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I wanted to ask whether anyone wanted to add anything in any other business or wanted to amend the agenda.  There is nothing.  I have received an email prior to this call from Cintra who wanted to have a quick announcement with regards to the WHOIS Survey Review Team Working Group, that will be added in AOB at the end of this call.  And now we can move straight over to the roll call please.

Gisella Gruber:                        Thank you Olivier.  On today's ALAC call on Tuesday 24 January we have Pastor Peters, Eduardo Diaz, Cintra Sooknanan, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Alan Greenberg, Sebastien Bachollet, Oksana Prykhodko, Evan Leibovitch, Ron Sherwood, Sandra Hoferichter, Rudi Vansnick, Wolf Ludwig, Carlton Samuels, Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Yaovi Atohoun, Avri Doria. 
On the Spanish channel we have Sergio Salinas Porto, Sylvia Herlein Leite.  Currently there is no one on the French channel.  Apologies: Jose Arce, Titi, Ganesh Kumar.  From staff we have Heidi Ullrich, Matt Ashtiani, Silvia Vivanco, and myself Gisella Gruber.  Our interpreters on the Spanish channel are Sabrina, Veronica and on the French channel we have Pierre and Ala.  If I could also please remind everyone to state their names when speaking, this is very important for transcript purposes as well as for the interpreters to be able to say on the other channel who is speaking.  Have I left anyone off the roll call?  Over to you Olivier, thank you.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thanks very much Gisella and welcome to everyone.  Again I see there are quite a few people here so we will try and do this call in an hour and a half.  The agenda is quite long but a [inaudible 00:03:12] and with the review of action items 20 December 2011 ALAC.  [Inaudible 00:03:23] and if I ask everyone to click on the agenda that takes you to there you will notice there has been a little bit of movement. 
We will just go through the open action item and I thought we would also go through the recently closed action items since several of them were completed and need to be noted.  Open action items, that’s to update list of cross constituency working groups on the ALAC Wiki page.  There is no change, it's still in progress.  Second one, Cheryl to manage winding up and archiving working groups to be closed, Matt to schedule time to work with Cheryl on this, these are all still in progress as Matt is doing this in times when he has a little bit of time between other works that he has to do.  
Beau to Chair and repopulate the At-Large Registrant Rights and Responsibilities Working Group, this one was in progress last month, is there any update on this actually?  I believe Evan was speaking to Beau about that.   
Evan Leibovitch:                     There has been some contact but nothing firm yet.  I know that it is an interest.  He and I have had some email contact but I don’t think he is in the process of starting something. 
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thank you Evan.  And then fourth, Gisella to synchronize At-Large’s Calendar of Events with Global Partnerships’ calendar, Gisella that’s still in progress?
Gisella Gruber:                        Yes Olivier it is in progress.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Now I wonder Gisella can we take this off our action items and put this - because it is in progress we can put it in ‘No Update Required?’
Gisella Gruber:                        Yes, I would agree.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thank you.  We move that over to the ‘No Update Required’ long-term action items.  And so I just wanted to go quickly through the recently closed, but prior to this anyone have any comments with regards to the open action items?    No one, okay so then the recently closed ones some of them are actually quite old.  Matt Ashtiani to send a message to the ALAC Announce mailing list regarding the new gTLD statement proposed by Evan Leibovitch, there is an update on this actually. 
The Doodle has gone out and in fact that’s related to recently closed action Item #6, the new gTLD statement, a Doodle has been sent out.  Is there an answer as to when we will be able to hold a call on this please?  Or is the Doodle still open?
Gisella Gruber:                        The Doodle is still open.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thank you Gisella.  Next Matt Ashtiani to see if further  of the RALO Monthly Reports is possible, Matt has been looking at this.  Any final updates since this is a closed item Matt?
Matt Ashtiani:                                    No update at this time.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thanks.  Matt Ashtiani to follow up with NARALO with the status of their monthly reports, in fact that has been done and we have received all of the missing monthly reports since then.  I do have to say it's great to see that they are getting filled in all regions now.  Staff to send OCL a final version of the ALAC Statement on the Preliminary Support Implementation Program, that has been done and I think we closed that action item during our last meeting.  Matt Ashtiani to conduct a vote on the [JAC] working group motion, that has been done as well. 
The next one staff to set a call with Evan, we've just spoken about.  And the last one conducting a vote on the SOI and COI question, do you agree that ALAC members, ExCom members, regional leadership and liaisons should have an SOI published on the ICANN website?  Gisella is this still open or has this been closed since?
Matt Ashtiani:                        The poll closed this morning, two hours ago.  The current results are 19 people voted, 18 people voted yes, the one person abstained.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thank you.  I think we can say that this is all gone.  Next, any suggestions or questions on the action items from anyone?  No questions, okay so then we can move on to the review of current At-Large structure applications.  And my goodness look how many we have going on in parallel, that’s quite a feat to see so many simultaneously.  Who can take us through those, is it Matt or?
Matt Ashtiani:                                    Yes I can take you through them right now.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Please yes.
Matt Ashtiani:                        Let's go one by one.  157 - Internet Society Cameroon Chapter, we are awaiting regional advice from AFRALO.  This may need to be updated but 158 - The Association of Notary Public Professionals of Uruguay, we are awaiting regional advice from LACRALO.  159 - National Association for Digital Inclusion, we are awaiting regional advice from LACRALO.  160 - The Ecuadorian Association for Free Software, we are currently conducting due diligence.   161 - Internet Society Armenia Chapter, we are awaiting regional advice from APRALO.  162 - Wikimedia Austria, we are awaiting regional advice from EURALO.  
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thank you very much Matt and I see there is awaiting regional advice from several regions here.  I just wonder whether we can just go from region to region and see how far the process has gone on this.  Could I ask someone from AFRALO to be able to speak to us about Internet Society Cameroon Chapter application?  Tijani please.
Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    For ISOC Cameroon, AFRALO decided to put a deadline for the ALSs to give their point of view and the deadline is today.  By tomorrow you will receive advice of AFRALO.  So far we have received only positive advice.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Tijani.  And then I will ask for representative from LACRALO please.  Yes Dev.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:       Thank you Olivier.  Regarding the ALS applications, yes we are our due diligence and we hope to submit them by the end of this month.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Dev.  Okay so we'll move over to the next region and that's APRALO, the Internet Society Armenia Chapter.  Any update on this please from someone from APRALO.  Sala do you have any knowledge of the progress on the application or has this not been passed around the region yet?
Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro:         It has been passed around, but I can confirm later perhaps by email.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay, thank you Sala.  And finally someone from EURALO Wiki Media Austria.
Wolf Ludwig:                          I sent a comment today to ALAC staff.  I don't know whether this is enough for the time being, but our first reaction and response to the New Wiki Media Austria I think is positive.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thank you very much Wolf and I see two people have put their hands up.  Dev, your hand is still up is this from before or do you wish to add something?  No, okay and Oksana your hand is up as well.  Do you wish to add something to what Wolf has told us?
Oksana Prykhodko:                Thank you very much Olivier.  I would like to support Armenia.  I vote for chapter application, support of they participated in common projects and they know this organization very well.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay thank you Oksana.  So, that's noted.  Support for EURALO for an APRALO application.  I'm all too happy to see regions support each other. Thanks very much. 
                                                So now we can move onto the next part agenda item #5, the reports.  As you will see on the agenda there are reports filed then by all of the RALOs, but also monthly reports from our liaisons with the GNSO and the ccNSO.  We don't usually go through those, but out let the ccNSO and the GNSO liaisons just a couple words about what's happened in their communities should I say.  ccNSO first please.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I wasn't planning on saying very much at all especially since the monthly ICANN newsletters and policies has just come out and things like the new joining of memberships as I predicted in last time's report a few things concerned from Iraq have all been covered there.  Just perhaps a full warning then seeming you have giving me the microphone.  Thank you Olivier. 
                                                A very interesting server that we need to watch that they started with financial contributions from the ccTLD community to ICANN [15:38] and I think it will be worthwhile if Ron and I take a little bit of time in a future agenda to discuss the results of that when it comes through.  So, it may or may not be at a fast pace on the timing, but I do think that tops the ICANN community and indeed many of our At-Large community members may not be aware in some cases significant amounts of income that ICANN derives the ccNSO community with ccTLD member contributions.  Other than that if Miss Ron has anything to bring up I'll pass it to the GNSO.          
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Cheryl.  Ron do you have anything to add?
Ron Sherwood:                       Yes, I agree.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thanks very much Ron.  Okay and next Alan Greenberg for the GNSO liaison.
Alan Greenberg:                      Not much to report.  The GNSO continues to have monthly meetings that are heavily loaded, items go way over time and we always complete before the end of each two hours allotted.  I don't know how they do it or how we do it, but I think it's a lesson to be learned.
                                                Nothing very much that needs knowing right now, most of it is in my written report.  I did make a recommendation which I see is already followed based on a later item on our agenda, so I don't even think I need to highlight that.  So, nothing at the moment other than to remind people that the final issue report on the RAA will be coming out soon at which point the GNSO will initiate a PDP since it's a board request they have no choice and we will need participation.  So anything we can do to raise awareness and get people active in RAA issues will be a good thing.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Alan.  Any questions or suggestions or comments to our liaison reports?  All right, then we can move on to the new business items.  I see Sebastien has put his hand up.  So, Sebastien you have the floor.
Sebastien Bachollet:                Yeah, I know that there is no liaison to the board and then you got that report of what is happening at the board.  And I would like to take in support of the suggestion that you were because other work is going on as a board member and I think that it's important for you to know that last year work done at the level of the program for the New gTLD because you knew they are still subject and we have to decide a plan for example [inaudible 00:19:55], for example [inaudible 00:19:57] process and some others. 
                                                And the second point, it's also important to know that there are discussions about the RAA and I know that it's [inaudible 00:20:12] to the work done by the GNSO and I don't know how all that will converge because if we add that some of the requests currently going on [inaudible 00:20:27] and it's also all done by the GNSO, by the regional team.  I feel that there it's a lot of things are not going on together and I hope that we will have a broader view.  And I wanted to thank you for your position about RAA and others in the last thing she raised.  Thank you.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Sebastien and yes of course since you do keep a close eye on what's happening at large.  I'm sure you mentioned to your colleagues some of the work that we've done here.  And I said mentioned it as an oh yes I've read that and it might be interesting for you to read this to.  Next is Evan Leibovitch in the queue. 
