekher. Leah is not term limited. Current term last until the end of the 2018 AGM. 

12 February 2018: [Recording: 51] Heidi mentioned that the dates presented in the DRAFT may change since staff is  synchronizing all RALO elections two run simultaneously. [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting

14 March [Recording: --] No discussed. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 16:00] Heidi provided a detail account of the election time line. Refer to recording/transcript (page8) for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 16:48 ] Individual elections announced: Alan is the representative. Javier will be alternate. By ROP 6.5.1, NARALO Chair and Secretariat elected by acclamation. Alan clarified the process on how elections are run when there are more that two candidates for one position. See discussion on the transcript page #14.  Election time table in the wiki (and here in the agenda ) is incorrect. Elections starts on 24 May 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.


LEAD: Eduardo DiazLEAD: Glenn Mcknight

OPEN: 12 February 2018, CLOSED: 

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: 2018 NARALO Election Timeline 







23 April 2018


Nominations* open for four positions: Chair, Secretariat, ALAC Representative and NomCom Delegate. ROP 6.1.2"Candidates for office may be an Individual Member or a member of an ALS Member, and must be resident in North America."


4 May 2018


Nominations Close. ROP 6.4.1"The nomination period shall be no fewer than ten (10) working days."


11 May 2018


Deadline for Nomination Acceptance. ROP 6.4.2"Nominations other than self-nominations must be accepted within 7 days of the close of the nomination period."


May 14, 2018


NARALO Special Purpose Call on NARALO 2018 Elections: "Get to Know the Candidates" -  14 May 2018 ←NOTE: Need link to this page


18 May 2018


Elections, if required, end.


Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the ALAC Wrap Up Session during the 2018 AGM.


DESCRIPTION: To provide an update/report for the following events: Digital Inclusion  (Glenn), RigthsCon (Judith) and ARIN 41 (William)

12 February 2018 [Recording: 38] Report given. Refer to recording/transcript for details. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

14 March [Recording: 10:00]  Program was explained. There may be about $4K o discretionary money that can be used fro this next year. No action item generated. [Decision]: Recommend to keep in the agenda to inform allocation of the two last spots in this program

09 april [Recording: 25] William (WC) mentioned that his trip to the ARIN is more strategic in comparison to the GA trip to New Orleans and that he is looking forward to help out. Glenn sent to WC brochures and materials to help with the outreach.  Glenn also mentioned that he is going to attend The Digital Inclusion in Cleveland and Judith the RigthsCon in Toronto where she is going to be one of panelist as the At-Large Global Indigenous Ambassador program. Read more details in the transcripts (page 12) [Decision]: ACTION ITEM: William, Glenn and Judith to prepare to work with Evin and Mario from staff to make sure that all the activities are posted on at-large social media, Twitter, Facebook. Also, to provide short written reports to staff to start documenting all of these activities and some of the achievements.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 30:35]  Running out of time at this moment of the agenda.   [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting as first item in the agenda.

ITEM 026:  NARALO ALAC Members Update Reports

LEAD: Javier Rúa, John Laprise & Alan Greenberg

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED: 

TYPE: [Policy]

DESCRIPTION: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.

09 april [Recording: 3:00 ]  Javier Rúa gave a summary of the Work Track 5” of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group. Alan mentioned statements already put out by ALAC fro GDPR Implementation, Fellowship Program and KSK Rollover. ALAC is currently looking for input on a proposal model made by the Intellectual Property Constituency (IP) and Business Constituency for accreditation and authorization on WhoIs data and on the replenishment of the ICANN financial reserve. Please check out the Policy Page in the links provided below. [Decision]: Action item for staff: Summarize what the policy issues are and send it out to the list as quickly as possible.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 12:04 ]  Alan provided a brief report about GDPR , NomCom Review, CCWG on Accountability Work Stream #2 (coming up)  and GNSO on New gTLD (coming up) [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

ITEM 028: NARALO Policy Group Update Report

LEAD: Jonathan Zuck 

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: [Policy]

DESCRIPTION: This discussion item is for providing an update report by the head of the Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

09 april [Recording: 51] This group is looking for volunteers. Jonathan suggested to focus in the following topics: Disposition of Action Funds, Universal Acceptance and Name Collisions. Please refer to page 26 of the transcript for more details about these.  [Decision]: ACTION ITEM: Ask for volunteers for this group. Carry forward to next meeting


NARALO Chair: Currently held by Eduardo Díaz. Eduardo is not term limited. Current term ends at the end of the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  

NARALO Secretariat: Currently held by Glenn McKnight.  Glenn is not term limited. Current term lasts until the end of the 2018 AGM.

ALAC  Representative:  Currently held  by Alan Greenberg.  Alan is not term limited. Current term lasts until the end of the 2018 AGM.

NARALO  NomCom Delegate: The current NA delegate to the 2018 NomCom is Leah Symekher. Leah is not term limited. Current term last until the end of the 2018 AGM. 

12 February 2018: [Recording: 51] Heidi mentioned that the dates presented in the DRAFT may change since staff is  synchronizing all RALO elections two run simultaneously. [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting

14 March [Recording: --] No discussed. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 16:00] Heidi provided a detail account of the election time line. Refer to recording/transcript (page8) for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]:

ITEM 025: Two CROP Trips Available for FY18

LEAD: Glenn Mcknight

OPEN: 12 February 2018, CLOSED: 

TYPE: [Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: There are currently two trips available under this program. These need to be requested before 4 May, 2018 deadline.

12 February 2018 [Recording: 38] Report given. Refer to recording/transcript for details. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

14 March [Recording: 10:00]  Program was explained. There may be about $4K o discretionary money that can be used fro this next year. No action item generated. [Decision]: Recommend to keep in the agenda to inform allocation of the two last spots in this program

09 april [Recording: 25] William (WC) mentioned that his trip to the ARIN is more strategic in comparison to the GA trip to New Orleans and that he is looking forward to help out. Glenn sent to WC brochures and materials to help with the outreach.  Glenn also mentioned that he is going to attend The Digital Inclusion in Cleveland and Judith the RigthsCon in Toronto where she is going to be one of panelist as the At-Large Global Indigenous Ambassador program. Read more details in the transcripts (page 12) [Decision]: ACTION ITEM: William, Glenn and Judith to prepare to work with Evin and Mario from staff to make sure that all the activities are posted on ta-large social media, Twitter, Facebook. Also, to provide short written reports to staff to start documenting all of these activities and some of the achievements.

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   Not in agenda for this meeting. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting



029: NARALO Education Group Update Report

LEAD: Javier Rúa, John Laprise & Alan Greenberg Alfredo Calderon

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED CLOSED: 

TYPE: [Policy]

DESCRIPTION: This This discussion item is for providing a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed in the last ALAC monthly meeting regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.

09 april [Recording: 3:00 ]  Javier Rúa gave a summary of the Work Track 5” of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group. Alan mentioned statements already put out by ALAC fro GDPR Implementation, Fellowship Program and KSK Rollover. ALAC is currently looking for input on a proposal model made by the Intellectual Property Constituency (IP) and Business Constituency for accreditation and authorization on WhoIs data and on the replenishment of the ICANN financial reserve. Please check out the Policy Page in the links provided below. [Decision]: Action item for staff: Summarize what the policy issues are and send it out to the list as quickly as possible.

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]:

ITEM 028: NARALO Policy Group Update Report

LEAD: Jonathan Zuck 

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: [Policy]

DESCRIPTION: This discussion item is for providing an update report by the head of the Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

an update report by the head of the Educational Group.

--→ 09 april [Recording: --]  For the May meeting, Jonathan Zuck will discuss "Universal Acceptance" as part of the SWebinar series. Future topics must align with ICANN's mission, therefore, the Policy & Hot Topics must be reviewed if a SWebinar is to be organized. It seems reasonable to consider Pollicy Comments as a point of reference. We are aware that in some instances the timeframe will be a limitation when Public comments before our monthly meetings. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 45:00 ]   Presentation given by Jonathan on Intelectual Property Constituency (IPC) / Business Constituency (BC) Accreditation & Access Model for Non-Public Data. Please see details in transcript starting on page #30. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

6. New Discussions (→= current meeting date)

This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting

ITEM 031: North America Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for FYI 18/19

LEAD: Chris Mondini / Joe Catapano

OPEN: 14 May 2018CLOSED: 14 May 2018

TYPE: Outreach

DESCRIPTION:  To discuss the final North America Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for FYI 19/20 to be launch on May 14, 201809 april [Recording: 51] This group is looking for volunteers. Jonathan suggested to focus in the following topics: Disposition of Action Funds, Universal Acceptance and Name Collisions. Please refer to page 26 of the transcript for more details about these.  [Decision]: ACTION ITEM: Ask for volunteers for this group. Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 32: --35  Presentation was given.  [Decision]: Close discussion.




LEAD: Alfredo Calderon Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 09 April  14 May 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: [Policy]General

DESCRIPTION: This discussion item is for providing an update report by the head of the Educational Group To call for volunteers to provide feedback about the NARALO.ORG  website as to navigation and content.

--→ 09 april → 14 May [Recording: 5: --]  For the May meeting, Jonathan Zuck will discuss "Universal Acceptance" as part of the SWebinar series. Future topics must align with ICANN's mission, therefore, the Policy & Hot Topics must be reviewed if a SWebinar is to be organized. It seems reasonable to consider Pollicy Comments as a point of reference. We are aware that in some instances the timeframe will be a limitation when Public comments before our monthly meetings. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.04]   Expanded on Anna Loop's background. Discussion starts in transcript page #4. The following people volunteer to help in the group: Judith, Joy and Susannah. Some problems were discussed.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

ITEM 033: New ALS :: North American Graduate Students (NAGS)

LEAD: David Morar / Anna Loup

OPEN: 14 May 2018, CLOSED: 14 May 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION:  To provide introduction remarks by the founders

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   2:04 ]  Anna described the group. See transcripts starting at page #2 [Decision]:

6. New Discussions (→= current meeting date)

This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting

Close discussion.

7. Any Other Business (AOB)

This section is for any new discussions not in the agenda for this meeting.



034*: [Item title here]

LEAD: [name]

OPEN: [open date], CLOSED:
