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Main ICANN Schedule for all other meetings and remote participation :

Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Monday, 22 June 2015

DNS Women's Breakfast 

Time: 07: 00-08: 00

Meeting Room: Catalinas

Lundi 22 juin 2015

Petit-déjeuner des femmes du DNS 

Horaire: 07: 00-08: 00

Salle de réunion:  Catalinas

Monday June 22, 2015

DNS breakfast Women 

Time: 07: 00-08: 00

 Boardroom: Catalinas 

Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015

Café da Manhã das Mulheres do DNS

Hours: 7am - 8am

Reuniões room: Catalinas

Meeting details:

Titles of the meeting:

Meeting Details :

Detalhes da reunião:

Monday, 22 June 2015

Welcome Ceremony & President's Opening Session

Time: 08: 30-10: 00

Meeting Room: Libertador AB

Lundi 22 juin 2015

Cérémonie de bienvenue et discours d'ouverture du président

Horaire: 8:30 to 10:00

Salle de réunion:  Libertador

Monday June 22, 2015

Welcome ceremony and inaugural meeting of the President

Time: 8: 30-10: 00

Boardroom:  Libertador

Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015

Cerimônia Boas-Vindas and Aperture do Sessão President

Hours: 8h30 - 10h

Reuniões room: Libertador AB

Meeting details:

Titles of the meeting:

Meeting Details :

Detalhes da reunião:

Monday, 22 June 2015

CWG-CCWG-Stewardship & Accountability Joint Townhall

Time: 10: 30-13: 00

Meeting Room: Libertador AB

Lundi 22 juin 2015

Conjointe discussion Séance du CWG-Supervision et du CCWG-Responsabilité

Heure: 10h30 - 13h00

Salle de réunion: Libertador AB

Monday, June 22, 2015

Joint general meeting of the CWG on the Custody and Liability CCWG

Time: 10: 30-13: 00

Boardroom: Libertador AB

Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015

Reunião joint Administração do CWG-eo-CCWG Responsibility

Hours: 10h30 - 13h

Reuniões room: Libertador AB

Meeting details:

Titles of the meeting:

Meeting Details :

Detalhes da reunião:

Monday, 22 June 2015

NARALO Monthly Meeting

Time: 13: 00-14: 00

Meeting Room: Golden Horn

Lead: SV

Notes: HU


Lundi 22 juin 2015

Réunion mensuelle NARALO

Heure: 13h00 - 14h00

Salle de réunion: Golden Horn


Monday, June 22, 2015

Monthly meeting of the NARALO

Time: 13: 00-14: 00

Boardroom: Golden Horn


Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015


I reunião mensal gives NARALO

Hours: 13h - 14h

Reuniões room: Golden Horn


Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Garth Bruen 


  1.  Action Items  Outstanding Items (5 minutes)
  2. Election NARALO Updates- Garth Bruen (5 mins)
  3. NARALO Newsletter- Eduardo Diaz (10 mins)
  4. Outreach Representation (10 mins)
  5. Volunteers Drive for At-Large Review Working Party Committees and other Working Groups (5 mins)
  6. Secretariat Monthly Template (5 mins)
  7. Atlas II Recommendations (5 mins)
  8. Update on Finance and Budget (5 mins)
  9. Other Business (10 mins)

Adobe Connect:  

Modérateur: Garth Bruen 

Ordre du jour:

  1. Points d'action - Questions en suspens (5 minutes)
  2. Mises à jour sur l'élection of NARALO- Garth Bruen (5 minutes)
  3. Bulletin d'information de NARALO- Eduardo Diaz (10 minutes)
  4. Sensibilisation sur la représentation (10 minutes)
  5. Volontaires Campagne pour le groupe de travail sur la révision et d'At-Large d'autres groupes de travail des committees (5 minutes)
  6. Mensuel modèle du secrétariat (5 minutes)
  7. Recommandations de l'Atlas II (5 minutes)
  8. Mise à jour sur les finances et le budget (5 minutes)
  9. Divers (10 minutes)

Adobe Connect:  

Moderator: Garth Bruen 


  1. Pending items Action Points (5 minutes)
  2. Update on elections NARALO - Garth Bruen (5 minutes)
  3. Newsletter of the NARALO - Eduardo Diaz (10 minutes)
  4. Representation broadcast (10 minutes)
  5. Campaign to recruit volunteers for the Review Working Group At-Large and other working groups (5 minutes)
  6. Form monthly report of the Secretariat (5 minutes)
  7. Atlas recommendations ll (5 minutes)
  8. Finance and Budget Update (5 minutes)
  9. Other issues (10 minutes)

Adobe Connect:  

Moderator: Garth Bruen


  1. Itens Itens of ação pendentes (5 min)
  2. Atualizações on to eleição gives NARALO - Garth Bruen (5 min)
  3. Boletim da NARALO information -  Eduardo Diaz (10 min)
  4. Representação of divulgação (10 min)
  5. Chamada volunteer for or Group Revisão do Trabalho of At-Large and outros Committees Working Groups (5 min)
  6. Mensal model gives Secretaira (5 min)
  7. Recomendações gives Atlas II (5 min)
  8. Atualização on finanças and orçamento (5 min)
  9. Outros subject index (10 min)

Monday, 22 June 2015

At-Large Technology Taskforce Meeting

Time: 14: 00-15: 00

Meeting Room: Golden Horn

Lead: HU

Notes: SV


Lundi 22 juin 2015

Réunion de l'équipe d'At-Large spéciale sur la technologie

Heure: 14h00 - 15h00

Salle de réunion: Golden Horn


Monday, June 22, 2015

Meeting of the Task Force on Technology At-Large

Time: 14: 00-15: 00

Boardroom: Golden Horn


Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015

Reunião da Força de Tecnologia do tarefa-At-Large (TTF)

Hours: 14h - 15h

Reuniões room: Golden Horn


Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Dev Anand Teelucksingh 


  1. Introduction
  2. TTF Activities since last ICANN Meeting (10 mins)
  3. Post-ATLAS II Recommendations Progress Report (10 mins)
  4. Website RFP Update with Laura Bengford (10 mins)
  5. List LACRALO Translation - next steps (10 mins)
  6. ALAC Funding Projects E-books and Captioning - Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein (10 mins)
  7. Outreach to At-Large for Recruitment - Judith Hellerstein (10 min)
  8. AOB

Adobe Connect:  

Modérateur: Dev Anand Teelucksingh 

Ordre du jour:

  1. Introduction
  2. Activités de l'équipe spéciale sur la technologie (TTF) depuis la dernière réunion de l'ICANN (10 minutes)
  3. Rapport sur les recommandations Progrès d'ATLAS II issues (10 minutes)
  4. Mise à jour de l'appel à propositions pour le site web avec Laura Bengford (10 minutes)
  5. Translation of the list of LACRALO - Prochaines étapes (10 minutes)
  6. Financement pour les projets d'ALAC sur les livres numériques et le sous-titrage - Glenn McKnight et Judith Hellerstein (10 minutes)
  7. Sensibilisation recrutement sur le au sein d'At-Large - Judith Hellerstein (10 minutes)
  8. Divers

Adobe Connect:  

Moderator: Dev Anand Teelucksingh 


  1. Introduction
  2. TTF activities since the last meeting of the ICANN (10 minutes)
  3. Progress report on the subsequent recommendations to ATLAS II (10 minutes)
  4. Update on the website for the request for proposals, with Laura Bengford (10 minutes)
  5. Translation of the LACRALO list - Next Steps (10 minutes)
  6. ALAC finance projects: electronic books and subtitling - Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein (10 minutes)
  7. Diffusion At-Large for recruitment - Judith Hellerstein (10 minutes)
  8. Other topics

Adobe Connect:  

Moderator: Dev Anand Teelucksingh 


  1. I introdução
  2. Atividades gives TTF from last found or gives ICANN (10 min)
  3. Relatório de Progresso das recomendações pós-ATLAS II (10 min)
  4. Atualização do site RFP com Laura Bengford (10 min)
  5. I tradução da da LACRALO list - next steps (10 min)
  6. ALAC do Projetos of finance for e-books and legendagem - Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein (10 min)
  7. Divulgação not recrutamento At-Large - Judith Hellerstein (10 min)
  8. Outros subject index

Monday, 22 June 2015

Names, Numbers and Protocols Communities Update

Time: 14: 00-15: 00

Meeting Room: Libertador AB

Lundi 22 juin 2015

Names, Numbers and Protocols Communities Update

Heure: 14h00 - 15h00

Salle de réunion: Libertador AB

Monday, June 22, 2015

Names, Numbers and Protocols Communities Update

Time: 14: 00-15: 00

Boardroom: Libertador AB

Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015

Names, Numbers and Protocols Communities Update

Hours: 14h - 15h

Reuniões room: Libertador AB

Meeting details:

Titles of the meeting:

Meeting Details :

Detalhes da reunião:

Monday, 22 June 2015

SO / AC High-Interest Topic

Time: 15: 15-16: 30

Meeting Room: Libertador AB

Lundi 22 juin 2015

Sujets d'actualité - Séance coordonnée par les SO / AC

Horaire: 15: 15-16: 30

Salle de réunion:  Libertador AB

Monday June 22, 2015

High interest topic by SO / AC

Time: 15: 15-16: 30

Boardroom:  Libertador AB

Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015

Interesse topic of OS / ACs

Hours: 15h15 - 16h30

Reuniões room: Libertador AB

Meeting details:

Titles of the meeting:

Meeting Details :

Detalhes da reunião:

Monday, 22 June 2015




Stewardship Engagement Session

Time: 16: 45-18: 00

Meeting Room:  Libertador AB

Lundi 22 juin 2015


CWG-Stewardship Engagement Session


Horaire: 16: 45-18: 00

Salle de réunion:  Libertador AB

Monday June 22, 2015


CWG-Stewardship Engagement Session

 Time: 16: 45-18: 00



Boardroom:  Libertador AB

Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015


CWG-Stewardship Engagement Session

Hours: 16h45 - 18h

Reuniões room: Libertador AB

Meeting Details:

Titles of the meeting:

Meeting Details :

Detalhes da reunião:

Monday, 22 June 2015

Internet Governance Public Session

Time: 18: 15-19: 30

Meeting Room:  Libertador AB

Lundi 22 juin 2015

Sur la gouvernance published Séance de l'Internet

Heure: 18h15 - 19h30

Salle de réunion: Libertador AB

Monday, June 22, 2015

Public meeting on Internet governance

Time: 18: 15-19: 30

Boardroom: Libertador AB

Segunda-feira, 22 de junho 2015

Public Sessão on Governança gives Internet

Hours: 18h15 - 19h30

Reuniões room: Libertador AB

Meeting details:

Titles of the meeting:

Meeting Details :

Detalhes da reunião: