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Please note that the 2013 ALAC RoPs state the following regarding the term of the ALAC Chair:


 8.2  If the Chair is still a member of the ALAC in the year following his or her selection, is willing to continue in that role and subject to the eligibility rules in Paragraph 5, the Chair’s term is deemed to be automatically renewed for a second year without any explicit action of the ALAC.

Relevant 2013 ALAC RoP

ALAC Chair Election

Call for Chair nominations – Friday, 25 October

End of call for Chair Nominations – Thursday, 7 November

Nominees accept their nominations – Friday, 8 November through Sunday, 10 November

Chair/staff sends Selection Summary to Lists – Sunday, 10 November

Vote on ALAC Chair  – Monday, 11 November through Friday, 15 November (is a vote still needed if there is only one nominee?)

Chair announced – Friday, 15 November


Proposed Chair Election Schedule

  • 17 September 2012 Election Call  (sent to lists.)
  • 1 October 2012 Deadline for Officer Nominations (to be sent to lists.)
  • 3 October 2012 Chair to post to the public ALAC list an “election summary” message (sent to lists.)
  • 4-11 October 2012 Nominations are discussed
  • 8 October 2012 Deadline for Nominees to Accept their Nomination (sent to lists and or as notified and recorded on the relevant Election Pages of the At-Large Wiki.)
  • 14 October 2012 Start of AGM
  • 18 October 2012 Closure of AGM
  • 18 October 2012 Start of Election of ALAC Officers by 2013 ALAC immediately after the closure of the AGM (Should a ballot be required)
  • 22 October 2012 Election Results announced
  • 22 October 2012 New ALAC Officers take their seats



5. ALAC Chair Requirements and Responsibilities

5.1            The Chair must be an ALAC Member.


5.14.4           Any other ALAC Member by mutual agreement of the ALAC Members. Barring such agreement, Staff shall identify one ALAC Member by random selection from among all remaining ALAC Members who are both willing to serve and have the explicit support of at least one other ALAC Member.

8. Terms

8.1            All appointments begin at the conclusion of one AAGM and continue until the conclusion of the following AAGM, unless the ALAC specifically identifies a different timeframe.


Section D. Selections, Elections and Appointments

16. General Provisions

16.1            According to the ICANN Bylaws, the ALAC Chair has to be formally elected. Other selections and appointments can be made by Consensus, but failing that, elections can always be used as a last resort.


The following steps must be carried out in the specified order until a winner is declared or the election process is restarted with a new vote or Selection Call:

217.2.1               The winning candidate must receive votes from a majority of the sitting ALAC Members.

217.2.2               If the number of abstentions constitutes the majority of the sitting ALAC Members, the entire election process must be re-started with a Selection Call.

217.2.3               If the number of votes minus the number of abstentions does not constitute majority of the sitting ALAC Members, the vote must be re-run with the same slate of candidates. This may be done only once per Selection Call. If the situation occurs more than once, the entire election process must be re-started with a Selection Call.

217.2.4               In situations where there are more than two candidates:              If all candidates receive the same number of votes, the vote must be re-run with the same slate of candidates. This may be done only once for a given set of candidates per Selection Call. If the situation occurs more than once, the entire election process must be re-started with a Selection Call.              Drop the candidate placing last. If there is a tie, drop all candidates with the lowest number of votes. Re-run the vote with the remaining candidates.

217.2.5               If there are two candidates and both receive an equal number of votes, re-run the vote with the same slate of candidates. This may be done only once per Selection Call. If the situation occurs more than once, the entire election process must be re-started with a Selection Call.

217.3            Ordinary ALAC Leadership Team selections

217.3.1               Ordinary selections of the ALT Members will be held in connection with the AAGM.

217.3.2               The incoming Chair must be selected prior to the initiation of the selection process for the other ALT Members.

217.3.3               The Chair/Staff shall send via Approved Distribution Lists, a Selection Call for the ALT Members identifying the positions to be filled, giving the schedule and modalities of the selection process and requesting nominations (including self-nominations) by ALAC Members. The Selection Call will allow at least seven days for nominations.

217.3.4               The requirements to be met by Leadership Team nominees are listed in Paragraph 6.

217.3.5               A nominee must send a message of acceptance to the same list on which nominations were solicited within seven days of the close of nominations. The acceptance should be sent via Staff if the nominee does not have sending privileges to that list. An ALAC SoI must be completed prior to the close of the acceptance period if the nominee does not have one.

217.3.6               The selection of the ALT Members (excluding the Chair) shall be carried out prior to or during the AAGM using the standard ALAC process of Consensus if possible, and barring that, by secret ballot. If a vote is required for any position, the winner requires a majority of votes as per standard ALAC voting methodology. A voting method incorporating instant runoff may be used if deemed necessary. There must be no more than one person selected from each of the regions not represented by the Chair.

217.4            Extraordinary selections, elections and appointments

217.4.1               Extraordinary selections may be held, at the discretion of the ALAC, if for any reason a vacancy arises outside the normal election cycle, and an ALT position (including the Chair) becomes available.

217.4.2               When such an extraordinary selection is to occur, the Chair/Staff shall send via Approved Distribution Lists, a Selection Call for filling the open position for the remainder of the ordinary term, asking for nominations by a fourteen day deadline or sooner if warranted by special circumstances. Nominations may only be made by sitting ALAC Members. The Selection Call should allow for nominations to be accepted within seven days of the nomination.

217.4.3               If the position of Chair is the vacancy being filled, nominations may be for ALAC Members from any region.

217.4.4               If the position of one of the other Members of the Leadership Team is being filled, nominations may only be for an ALAC Member from the region represented by the previous incumbent.

217.4.5               Only sitting ALAC Members are eligible and entitled to vote.

217.4.6               Within seven days of the nominations deadline, the Chair shall post to the Approved Distribution Lists a Selection Summary” of all valid nominations, announcing the date, time and modalities of the selection and specifying the term of the appointment.

217.4.7               If the Chair is being elected, and the incoming Chair is from different region than the Chair previously in office:              1           the existing ALT Member from the region represented by the new Chair must step down; and           a new ALT Member from the region represented by the former Chair must be selected





Geographic Region




Nominated By/Supported By


Date Accepted


Role Previously Held By (Re-election Possible)






