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Per RDS PDP WG Call 24 May, 2016, Action item #3: Staff to create a below please find the latest sign-up list to facilitate volunteers coming forward allowing WG members to volunteer to review documents and identify possible requirements. WG members to sign up to review documents for possible requirements within 48 hours of circulation of sign-up sheet (below).

Instructions: This wiki sign-up sheet is to be used by RDS PDP WG members to volunteer to extract possible requirements for gTLD registration data or directory services (see To volunteer, sign up for a key input document that is familiar to you by picking an unassigned document from the sign-up sheet (below). You may volunteer to review multiple documents, but please sign up for only one document at a time to give all a chance to contribute in parallel.


  • Identify the associated charter question(s);
  • Succinctly quote or paraphrase a possible requirement, focusing on phase 1 policy requirements;
  • Cite the source document by title and hyperlink. Possible requirements may also be submitted from new sources not already listed below.
  • Many examples can be found in the latest draft of the WG list of possible requirements:  Draft 30 May.docx

Due date: WG members are encouraged to make progress on this task before the next WG call (7 June 2016), at which time the WG will assess progress and confirm that the initial possible requirements page is sufficiently complete to proceed to Task 9. Staff will integrate all submissions into the next draft of the RDS PDP List of Possible Requirements. 

Currently, the latest version of the RDS PDP List of Possible Requirements is Draft #2, 30 May. Draft #3 will be produced on 7 June. All WG member submissions to date can also be found by clicking on "Y" in the "Done" column below.



Draft 3 of this document was originally attached to Outreach Message #2 and provided to SO/AC/SG/Cs so that those groups could suggest any needed additions. WG members then extracted further possible requirements from additional documents (as recorded below) and from other sources for inclusion in Draft 4.

Draft 3 was also organized into grid format for triage into phases and groups - see RDS PDP List of Possible Requirements D3 - TriageInProgress - 13 July.docx.

Draft 4 included all possible requirements submitted since the original publication of Draft 3, in triaged grid format, along with keyword and coding definitions - see Draft 4: RDS PDP Initial List of Possible Requirements for gTLD registration data and directory services (11 September 2016) 

Next Steps:

All WG member submissions of possible requirements for registration data and directory services through 28 October 2016 have now been incorporated into:

This new draft:

  • includes all possible requirements submitted since the original publication of Draft 4,
  • deletes or moves possible requirements identified by the WG as having questionable relevance to the RDS, 
  • refines the code values initially mapped from keywords, and
  • orders code and keyword values alphabetically for easier filtering.

Triage will continue as the WG incorporates additional possible requirements (see pending assignments below) and reviews and refines codings.

The WG will now begin deliberation using subsets drawn from Draft 5, considering the possible requirements themselves.

All WG member submissions to date can be found by clicking on "Y" in the "Done" column below.



Key Input Document – Title and Hyperlink



EWG Report



EWG Final ReportFAQs, and Research (2014)

Chuck Gomes


Key Input Document – Title and Hyperlink



EWG Report



EWG Final ReportFAQs, and Research (2014)

Chuck Gomes





WHOIS Task Force & Policy Review Team Reports



WHOIS Policy Review Team Final Report (2012)

Susan Kawaguchi


WHOIS Task Force Final Report (2007) [HTML] and [PDF]



WHOIS Task Force Final Report (2003)






WHOIS Studies DocumentsTask Force & Policy Review Team Reports



GNSO Council Recommendation on Further Studies of WHOISWHOIS Policy Review Team Final Report (20082012)



Susan Kawaguchi

Kathy Kleiman



WHOIS Task Force Final Report (2007) [HTML] and [PDF]WHOIS Misuse Study and Final Study Report (2014)



WHOIS Registrant Identification Study and Final Study Task Force Final Report (20132003)






WHOIS Studies Documents



GNSO Council Recommendation on Further Studies of WHOIS (2008)

Richard Padilla


WHOIS Misuse WHOIS Privacy and Proxy Services Abuse Study and Final Study Report (2014)

Allan Liska


Richard Padilla

d5 (partial)

WHOIS Registrant Identification Study and Final Study Report (2013WHOIS Privacy and Proxy Relay/Reveal Survey and Final Survey Results (2012)



WHOIS Privacy and Proxy Services Abuse Study and Final Study Report (2014)



WHOIS Privacy and Proxy Relay/Reveal Survey and Final Survey Results (2012)



NORC WHOIS Accuracy StudyNORC WHOIS Accuracy Study (2010)



NORC Study on the Prevalence of Domain Names Registered Using A Privacy or Proxy Service Among the Top 5 gTLDs (2010)



US GAO Prevalence of False Contact Information for Registered Domain Names Study (2005)



GNSO WHOIS Technical Requirements Survey (2013)






SSAC Reports about WHOIS



SAC061, SSAC Comment on ICANN’s Initial Report from the Expert Working Group (2013)

Greg Aaron


SAC058, Report on Domain Name Registration Data Validation (2013)

Maryan Rizinski


SAC055, WHOIS: Blind Men and an Elephant (September 2012)

Greg Aaron


SAC054, Report on Domain Name Registration Data Model (June 2012)

Holly Raiche


SAC051, Report on Domain Name WHOIS Terminology (2011)

Jim Galvin





Registry & Registrar Agreements



2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA),
including RAA WHOIS requirements for Registrants (2013)

Sara Bockey


2014 New gTLD Registry Agreement,
including Specification 4 Registration Data Publication Services (2014)

Vlad Dinculescu





WHOIS Program Improvement Documents



Accuracy Reporting System (ARS) Pilot Study Report (2014)



ICANN Blog: Phase 1 of the ARS



ARS Phase 1 Validation Criteria (2015) 

Greg DiBiase


ICANN WHOIS Portal Knowledge Center Q&A: What is WHOIS data used for?



WHOIS Information Portal and Consolidated WHOIS Lookup Tool



WHOIS Primer



Annual Report on WHOIS Improvements (2014)



WHOIS Implementation Report (2015)



Final Report from the Working Group on Internationalized Registration Data (2015)


Jim Galvin, Amr Elsadr

reassigned Aug 13 

Final Report from the Expert Working Group on Internationalized Registration Data (2015)


Jim Galvin, Amr Elsadr

reassigned Aug 13 

ICANN Memorandum (Legal Review) to the IRT on Thin to Thick WHOIS Transition - Final Memorandum and Scope (2014-2015)



RDAP Operational Profile for Registries and Registrars (2016)






Related GNSO PDP Reports



GNSO PDP on Thick WHOIS and Final Report (2013)

Steve Metalitz


GNSO PDP on Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues (PPSAI)Final Report, and GNSO Council Recommendations to Board (2015)

Kiran MalancharuvilSusan Kawaguchi


GNSO PDP on Translation/Transliteration of Contact Information and Final Report (2015)


Jim Galvin, Amr Elsadr

reassigned Aug 13 




Procedure for Handling Conflicts with National Laws



GNSO Policy underlying current ICANN Procedure (2006)



ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law (2008)



Review of the ICANN Procedure for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law (2014)

Nathalie Coupet


2013 RAA's Data Retention Specification Waiver and Discussion Document (2014)

Greg Mounier





Other GNSO WHOIS Consensus Policies



WHOIS Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy

Ankur Raheja


WHOIS New gTLD URS Policy and Rules for URS Policy

Ankur Raheja

Greg Aaron



WHOIS Expired Domain Deletion Policy

Daniel Nanghaka 


WHOIS Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy

Vlad Dinculescu





GAC Communiques regarding WHOIS



Marrakech GAC Communiqué (March 2016)Maryan RizinskiY

Singapore GAC Communiqué (11 February 2015) 

Maryan Rizinski


Los Angeles GAC Communiqué (16 October 2014)

 Maryan Rizinski 


London GAC Communiqué (25 June 2014) 

Maryan Rizinski


Singapore GAC Communiqué (27 March 2014) 

Maryan Rizinski


Beijing GAC Communiqué (11 April 2013)



GAC 44 Prague Communiqué (28 June 2012)



GAC Principles regarding gTLD WHOIS Services (28 March 2007)

Tjabbe Bos


Law Enforcement Due Diligence Recommendations for ICANN (2010)

Vicky Sheckler



Article 29 Data Protection Working Party Letters and Documents



GAC Comments to Initial Report on the PPSAI PDP (Sep 2015)Vicky ShecklerY
GAC Public Comments to 2013 RAA WHOIS Accuracy Specification ReviewVicky ShecklerY
GAC Comments to New gTLD Program Safeguards Against DNS Abuse Report (19 May 2016)Vicky ShecklerY 




Article 29 Data Protection Working Party Letters and Documents



Article 29 Article 29 WP statement on the data protection impact of the revision of the ICANN RAA (2013-2014)

Vicky Sheckler


Article 29 WP comments on the data protection impact of the revision of the ICANN RAA concerning accuracy and data retention of WHOIS (2012)



Article 29 WP on ICANN Procedure for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law (2007)

Fabricio Vayra


Article 29 WP on ICANN’s WHOIS Database Policy (2006) 



Article 29 WP 76 Opinion 2/2003

 Fabricio Vayra 


Article 29 WP 5 Recommendation 2/1997 



Article 29 WP 20 Opinion 3/1999 



Article 29 WP 33 Opinion 5/2000 

Vicky Sheckler


Article 29 WP 41 Opinion 4/2001  

Vicky Sheckler


Article 29 WP 56 Working Document 5/2002

 Vicky Sheckler 


Article 29 WP Opinion 1/2010



Article 29 WP 203 Opinion 3/2013  

Kathy Kleiman


Article 29 WP 217 Opinion 4/2014

Richard Padilla





Council of Europe Declaration



Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on ICANN, human rights and the rule of law (3 June 2015)



Council of Europe's Treaty 108 on Data Protection (1985)

Kathy Kleiman?





European Parliament



News: Data protection reform – Parliament approves new rules fit for the digital era (April 2016)



Final Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (27 April 2016)

Greg Shatan,
other volunteers TBD 

reconfirmed Sep 27 

European Data Protection Directive (1995)

Sana Ali 





EDPS Correspondence regarding Registration Data



Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor: Europe's role in shaping the future of Internet Governance (23 June 2014)



ICANN's public consultation on 2013 RAA Data Retention Specification Data Elements and Legitimate Purposes for Collection and Retention (17 April 2014) 

Beth Allegretti





European Commission Website



Obligations of Data Controllers

Kathy Kleiman


Definition of Data Controllers

Kathy Kleiman





European Commission EU-US Privacy Shield-related Documents



European Commission News Announcement: EU-US Privacy Shield



Judgement of the Court (Grand Chamber) - Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner



EU-U.S. Privacy Shield draft (full text, February 2016)



Opinion 01/2016 on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield draft adequacy decision of the Article 29 WP 238

Sana Ali





Africa Union Documents



Africa Union Convention on Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection


Grace Mutung'u





International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications and Media Documents



Common Position relating to Reverse Directories (Hong Kong, 15.04.1998)



Common Position on Privacy and Data Protection aspects of the Registration of Domain Names on the Internet(Crete, 4./5.05.2000)

Stephanie Perrin


Common Position on Privacy and Data Protection aspects of the Publication of Personal Data contained in publicly available documents on the Internet (Crete, 4./5.05.2000)



Common Position on Incorporation of telecommunications-specific principles in multilateral privacy agreements: Ten Commandments to protect Privacy in the Internet World (Berlin, 13/14.09.2000)



Common Position on data protection aspects in the Draft Convention on cyber-crime of the Council of Europe(Berlin, 13/14.09.2000)






United Nations Human Rights Council



Human Rights Council - Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy (2016)

Ayden Ferdeline





U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)



Green Paper: Improvement of Technical Management of Internet Names and Addresses (1998)

Farell Folly


White Paper: Management of Internet Names and Addresses, Statement of Policy (2012)

Farell Folly


Affirmation of Commitments (AoC)

 Farell Folly 





National Laws or Court Rulings that may possibly apply to gTLDs, including



U.S. Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), 15 USC §1125



Judgement on preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU from Audiencia Nacional (Spain)



U.S. Supreme Court Case - McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission, 514 U.S. 334 (1995)

 Kathy Kleiman 


The Constitution of the State of California (USA): Article 1, Section 1

 Kathy Kleiman 


Massachusetts (USA) Right of Privacy, MGL c.214, s.1B

 Kathy Kleiman 


U.S. Judicial Redress Act of 2015



U.S. Federal Communications Commission Proposed Rule FCC 16-39: Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services

Carlton Samuels


Ghana Protection Act, 2012


Grace Mutung'u


South Africa’s Act No. 4 of 2013: Protection of Personal Information Act

Grace Mutung'u








Legacy WHOIS protocol (RFC 3912) (2004)

Scott Hollenbeck


Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP - RFC 7480) (2015)
See also related RFCs 7481, 7482 and the RDAP Operational Profile under WHOIS Improvements above 


Scott Hollenbeck

Ayden Ferdeline

Y & Y


Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP - RFC 5730) (2009)
See also related RFCs 5731, 5732, 5733 

Scott Hollenbeck


Inventory and Analysis of WHOIS Registration Objects (RFC 7485) (2015)



Privacy Considerations for Internet Protocols (RFC 6973) (2013)Stephanie Perrinreconfirmed Sep 30




Other Industry Expert Publications identified by PDP WG sub-teams thus far



Privacy & Information Security Law Blog: Article 29 Working Party Clarifies Purpose Limitation Principles



Anti-Phishing Working Group Advisory on Utilization of Whois Data For Phishing Site Take Down (2008)



Book: Global Tables of Data Privacy Laws and Bills (Greenleaf, 4rd Edition, January 2015) 

Kathy Kleiman


Article: Global data privacy laws 2015: 109 countries, with European laws now a minority (Greenleaf)

Holly Raiche? 


WorldLII Database of National Data Privacy Legislation



Blog: The EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (Simon Stickley - Capco, 12 May 2016)



Pew Research Center Surveys on Privacy:
Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Online (2013)
What Americans Think About Privacy (2014)
Teens, Social Media, and Privacy (2013)



eMarketer Article: Who Do Great Britain's Internet Users Trust with Data? (2016)






EWG Member Individual Statements and Blogs: (2014)



Dissenting Report from Stephanie Perrin [PDF, 108 KB] by Stephanie Perrin, EWG Member 

Ayden Ferdeline


How to Improve WHOIS Data Accuracy, by Lanre Ajayi, EWG Member

Qi Chao


Where Do Old Protocols Go To Die?, by Scott Hollenbeck, EWG Member

 Stacie Walsh 


Some Thoughts on the ICANN EWG Recommended Registration Directory Service (RDS), by Rod Rasmussen, EWG Member

 Qi Chao 


Building a Better WHOIS for the Individual Registrant, by Carlton Samuels, EWG Member

 Stacie Walsh 





Public Comments on RDS PDP Issue Report

Any referenced public comment document can be added here



Any referenced public comment document can be added here





Additional possible requirements have been submitted to the WG list from unpublished sources. Although these do not correspond to input documents and so are not listed above, those additional possible requirements can be found in the WG email archive and either have or will be incorporated into the draft initial possible requirements list. These additions include possible requirements gathered during the Cross-Community Session on RDS in Helskinki (see and provided by SO/AC/SG/Cs in response to Outreach Message #2 (see SG/C/SO/AC Input).