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AC Chat: EN    

Transcript: EN EN



1. Attendance (14/48)


ITEM 042: New NARALO Members

LEAD: George Kirikos & Joey Doyle Jeremy Pesner

OPEN: [open date], CLOSED:


→ 10 September [Recording: 05:50]  George Kirikos introduced himself. From transcript : "I’ve been [using the Internet] for a very long time. Way back, well, I guess when I was in school, we used the Commodore PETs in grade 7. So that got me hooked on computers. I was an early user of bulletin board systems, which obviously then transformed into Internet and AOL and things like that way back in the early 80s." Check transcript starting in page #4 for more details. - Check transcript starting in page #4 for more details. Joey was not available for this call. Will try to confirm him for our next call. Alfredo introduced two NA fellows that will be participating in ICANN63 as fellows. These were Michael Casadevall and Janos Szurdi. Check transcript starting in page #6 for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

→ 8 October [Recording: XX:XX]:55:42]: Jeremy introduced himself. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

ITEM 043: Social Media Update Report
