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At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN78

Jonathan Zuck welcomed the ALAC to ICANN78 and provided a summary of upcoming ALAC sessions at ICANN78.

Hadia Elminiawi provided updates and overview of talking points on IDNs and UA, Transfer Policy PDP, GNSO GGP on ASP, the Next Round program, Registration data accuracy scoping team, Closed Generics (note that it is no long on the Next Round critical path), DNS abuse, holistic reviews, and ICANN governance and operations. 

  • Maureen Hillyard emphasized the importance of working on the Applicant Support Program manual that will be provided to potential applicants. Highlighted that the ALAC will be important in outreach effort for ASP. 
  • Jonathan Zuck emphasized that the next round of the New gTLD Program would be a failure if ICANN org does not receive a diverse applicant pool. Jonathan Zuck emphasized that the Next Round should not focus on North American and European regions. 
  •  ALAC/At-Large members to fill out At-Large Sessions Reports from ICANN78. 

Joint Session: ALAC and GNSO Council

Justine Chew welcomed everyone to the meeting between the GNSO and ALAC.

Jonathan Zuck provided an update on incoming and outgoing ALAC leadership and Sebastien Ducos, GNSO chair, provided an update on incoming and outgoing GNSO council leadership.

ALAC and Council leadership discussed diacritics in New gTLDs (specifically .Quebec and .Québec), Next Round New gTLD Program, and Registration Data Request Service (RDRS). 

  • Regarding diacritics: The GNSO Council will continue to discuss the issue of diacritics, Council has not yet determined how they would like to proceed with the issue. 
  • Regarding the Next Round New gTLD Program: The GNSO Council is expanding the existing Council Small Team to a "Small Team Plus" to address the recommendations from the Final Report on the new gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process which either remain pending or that have not been adopted by the ICANN Board.
  • Regarding the RDRS: Registrar onboarding has begun and should launch by the end of the calendar year. The RDRS is voluntary and will inform the paths forward for pending registration data access (formerly System for Standardized Access/Disclosure) recommendations. The RDRS will run for 2 years and pending recommendations will then be revisited.

No action items recorded.

A summary of the meeting is available here.

Sunday, 22 October

At-Large Operations, Finance and Budget (OFB-WG) - Overview and Year Ahead

OFB to continue the discussion on the ABRs at the next call, Carlos Reyes will be invited to speak at the next call.

  •  Silvia Vivanco to post the PPT by Victoria Yang in the OFB-WG wiki page.


At-Large Consolidated Policy WG (CPWG) - Overview and Year Ahead

Members of the CPWG provided updates on the Transfer Policy Review, Internationalized Domain Names EPDP, Registration Data Request Service, Closed Generics, GNSO Guidance Process for Applicant Support Program, and the Next Round Program.

Jonathan Zuck and Justine Chew provided updates on what to expect for the upcoming year. Noted that the ALAC should continue focusing on the existing PDPs and that additional PDPs or "Micro-PDPs" may also begin to occur for certain topics, especially as the Next Round Program is implemented 

No Action Items recorded.

Joint Session: ALAC & SSAC

Steve Crocker discussed DNSSEC, its history, and implementation of the system. Briefly discussed Registration Data Request Service and the gap in end-user perspective.

Rod Rasmussen provided an update on upcoming SSAC leadership changes. 

Action Items:

  •  Matthias M. Hudobnikto follow up on DNSSEC mobilization campaign with the SSAC and collaborate with Andrei Kolesnikov to provide an update during the Wrap Up session.  


At-Large RALO Coordination SessioSession

Action Items:

  •  Silvia Vivanco and Gisella Gruber to work with the Cross-RALO group and GSE RVPs to organize a meeting at ICANN79 to report on the progress made in the RALO/GSE Partnership. 

ALAC Outreach and Engagement Sub-Committee Meeting

Action Items:


  • Heidi Ullrich to work with the At-Large to identify  topics for the Policy Accelerator to be sent to  Melissa Allgood. 

Monday, 23 October

Joint Session: ICANN Board and ALAC

No action items recorded.

Tuesday, 24 October

At-Large Plenary 1: The impact of Technological Advancements on ICANN

No Action Items recorded. 

Joint Session: ALAC and GAC

Action Items:

  •  Andrew Chen and Heidi Ullrich to work with Sally Newell Cohen on preparing a brief report on the org actions related to the 2017 joint ALAC-GAC statement on effective communication.
  •  Gregory Shatan and Alan Greenberg to prepare a brief ALAC statement on Closed Generics.  

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting

Action Items:

  •  AFRALO members to continue discussion and edits of the AFRALO ICANN 78 statement to be ready to be submitted to ICANN by end November.
  •  AFRALO  AFRALO ALSes and Hadia Elminiawi to follow up on the proposal to host an AFRALO-AFRICANN UA event as well as encourage AFRALO ALEs to submit UA Day proposals. (In Progress)

Wednesday, 25 October

At-Large EURALO Plenary: Multistakeholder Governance for New Internet Infrastructures: SpaceX, IRIS2, and Equitable Internet Access for All. Part II - An Open Policy Session 


  • Dr Uta Meier-Hahn, German Development Cooperation - GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)
  • Pari Esfandiari, EURALO - Outlined concerns including security issues, capacity, reliability during solar storms, compatibility (network of networks), market concerns such as competition and high barriers to entry, business models, environmental, geopolitics. 


Jonathan asked John Crain on where in the ICANN community At-Large could funnel their interest in the Multistakeholder governance for new internet infrastructure. 

Action Items:

  •  Joanna Kulesza to follow up with John Crain on next steps in the topic of Multistakeholder Governance for New Internet Infrastructures.


Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, Civil Society perspective, stated that the best way to engage is for the At-Large ALSes to contact their government delegation. Outlined three main points: 1) Protect what we have;  2) Identify gaps and weaknesses; 3) Develop key objectives

Nigel Hickson gave the government perspective. 

Marita Moll provided the end user perspective. Noted her wish to develop a database to collect views to develop an overall perspective. 

Desiree Miloshevic - Gave the private sector perspective. Noted that all groups should collaborate to identify the actions they should take to organize themselves in advance of the WSIS+20. 

Lucien Castex - Gave the ccTLD perspective. Stressed that there should be diversity in terms of culture, language, persective at the WSIS +20

Action Items:

  •  Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Marita Moll to organize a follow up to the WSIS+20 discussion to identify next steps . Ensure how to send gov't delegations the end user perspective and key priorities
  •  Work with Jonathan Zuck and the co-Chairs of the OFB-WG on the possible sub-WT within the OFB-WG - WSIS Coordination WT. If this WT is formed, Michelle Desmyter to create a mailing list. 
  •  Michelle Desmyter to create the mailing list for the new WT. 

ALAC Anniversary - Brainstorming on the Future

Action Items:

  •  Claudia Ruiz to develop a chronological list of all past ALAC Chairs, Board Liaisons and Seat 15 holders. 

Thursday, 26 October

At-Large Leadership Development Session

Action Items:

At-Large Wrap-Up

  •  Jonathan Zuck announced that the CPWG calls are mandatory for all ALAC members so that they are aware of the topic when ratifying ALAC statements. 
  •  Justine Chew To facilitate any request(s) in response to Contracted Parties' outreach for updates on their DNS Abuse mitigation efforts from time to time.
  •  Justine Chew To bring back the discussion on enforceability of Registry Voluntary Commitments (RVCs) to CPWG.
  •  Justine Chew To formulate a discussion with CPWG on a potential way to help resolve contention sets in the Next Round of applications so as to lessen the risk of qualified Applicant Support applicants failing to secure their string as a result of contention sets.