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All ICANN67 Planning Committee call Action Items and notes will be posted on this page.


27 February

Notes on ICANN67 remote meeting: 

Heidi Ullrichto confirm with Maureen Hilyard that a single issue call of the ALAC be held after the CPWG call during the week of the 2 March. 

JZ to contact the chairs of At-Lage ICANN67 session to discuss need for ground rules for chairing during ICANN67. 

20 February

Notes on ICANN 67 remote meeting

  • Heidi's ideas:

1) Determine the bilateral meetings such as sessions with BOARD, GAC, etc

2) Weekends- are we planning to hold calls on weekends?

3)Perhaps do a weekend of capacity building; then during the week, focus on policy, attending GNSO meetings, bilaterals, Board meeting, plenaries

  • OCL ideas:

Types of meetings :

  • OCL- Informational meetings - webinar
  • RALO meetings- RALO to arrange them at the time of their choice
  • Sessions ICANN 67- our own sessions we can do them at a later time not necessarily  in ICANN's time
  • ICANN 67 with OTHER communities during the  ICANN 67 week
  • Others- we need more information before deciding. 
  • Comments and suggestions: 
    • Maureen mentioned the zoom room can be divided into break outs – good for certain type of meetings
    • Jonathan suggested : We could use more video. We could also have people record their presentations for download so that they don’t have to stream them

    • Maureen: Exec summaries are useful to be developed
    • Maureen asked if we keep talking points if we go 2-3 week program
    • Jonathan DNS 101 is a presentation where is more like a webinar type of session
    • Joanna's session is a HIT type of session- part of ICANN's schedule
    • Interpretation, transcriptions are a  must- just like in F2F meetings
    • Question for Ash: Jonathan asked if ICANN has a "zoom license'
    • will ICANN be organizing local hubs in countries around the world?

13 February 2020

04 February 2020

  •  Heidi Ullrich  to check with CT on departure dates for additional LACRALO Board Members.
  •  Gisella Gruber to move Regional Leaders Meeting to Saturday afternoon. 
  •  For the GAC/ALAC Meeting: 1) There will be an intersessional call between our Small Group on SubPro and GAC Focus group on new gTLD; To review its results would be one item on the joint ALAC/GAC agenda in Cancun. 2)Other items for joint meeting in Cancun: EPDP, Capacity Building, Contacts and cooperation on national level.

23 January 2020


  •  Yesim Nazlar to set up weekly ICANN67 Planning Committee calls: suggest either set date and time or weekly Doodles: WEEKLY, Thursdays at 17:00 UTC
  •   Jonathan Zuckto provide talking points for the Saturday 7 March 2020 morning session, based on the Plenary session topics, to include possible background/briefing information as well. 
  •  Suggestion from Natalia: May we discuss joint meetings with RIRs and ALSs (special invitation for them) for the discussion of common topics and participation, membership, common ways for Capacity building work etc?
