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The deadline for the candidates to respond is 24 September 2014 at 2523:59 UTC.



Cheryl Langdon-Orr




  1. Describe how or why you meet the following criterion: The GNSO Liaison will normally be current or past ALAC Members, or otherwise familiar with the ALAC and At-Large. (RoP 7.3)

In addition to extensive and wide ranging interactions and roles (including in Key Leadership positions and Representational roles) in other parts of ICANN, I have been since 2005 a continuous and currently active Member of the At-Large Community, my ALS (ISOC-AU) and its work in the RALO (once APRALO was formed having been part of the drafting of its MOU with ICANN) and ICANN in more general terms, as well as a regular contributor and active participant in APRALO affairs;

Specifically with relation to RoP 7.3 I am a past ALAC Member, having joined the ALAC in 2006 as APRALO Representative, serving three (3) terms as ALAC Chair, 2007-10; one (1) term as ALAC Vice Chair (2010-11); followed by three (3) terms as ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO (noting this role has one as an ex-officio member of the ALAC Leadership / Leadership Team) before taking up my ICANN Board appointed roles of Nominating Committee Chair Elect in 2013 and Chair in 2014.

2. Describe how or why you meet the following criterion: The GNSO Liaison will be familiar GNSO and GNSO Council. (RoP 7.3)

Previous to 2004/5 for several years, my predominate involvement with ICANN was with the ccNSO via my role as a Director of the .au Domain Name Administrator auDA (for the Australian Country Code TLD .au); although in 2004/5 I was also instrumental in gaining ALS status for the Internet Society of Australia (Certified in March 2005); Prior to that however I had been an active member of the GNSO precursor DNSO and a supporter of the creation of ICANN, so had retained a close watching brief on the GNSO its development, Constituencies and Work Groups etc., during my pre ALAC years. As an ALAC/At-Large Member and indeed in representational roles on behalf of the ALAC or the AP-Region I have been an active and effective participant in a good number of GNSO PDP Working Groups, Drafting Teams and Cross Community activities including but not completely limited to the following:


Cross Community WG  -  Implementation Advisory Group for Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice (IAG-CCT)

Cross Community Working Group on a Framework of Principles for Future CWGs -  (Cwg-framework-principles)

Cross Community Working Group on the Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs

GNSO Policy and Implementation Work Group 

GNSO non-PDP Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group  (Co-Chair)  (DMPM-WG)

Recent / PAST:

Cross Community  SO/AC WG on DNS Security and Stability Analysis (DSSA-WG)

GNSO Policy and Implementation Work Group Charter Drafting Team

GNSO Metrics and Reporting Work Group Charter (metrep-wg) Drafting Team

GNSO Charter for Consumer Metrics Project (ConsumerCCI-WG)

Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support (JAS-WG)

GNSO Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) (ALAC liaison alternate) 

GNSO Policy Process Steering Committee Policy Development Process Work Team (PDP-WT)

GNSO Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery PDP Working Group (PEDNR)

GNSO Registrar Accreditation Agreement Working Group (RAA) (Group a & Group b)

GNSO Vertical Integration Working Group (VI-WG)

I am also an Individual Member of the GNSO's Non Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG), that is not a Member of either of its constituencies NCUC or NPOC; and I was actively engaged (as ALAC Chair) in the last review of the GNSO which resulted in its unique bicameral current structure. I have also developed good working relationships and interactions with all the Stakeholder Groups and Constituency sub units of the current GNSO model. 

Additionally since the 2006 ICANN Meeting`#25 in Wellington I have attended at least 1-2 days (either remotely or onsite) of the GNSO Council meetings held during ICANN Public Meetings (#'s 25-50), often in my capacity as Member of one of the aforementioned WG's for the purposes of reporting and feedback to and from the GNSO Council, in addition to formal meetings on behalf of ALAC, ccNSO, ATRT 1 or NomCom).

3. 3.  When representing the ALAC, Appointees have an obligation to solicit ALAC and At-Large views on the matter where practical and possible. Appointees should be selected knowing that in many instances such consultation may not be possible or practical and thus the ALAC needs to select people who understand the philosophies or guiding values and principles of the ALAC and At-Large. [RoP 7.8] Explain why you believe you will be able to meet this criterion.


As an experienced Liaison of the ALAC ( to the ccNSO, serving from 2010 to 2013 before joining the ICANN Nominating Committee as Chair Elect) as well as in several of my other Leadership and/or Representational roles within ICANN and ALAC/At-Large, my understanding of the philosophies, guiding principles, key objectives and of course current debate and discussion of ALAC as well as the wider At-Large Community (across all Regions noting I am subscribed to and read all RALO and most WG lists), Domain Name registrants and Internet end users; has been key to the trust and respect building/establishment I have managed in these roles and of course has been pivotal in the effectiveness and success of the outcomes I have achieved therein. I have a proven record of feedback and communication between groups I liaise with or represent, and maintain regular and updated wiki and other relevant online tools and lists to ensure that both reporting is maintained as well as input sourced and solicited.



The GNSO Liaison has the following responsibilities described below. Do you agree to carry out these responsibilities diligently?

    1. responsible for communicating ALAC positions to the GNSO, and for reporting on GNSO activities, meetings and actions that may be of interest to the ALAC (RoP 7.5);
    2. expected to be participate in all GNSO Council activities and be active in other GNSO activities (RoP 7.6.3);
    3. Appointees have an obligation to ensure that it is clear whether they are speaking on behalf of themselves, the ALAC or any other organization that they are affiliated with. Moreover, Liaisons must fairly represent positions of the ALAC where they exist. (RoP 7.7)
    4. Appointees shall accept, while acting in their capacity on behalf of the ALAC, to put the collective views of the ALAC ahead of their own, to the extent that such views are known (RoP 7.9)
      1.   When the personal views are in conflict with ALAC views, the Appointee must make clear which position is which.
      2.   To the extent that such ALAC views are not known, personal views should not be misrepresented as ALAC views.

    5. Agree to abide by the ALAC Rop and other requirements as may be agreed to by the ALAC from time to time (Rop 4.1)
    6. Serve on behalf of the ALAC and the At-Large Community by acting for the good of the entire Community. (RoP 4.2)
    7. Submit a Statement of Interest (SoI) including basic professional information, in a format agreed to by the ALAC, and keep that SoI up to date. (RoP 4.3)
    8. Attend all ALAC meetings, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not note be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical. (RoP 4.4)
    9. Prepare for and actively participate in all ALAC discussions, including face-to-face meetings, teleconferences, e-mail lists, wikis and other means of interaction as agreed to by the ALAC. (RoP 4.5)
    10. Should a situation arise where a person can no longer reasonably (currently and ongoing) carry out the obligations of a role, be obliged to either resign or otherwise ensure that the ALAC and At-Large are well-served. (RoP 4.9)
    1. Participate in all ALT activities, both face-to-face and teleconferences, unless explicitly excluded, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical. (Not in RoP, but a practice that is now expected).
    2. Meet all of the requirements identified for Liaisons and Appointees in the ALAC Rules of Procedure Adjunct Document 01 - Position Description for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees (


YES I do so undertake to do so... Noting that as a key part of the drafting team of these Rules, and serving as its Chair, I am absolutely aware of their meaning and intent, and have full understanding and cognisance of the undertaking, requirement of the role on an effective and efficient ALAC Liaison to the GNSO.

5. Do you have any additional statement to make to related to why you should be selected as GNSO Liaison?

I believe that my long and significant relationship with the GNSO, and GNSO Council, including but not limited to my extensive CWG / WG / DT activities allows me to enter the role of ALAC Liaison to the GNSO following on from the effective and successful work that Alan Greenberg has achieved, with a high and often difficult to achieve degree of trust, familiarity and acceptance, from all parties concerned. I am well aware of the extensive amount of time and dedication that is required to effectively and efficiently undertake this pivotal role on behalf of the ALAC, demands and I am not only willing to make that available but have a proven track record of being able to consistently commit that required time, energy, dedication experiences and skills to the task at hand within the context of ALAC and At-Large activities specifically as well as in ICANN work more generally. Additionally my extensive experiences and significant roles and responsibilities undertaken on behalf of ALAC and At-Large ensures that I possess and exceed the Rules based requirements to be a high performance Liaison for the ALAC with the GNSO.

Additional ICANN specific information and biographical links about me can be found on this link Home which also links to both my ALAC and GNSO Statements of Interest which I maintain under the principle of Continuous Disclosure.

Finally we all know that following on from the success and efforts made by Alan Greenberg in his terms as ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council, is a challenging and important task, and having worked so closely with Alan so often in his role over the years I have a keen understanding about just what this exactly means, but I firmly believe that my skill sets and experience both within the ICANN world and beyond makes me the ideal and most effective choice for the ALAC to make.

Murray McKercher

  1. Describe how or why you meet the following criterion: The GNSO Liaison will normally be current or past ALAC Members, or otherwise familiar with the ALAC and At-Large. (RoP 7.3)

I have been a member of the At-Large Community since attending the ICANN45 in Toronto in October of 2012. I attached myself to NARALO as an un-affiliated member. Subsequently I have actively participated remotely with ICANN Meetings 46,47,48,49 and in person at ICANN50 as working group chair for Public Relations sub working group for the ATLAS II event.

In 2014, I became the ICANN Liasion to the .mobi Policy Advisory Board and have participated in board activity throughout 2014.

Over the past two years I have become familiar with the processes of the At-Large community and the ALAC.

2. Describe how or why you meet the following criterion: The GNSO Liaison will be familiar GNSO and GNSO Council. (RoP 7.3)

 I have had discussion with Alan Greenburg on occasion in regards to some issues covered by the GNSO and the GNSO council, and have familiarized myself with these issues and have reviewed the councils, Rules of Procedure. I do have much to learn, however, I may bring a fresh point of view to the discussions.
 3. When representing the ALAC, Appointees have an obligation to solicit ALAC and At-Large views on the matter where practical and possible. Appointees should be selected knowing that in many instances such consultation may not be possible or practical and thus the ALAC needs to select people who understand the philosophies or guiding values and principles of the ALAC and At-Large. [RoP 7.8] Explain why you believe you will be able to meet this criterion. 


1.       When representing the ALAC, Appointees have an obligation to solicit ALAC and At-Large views on the matter where practical and possible. Appointees should be selected knowing that in many instances such consultation may not be possible or practical and thus the ALAC needs to select people who understand the philosophies or guiding values and principles of the ALAC and At-Large. [RoP 7.8] Explain why you believe you will be able to meet this criterion.


Although I have been involved with At-Large for a relative short time I have had a number of personal conversations with ALAC members during the London ATLAS II gathering. Through these interactions I feel I have a solid grounding in the philosophy and guiding principles of the ALAC.

4. The GNSO Liaison has the following responsibilities described below. Do you agree to carry out these responsibilities diligently?


    1. responsible for communicating ALAC positions to the GNSO, and for reporting on GNSO activities, meetings and actions that may be of interest to the ALAC (RoP 7.5);


    1. expected to be participate in all GNSO Council activities and be active in other GNSO activities (RoP 7.6.3);


    1. Appointees have an obligation to ensure that it is clear whether they are speaking on behalf of themselves, the ALAC or any other organization that they are affiliated with. Moreover, Liaisons must fairly represent positions of the ALAC where they exist. (RoP 7.7)


    1. Appointees shall accept, while acting in their capacity on behalf of the ALAC, to put the collective views of the ALAC ahead of their own, to the extent that such views are known (RoP 7.9)



        1.   When the personal views are in conflict with ALAC views, the Appointee must make clear which position is which.


        1.   To the extent that such ALAC views are not known, personal views should not be misrepresented as ALAC views.


      1. Agree to abide by the ALAC


      1. Rop and other requirements as may be agreed to by the ALAC from time to time


      1. (


      1. Rop 4.1)


      1. Serve on behalf of the ALAC and the At-Large Community by acting for the good of the entire Community. (RoP 4.2)


      1. Submit a Statement of Interest (SoI) including basic professional information, in a format agreed to by the ALAC, and keep that SoI up to date. (RoP 4.3)


      1. Attend all ALAC meetings, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may


      1. note be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical. (RoP 4.4)


      1. Prepare for and actively participate in all ALAC discussions, including face-to-face meetings, teleconferences, e-mail lists, wikis and other means of interaction as agreed to by the ALAC. (RoP 4.5)


      1. Should a situation arise where a person can no longer reasonably (currently and ongoing) carry out the obligations of a role, be obliged to either resign or otherwise ensure that the ALAC and At-Large are well-served. (RoP 4.9)



      1. Participate in all ALT activities, both face-to-face and teleconferences, unless explicitly excluded, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical. (Not in RoP, but a practice that is now expected).


      1. Meet all of the requirements identified for Liaisons and Appointees in the ALAC Rules of Procedure Adjunct Document 01 - Position Description for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees (


    I agree.


    Do you have any additional statement to make to related to why you should be selected as GNSO Liaison?

    My interest in the Internet has been a passion since 1981 when I first began playing with computers and x.25 and x.75 packet switched networks. As a global communications technology I remain interested in the development and stewardship of this critical global resource.