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13:00 PDT, 16:00 EDT, 22:00 Paris CEST, (TuesdayThursday) 01:00 Karachi PKT, (TuesdayThursday) 05:00 Tokyo JST, (TuesdayThursday) 06:00 Melbourne AEST 

For other times:



  1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
  2. Zoom Introduction
  3. Continue Review of Public Comments: Questions for Community Input – start at Question e8, line 145
  4. AOB

For agenda item 2, please review the Google document at: [].  

Background Documents



Adobe Connect Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendance & AC chat Dial outs:Chat

Apologies: Flip Petillion, Annebeth Lange, Jim Prendergast, Abdulkarim A.Oloyede, Martin Sutton, Alberto Soto



Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

ACTION ITEM: Question e9: Request clarification from Honduras (RDS-HN).

Brief Notes:

Question e8:

Line 145 -- Governments of Argentina, Chile, Colombia -- official, relevant national, regional, and community languages

Line 146 -- IPC -- Concerns -- official languages

Line 147 -- INTA -- official languages

Line 148 -- United States -- UN and official languages

Line 149 -- Group of Registries -- Divergence -- official languages, does not support requirement of support/non-objection

Line 150 -- Brand Registry Group -- Divergence -- no translations

Line 151 -- Registrar Stakeholder Group -- Divergence -- no translations

Line 152 -- NCSG -- Divergence -- no translations (or reservations of geo names period)

Line 153 -- RySG -- [does not appear to directly answer the question]

Question e9:

Line 155 -- Business Constituency -- Kept

Line 156 -- IPC -- Kept, or perhaps modified (to not be required if applicant is using as a .brand)

Line 157 -- ALAC -- Some want to keep, some want to modify

Line 158 -- Government of Spain, etc. -- Modified (as in, the letter should always be required)

Line 159 -- Portuguese Government -- Modified (as in, the letter should always be required)

Line 160 -- Governments of Argentina, Chile, and Colombia -- Modified (as in, the letter should always be required)

Line 161 -- Government of Brazil --Modified (as in, the letter should always be required)

Line 162 -- United States -- New Idea -- modified (to a different standard…)

Line 163 -- dotBerlin etc. -- New Idea -- modified (to reference specific list)

Line 164 -- Dotzon -- New Idea -- modified (to reference specific list)

Line 165 -- Brand Registry Group -- New Idea -- modified (optional)

Line 166 -- INTA -- modified (to not be required if applicant has TM rights)

Line 167 -- RySG -- Agreement (qualified) -- some want to eliminate, some want to modify

Line 168 -- NCSG -- New Idea, Concerns -- modified (as in, insert contractual requirements), curative mechanism

Line 169 -- Registrar Stakeholder Group -- Divergence -- eliminated (as in, support or non-objection should never be needed)

Line 170 -- Group of Registries -- Divergence -- eliminated (as in, support or non-objection should never be needed)

Line 171 -- RDS-HN -- [comment]

Question e10:

Line 173 -- Government of Spain, etc. -- modified (as in, the letter should always be required), does not reference specific proposals

Line 174 -- Portuguese Government -- modified (as in, the letter should always be required), does not reference specific proposals

Line 175 -- Governments of Argentina, Chile, and Colombia -- modified (as in, the letter should always be required), does not reference specific proposals

Line 176 -- dotBerlin -- proposal 21

Line 177 -- dotzon -- proposals 19 (variant 3), 21, 23, 26, 24, and 25 (but qualified)

Line 178 -- Registrar Stakeholder Group -- proposal 20

Line 179 -- IPC -- Supports proposals 19, 20, 26; opposes proposal 19 v1, v2, and v3; 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Line 180 -- United States -- modified (to a different standard…); curative mechanism/PIC; does not reference specific proposals