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Tuesday 26th November 2019




Room:room ESTREL 3 [1]

Recordings & Transcripts: 

30 local time

Room 20629, wing 2, floor 6. (NEW ROOM NUMBER) Estrel Conference Centre

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN 

Transcript: EN




AGENDA  : (90 minutes)


A.  Standing issues (40 minutes)

1. Opening, Welcome to the Group and Guests (5 minutes)


- Sébastien Bachollet

2. Confirmation of attending members, proxies and apologies (10 minutes) - Gisella Gruber, ICANN Staff

Both in the room and online.

2.1 Confirmation of the Assembly Quorum - Articles 11.7 - 11.22.1

See : Articles of Association (<--- this link will need to be updated)

11.16 The General Assembly shall have a quorum if at least one third of the ALS members are present or participating.

 Both in the room and online.

... The quorum for a General Assembly, regardless of being a “Funded Face to Face Meeting”, a “Nonfunded “Non-funded Face to Face Meeting” or an “Online-Meeting”, is at least half of the Members.

3. Adoption of the proposed Agenda (5 minutes)- Sébastien Bachollet

4. Adoption of the Meeting minutes from the last


2018 General Assembly, Barcelona (5 minutes) - Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Links to transcripts and recordings  posted :

5. Guest speakers (TBC) (15 minutes)

  1. Göran Marby (3 , President and CEO of ICANN  (4 minutes) Leon Sanchez (3 minutesTBC)
  2. Maarten Botterman (3 , Chairman of the Board, ICANN  (4 minutes)
  3. Sally Costerton (2 minutes)
  5. León Sánchez, Vice-Chair of the Board, ICANN and At-Large Board Director selected by At-Large (4 minutes)
  6. Adam Peake (3 Natalia Mochu? (2 minutes)



Agenda Items for Discussion (50 minutes)

6. Discussion and adoption of the EURALO Annual Report 2018


7.   Next steps after the adoption of the EURALO bylaws (10 minutes)





a. Presentation and discussion of the draft new EURALO By Laws , see draft at: ]] (struck through as these are now completed - discuss the forthcoming EURALO Operating Rules)




- Olivier Crépin-


10. EURALO's FY20 Outreach Strategy (10 minutes)

In coordination with ICANN’s European strategy, Sally Costerton / Natalia Mochu (15 minutes)

11. Any Other Business (10 minutes)

Proposed agenda items (50 minutes)


Leblond (10 minutes)

7.   Next steps after the adoption of the EURALO bylaws - Sébastien Bachollet (10 minutes)


  1. October 2019


  1. version EURALO Articles of Association 2019


  1. version. Work completed through the  EURALO Bylaws Task Force
  2. EURALO Operating Rules


  1. : populate a working group


  1. in December 2019 and start the work in January 2020

8. How to enhance


EURALO participation within policy discussions?


- Sébastien Bachollet (10 minutes)

9. Briefing on


the EURALO ALS engagement Task ForceImproving EURALO’s engagement with ALS’es and independents - Yrjö


Länsipuro and Natalia Filina (5 minutes)

10. EURALO's FY20 Outreach Strategy - Olivier Crépin-Leblond and Matthias Hudobnik (10 minutes)


  • In coordination with ICANN’s European strategy,


11. Any Other Business (5 minutes)
