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A copy of the 2012-2015 Stategic Plan Draft Statement (November 2011) can be downloaded here.

ALAC Statement on the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan - November 2011 - Workspace


Request for Community Input on Formulation of 2012-2015 Strategic Plan


As part of the strategic planning process each year and per the Strategic Plan Draft Development Timeline, ICANN is currently (Oct 3rd  to Nov 17th) seeking public comment on a framework that has been structured to assist in soliciting Community feedback.

Strategic Plan key areas for your comments

  1. Policy development process (including Whois and IDNs)
  2. Multi-stakeholder model  (including new stakeholders, balancing of input)
  3. Globalization/Internationalization of ICANN (including the role of governments)
  4. Underdeveloped nation participation (including how to increase participation)
  5. DNS stability, security and resiliency (including DNNSEC adoption and RPKI deployment)
  6. Introducing more competition, building consumer trust and choice (including a stable launch of a timely, predictable, reliable new gTLD process)
  7. Strategic metrics (to measure performance and ensure project goals are aligned with strategic objectives)
  8. General comments on Strategic Plan

Request for Comments

The request for comments page can be found the Public Comment Section of the main ICANN website.


The matter was discussed during the 16 August 2011 ALAC Executive Committee Teleconference.

It was then discussed at length on the 23 August 2011 ALAC Teleconference, when Kurt Pritz was invited to speak to the ALAC. The matter yielded a 30+ minute discussion on this subject.

Finally, it was discussed again on the 25 August 2011 ALAC Executive Committee Teleconference, following-up on the ALAC call.

The following statement was drafted from the recordings and minutes of these calls.

Proposed Statement from the ALAC (Version 2 - revised & final)

The ALAC appreciates the opportunity to provide input about the formulation of the 2012-2015 ICANN Strategic Plan.

On the whole the ALAC has seen a significant improvement in the formulation of the plan itself, and is pleased about the early involvement of all of ICANN’s communities. It is therefore supportive in general of the new timetable and the new format. It is definitely supportive of early involvement for our At-Large Community in the overall planning process. That said, it also believes that some improvements are still possible, especially in regards to a few specifics related to the At-Large Community.

Division into sub-categories

Whilst the ALAC appreciates that for the sake of clarity, the plan was divided amongst 7+1 categories, there is a concern that this might restrict input from Advisory Committees such as the ALAC. Indeed, some categories which the ALAC champions, such as Outreach, would not fit in a single category: in this example, it would fit in (3) the multi-stakeholder model, as a foundation piece of the multi-stakeholder model, but it also would fit into item (6) competition and consumer trust. In the case of consumer trust, the ICANN classification appears to point at only the new gTLD process, whilst the ALAC we would be aiming at a much broader view for all of ICANN’s activities, including its structure, processes and actions. For the ALAC, this includes outreach and initiating and funding programs to search for more input from the edges of the multi-stakeholder model, all in the public interest.


Several of our Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) have expressed concerns with regards to timing of the Strategic Plan framework consultations. On the plan itself, the timeline was reassuring when looking at it during the Singapore meeting, since it was scheduled as taking place from July to September. However, when it came down to implementation and for the consultation to take place, the commenting period was instead 29 July to 29 August. In the Asia Pacific region APRALO, this timing took place after the July APRALO meeting and before next APRALO meeting. As a result, input from APRALO was made much harder. In the European EURALO region, the summer period is one traditionally used for lengthy holidays. It would have therefore been more reassuring to have a 40-45 day comment period bearing in mind the lower availability of community members at that period of the year.

Matching of Strategic and Operation plans

While the ALAC broadly supports the high standards set by the Strategic Plan, some of our members are concerned by what they perceive as a discrepancy between it and the Operational Plan based upon it. These members have noted that previous versions of ICANN's Strategic Plan have been poorly implemented, especially in fields related to public outreach and protection.

For example: metrics with regards to globalization, outreach, specifically in developing economies, inclusiveness, diversity etc. Whilst the ALAC understands that ICANN is developing such metrics, it points out that a significant effort will need to be made to track such shortfalls and that corrective action be taken. As the part of ICANN which acts in the best interests of the Internet Users and thanks to its extensive geographic diversity and reach, the ALAC would like to extend its willingness to help locate what these shortfalls are with regards to users and looks forward to continue the dialogue with the Board and with ICANN Lead Staff to help in areas that it would be able to contribute to.

As a conclusion, the ALAC is looking forward to continue its involvement with the Strategic Planning Process but needs to point out that even more work needs to be done to extend the capability of input into the hands of the At-Large Structures and the users in those structures. It is the ability to collect significant input from the edges that will bring real accountability, transparency and legitimacy to the organization as a whole.

Proposed Statement from the ALAC (Version 1)

The ALAC is thankful for the opportunity to provide its input about the formulation of the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan.

On the whole the ALAC has seen a significant improvement in the formulation of the plan itself, and is pleased about the early involvement of all of ICANN’s communities. It is therefore supportive in general of the new timetable and the new format. It is definitely supportive of early involvement for our At-Large Community in the overall planning process. That said, it also believes that some improvements are still possible, especially in regards to a few specifics related to the At-Large Community.

Division into sub-categories

this years amendments  to last year's plan:-

There are many elements that have contributed to this year's draft of the Strategic Plan, including; consultations at the ICANN meeting in Singapore, feedback from the recent public comment forum, ongoing review and input from Staff and Board, ATRT Recommendations report, and phone consultations with the various SO/ACs. Here are the Clean [PDF, 865 KB] and Redline [PDF, 934 KB] versions of the Draft 2012-2015 Strategic Plan, also attached.

Next Steps:

ICANN will undertake the following steps in developing the Draft 2012-2015 Strategic Plan:

  1. Conduct SO/AC consultations in Dakar
  2. Continue to review and incorporate Community feedback
  3. Update the Draft Strategic Plan
  4. Post 2012-2015 Strategic Plan for Board consideration and approvalSee 2012-2015 Strategic Plan Draft Development Timeline


At-Large Statement on the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan


Strategic Plan 2012 -2015 key areas for our comments in the Amendment Review:

(Please see the current redline version below (taken from Page 3 of the report) and the ICANN Open Public Comments page.) Image Added

Particular attention should be addressed to the amendments made to:

1) considerable amendments to the Four Strategic Focus Areas p2 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015

2) the opportunity for our Community  to work with ICANN to improve strategic metric reporting; Building on the  initial list of strategic metrics related to each focus area published in 2010.  "The community is invited to participate in the development of the measurement and reporting methods for the metrics since the range of ICANN’s influence versus control varies for each metric." p5 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015 

3) the plans  to 'Enhance International DNS Cooperation' => "ICANN will work with the community to explore cost  effective approaches to SSR solutions. Also, community work needs to develop registration data in  the Whois database to accommodate internationalized registration data and related privacy policies.  ICANN also seeks continued engagement with the Internet community and law enforcement agencies to deter  malicious conduct.    ICANN staff will work to cooperatively to build  unique identifier SSR capability in developing countries. " p7 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015 

4) the plans to 'Enhance risk management and resiliency of the three unique identifiers' => "Improve responses to DNS security incidents. Security threats to the Internet continue to increase and with this increase comes the need for improvements in the processes and systems organizations use to respond to security incidents.  ICANN will continue the program for annual DNS risk assessment and systemic contingency planning and work with the community to develop effective and efficient methods of response to DNS security incidents.  ICANN will support the formation and planning efforts of a new working group on DNS risk management.  ICANN will also help initiate a DNS risk management  study with community and outside experts." p7 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015 

5) amendments to the strategic objectives in the Competition and Consumer Trust focus area including => "Maintain single authoritative root.  ICANN is chartered with  operating through open and transparent processes that enable competition and open entry in Internet-related markets.  ICANN pursues introducing competition while also maintaining the integrity of a single authoritative root  for the Internet.  Root zone scaling studies and other analyses have been and will continue to be performed to evaluate the impact of new gTLD, IDNs and other market opening programs on the technical integrity of the single authoritative root.  ICANN will continue to collaboratively work with the multi-stakeholder community to maintain a single authoritative root."

"Increased TLD Operations in more Languages"    and  " Rollout new gTLDs including IDNs. Increase regional participation in the industry After several years of policy development, the ICANN Board approved and launched the new gTLD program in June 2011.  ICANN is now focused on the execution phase of the new gTLD (and IDN) program.  ICANN is building the necessary capacity to process between several hundred to a few thousand new gTLD applications.  This will require expanded capacity in almost all functional areas of ICANN.   One important element of the new gTLD program will be benchmarking the effect of new gTLDs on competition, consumer choice, malicious conduct, rights protection and other considerations.  Also expanding the global DNS skillset for technology and operations is a key. The IDN and New gTLD Programs will result in more registries and registrars across all international regions. ICANN will build capacity to serve contracted parties and the interests of registrants and users across all regions. The new gTLD program brings the opportunity to increase the underrepresented regions of the world within the multistakeholder model.  Specific strategic projects include conducting education and training programs in partnership with ISOC, local TLD operators, and the local Internet communities" as well as  "Lower registration abuse. ICANN’s goal is to reduce the incidence and impact of  registration abuse and malicious conduct by supporting projects  that have the potential to affect the behaviors of global Internet participants. Related projects are to improve the contractual compliance regime for  gTLD  registrars and registries;  develop options to address internationalized registrant data in Whois and related Whois policies; and secure predictable environments for users by encouraging the development of best practices for registries and registrars to address the abusive registration of domain names and incorporation of Registrar Accreditation Agreement amendments. Staff and community will continue to work with WIPO and other authoritative bodies to design and implement rights protection policies that protect and enforce intellectual property rights on the Internet." pp9-10 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015

6) aspects of the 'Continuous Improvement Operational Excellence' program in general but not limited to the specific additional initiatives amendments " Facilitate Government Advisory Council (GAC) early and effective involvement in the policy development process."  and "...continue to improve enterprise-wide system and controls  to realize: increased capacity and scalability of operational workload, increased operational efficiencies,  accompanied by relative  reduction in operating costs, improved data integrity and availability, faster generation and publication of reports, better accessibility to financial information, improved customer service (both internal and external), greater sustainability of the base  technology.  ICANN is realizing the benefits of the new financial system that will improve the interrelationship between the Strategic and Operating plans and also assist in identification of the operating budgets allocated to support each of the four Strategic Focus Areas and the rationale for the levels of expenditures." p15 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015

7) Affirmation Review requirements and the focus to 'Strive to be an exemplary international multi-stakeholder organization' => " ICANN will

also actively participate in a wide range of constructive Internet governance-related debates in 
partnership with other organizations."  and " Increase stakeholder diversity and cross-stakeholder work. Over the past year, the community has increasingly used “cross” SO/AC working groups.  ICANN commits to maintain and improve robust mechanisms for public input, accountability and transparency so as to ensure that the outcomes of its decision-making will reflect the public interest and be accountable to all stakeholders. Strategic projects include continued refinement of the inclusive multi-stakeholder model that encourages and manages the active collection of views from the global community.  ICANN will continue efforts to increase community participation utilizing more remote participation technologies. Importantly, ICANN will work to retain and support existing community members and build upon recent efforts to formalize a cross-stakeholder model (i.e., across the GAC, Supporting Organizations and other Advisory Committees). The multi-stakeholder model recognizes the influence of governments, corporations, not-for-profits and how they fit into the naming and addressing system. The multi-stakeholder community continues to evolve with shifting priorities.  ICANN will work to generate more cross-stakeholder interaction to better enable community understandings and streamline policy development." as well as " World-class accountability  and transparency. ICANN is charged with fact-based policy development and decision-making.  The community and ICANN have completed the ATRT review resulting in 27 recommendations.  ICANN will continue to work with the community to implement the ATRT  recommendations.  ICANN will continue to evolve Board of Director policies  to reflect best practices in multi-stakeholder model governance. " and " Ease of global participation. As IDNs are deployed in greater numbers, more areas of the world will be able to have a voice to contribute their priorities on Internet governance. This includes outreach and programs Whilst the ALAC appreciates that for the sake of clarity, the plan was divided amongst 7+1 categories, there is a concern that this might restrict input from Advisory Committees such as the ALAC. Indeed, some categories which the ALAC champions, such as Outreach, would not fit in a single category: in this example, it would fit in (3) the multi-stakeholder model, as a foundation piece of the multi-stakeholder model, but it also would fit into item (6) competition and consumer trust. In the case of consumer trust, the ICANN classification appears to point at only the new gTLD process, whilst the ALAC we would be aiming at a much broader view for all of ICANN’s activities, including its structure, processes and actions. For the ALAC, this includes outreach and initiating and funding programs to search for more input from the edges of the multi-stakeholder model, all in the public interest.


Several of our Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) have expressed concerns with regards to timing of the Strategic Plan framework consultations. On the plan itself, the timeline was reassuring when looking at it during the Singapore meeting, since it was scheduled as taking place from July to September. However, when it came down to implementation and for the consultation to take place, the commenting period was instead 29 July to 29 August. In the Asia Pacific region APRALO, this timing took place after the July APRALO meeting and before next APRALO meeting. As a result, input from APRALO was made much harder. In the European EURALO region, the summer period is one traditionally used for lengthy holidays. It would have therefore been more reassuring to have a 40-45 day comment period bearing in mind the lower availability of community members at that period of the year.

Matching of Strategic and Operation plans

Some of our members are concerned that the Strategic Plan displays high level aims for ICANN which the ALAC supports. However, there appears to be a discrepancy between the Strategic Plan and the Operational Plan that follows. In other words, the implementation of the Strategic Plan does not appear to take place, or takes place with significant shortfalls. For example, metrics with regards to globalization, outreach, specifically in developing economies, inclusiveness, diversity etc. Whilst the ALAC understands that ICANN is developing such metrics, it points out that a significant effort will need to be made to track such shortfalls and that corrective action be taken. As the part of ICANN which acts in the best interests of the Internet Users and thanks to its extensive geographic diversity and reach, the ALAC would like to extend its willingness to help locate what these shortfalls are with regards to users and looks forward to continue the dialogue with the Board and with ICANN Lead Staff to help in areas that it would be able to contribute to.


. ICANN is committed to an integrated approach to outreach and improving our multi-lingual strategy to improve ease of participation in the ICANN multi-stakeholder model.  Ease of participation impacts systems, processes, documentation, meetings, communications and many aspects of ICANN.  ICANN’s goal is to continue to seek methods, technologies, languages and tools that will increase the ease for all people to participate in the multi-stakeholder Internet governance eco-system." pp 15-17 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015

8) In addition to any other matters regarding the 2012-2015 DRAFT Strategic Plan amendments as published as raised by RALO and At-Large discussions:


 ICANN will
also actively participate in a wide range of constructive Internet governance-related debates in 
partnership with other organizations.

Strategic Plan key areas for comment on Framework Review. (completed)

  • Policy development process (including Whois and IDNs)
  • Multi-stakeholder model  (including new stakeholders, balancing of input)
  • Globalization/Internationalization of ICANN (including the role of governments)
  • Underdeveloped nation participation (including how to increase participation)
  • DNS stability, security and resiliency (including DNNSEC adoption and RPKI deployment)
  • Introducing more competition, building consumer trust and choice (including a stable launch of a timely, predictable, reliable new gTLD process)
  • Strategic metrics (to measure performance and ensure project goals are aligned with strategic objectives)

Request for Comments

ALAC Statement on Draft Strategic Plan 2010-15



Regional Strategic Planning Workspaces


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