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Zoom rooms available 24h prior to the session on the main ICANN Schedule (see session details)

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14:00 - 15:00 UTC

(09:00 - 10:00 EST)

Costa Maya 3-5

At-Large RALO Coordination Session

(1 of 2)


  1. Introduction
  2. RALO Outreach and Engagement plans FY24
  3. RALO experiences on Onboarding with feedback from the ALS (onboarding experience and plans to improve onboarding.
  4. AOB

Moderator: Augusto Ho, Claire Craig 

Lead: HU

Notes: CD


The At-Large Regional Leaders will meet to discuss cross RALO issues and work on how best to collaborate, where possible. All members of the community are welcome to join. 

Session Details:


  1. Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Augusto Ho, LACRALO Chair and Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary (REMOTE) (5 mins) 

  2. What are our expectations with RALO Coordination - Augusto Ho, LACRALO Chair, Claire Craig (REMOTE), LACRALO Secretary and All (25 mins)

  3. Development and Implementation of Cross-RALO coordination - Augusto Ho, LACRALO Chair, Claire Craig (REMOTE), LACRALO Secretary, and All (25 mins)

  4. Next Steps - Augusto Ho, LACRALO Chair and Claire Craig (REMOTE), LACRALO Secretary (3 mins)

  5. AoB- Claire Craig (REMOTE)
    1. New NARALO Individual Member Application form - Greg Shatan/Staff

Moderators: Augusto Ho, LACRALO Chair and Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary (REMOTE)

Lead: SV/GG

Notes: CD


  • Looking forward, RALOs to consider how they can do more capacity building for their working groups and for outreach and engagement.
  • Further discussion is needed to see if they can come up with topics to possibly enhance cross-RALO community collaboration. 
  • Noting that specific regional considerations need to be prioritized and taken into account. 
  • RALO leaders to work on more coordinated capacity building and O/E and ICANN GSE; but not add  additional work. 

18:15 - 19:30 UTC

(13:15 - 14:30 EST)

Costa Maya 3-5

At-Large Leadership ICANN76 Welcome Session

Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, will host his first At-Large session at an ICANN meeting. He will welcome León Sánchez, At-Large Director selected by At-Large, presenting an overview of the At-Large sessions at ICANN76, and reviewing the At-Large talking points.

Session Details:


  1. Welcome, Introduction and
  1. Aims of Objectives of At-Large at ICANN76 sessions - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (
  1. 10 mins)
  2. Welcome to the Latin American and Caribbean Islands Region - León Sánchez
  1. , Board Director Selected by At-Large (10 mins
Aims and Overview
  1. Review of ICANN76 At-Large
at ICANN76
  1. Report Leads 
Review of ICANN76
  1. Talking Points and Session Reporting - Jonathan Zuck and
Working Group Leads (time TBC)
  1. ALAC Appointed Representatives (25 mins)
      1. At-Large Talking Points
    and Session Reporting - Jonathan Zuck (15
      1. At-Large ICANN76 Session Reports
    1. Legitimacy in Multi-Stakeholder Governance at ICANN - Jan Aart Scholte and Hortense Jongen (25 mins)
    2. Closing and Housekeeping - Jonathan Zuck (
    1. 5 mins)

    Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair

    Lead: HU

    Notes: CD

    RPM: YS / CR

    • Leon Sanchez provided an update on Board activities, including the new search for a CEO. Sanchez also spoke about the proof of concept in the implementation of a new ticketing system.
    • Jonathan Zuck reviewed the Talking Points and objective for At-Large members to determine what takeways relevant to At-Large (if any) are happening in sessions of interest. Brief session reports to be used to report back. 
    • Jan Scholte and Hortense Jongen presented an update on their legitimacy study.
    • Rapporteurs identified for sessions of interest to At-Large.
    • For Thursday, the At-Large Wrap-Up session, brief reports to be provided to update the community. 

    20:00 - 21:00 UTC

    (15:00 - 16:00 EST)

    Costa Maya 3-5

    At-Large Internal Session on Subsequent Procedures (SubPro)

    This internal ALAC session will provide At-Large members the opportunity to discuss ALAC priorities related to Subsequent Procedures (SubPro).

    Session Details:


    1. Welcome and Overview - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (10 mins)
    Prioritization Exercise of SubPro topics (35
    1. Overview of Prioritization Framework - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (10 mins)
    Next Steps (10
    1. Example Discussion - Jonathan Zuck (30 mins)
      AOB (5
        1. DNS Abuse (Poll)
        2. Data (Poll)
      1. Next Steps - Jonathan Zuck (10 mins)

      Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair

      Lead: CD

      Notes: CD (first part)/HU

      RPM: YS / CR

      • Objective is to determine what a critical path and success could look like for At-Large. What has to be done, or what is good enough?
      • At-Large to continue conversations within small teams tied to the OFB-WG and Prioritization Sub-Team, and determine what will be needed for At-Large to achieve consensus.
      • Polling within At-Large and RALOs to help do the prioritization work.

      21:30 - 22:30 UTC

      (16:30 - 17:30 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      At-Large Loop

      This session will provide an opportunity for At-Large members to be introduced to the At-Large Loop, a concept being developed


      by ALAC Chair, Jonathan Zuck. The At-Large Loop focuses on ensuring the ALAC and members of At-Large Structures can engage more effectively in bilateral communication. The At-Large Loop is geared toward the At-Large community working on key objective of increased fluidity to mobilize for feedback and message amplification.

      Session Details:


      1. Welcome and Overview - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (5 mins)
      2. Introduction to the At-Large Loop - Jonathan Zuck (
      1. 20 mins)
        1. Presentation
      2. Discussion on the At-Large Loop - Jonathan Zuck/All (
      1. 30 mins)
      2. Next Steps - Jonathan Zuck (5 mins)

      Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair

      Lead: HU

      Notes: CD

      RPM: YS / MDS

      • Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, expressed that his overall objective for the At-Large community is to increase its influence within the ICANN community.
      • He spoke to the various ways that At-Large stands apart as a community, dedicatedly identifying and amplifying the interests of end users. He then introduced his proposal of an “At-Large loop, which aims to provide more structured communication within At-Large’s current infrastructure, in order to help improve collaboration and increase At-Large's credibility as a trustworthy advisor on behalf of end users.

      Action Items:

      • None







      14:00 - 15:00 UTC

      (09:00 - 10:00 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      Sesión de coordinación de las RALO de At-Large


      1. Bienvenida y objetivo de la reunión - Augusto Ho, Presidente de la LACRALO, y Claire Craig, Secretaria de la LACRALO (5 min) 
      2. Expectativas respecto de la coordinación de las RALO - Augusto Ho, Presidente de la LACRALO, Claire Craig, Secretaria de la LACRALO, y todos (5 min)
      3. Desarrollo e implementación de la coordinación entre las RALO - Augusto Ho, Presidente de la LACRALO, Claire Craig, Secretaria de la LACRALO, y todos (25 min)
      4. Próximos pasos - Augusto Ho, Presidente de la LACRALO, y Claire Craig, Secretaria de la LACRALO (5 min)
      5. AOB- Claire Craig (virtual)
        1. Nuevo formulario: NARALO Individual Member Application form - Greg Shatan/Staff

      Moderadores: Augusto Ho, Presidente de la LACRALO, y Claire Craig, Secretaria de la LACRALO

      Guía: SV/GG

      Notas: CD

      RPM: YS / MDS

      18:15 - 19:30 UTC

      (13:15 - 14:30 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      Sesión de bienvenida a ICANN76 del liderazgo de At-Large

      Jonathan Zuck, presidente de ALAC, será el anfitrión de su primera sesión de At-Large en una reunión de la ICANN. Dará la bienvenida a León Sánchez, Director de At-Large seleccionado por At-Large, quien presentará una descripción general de las sesiones de At-Large en ICANN76 y revisará los puntos de discusión de At-Large.


      1. Bienvenida, presentación, objetivos y metas de At-Large en sesiones At-Large en la reunión ICANN76  - Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC (10 min)
      2. Bienvenida a la región de América Latina e Islas del Caribe - León Sánchez, Director de At-Large seleccionado por At-Large (8 min)
      3. Revisión de los temas de debate de At-Large en ICANN76 e informes de las sesiones - Jonathan Zuck y representantes designados por el ALAC (25 min)
        1. Temas de debate de At-Large
        2. Informes de la sesión de At-Large en ICANN76
      4. Legitimidad en el Modelo de Gobernanza de ICANN - Jaan Art Scholte y Hortense Jongen (25 mins)
      5. Cierre y temas internos - Jonathan Zuck (5 min)

      Moderador: Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC

      Guía: HU

      Notas: CD

      RPM: YS / CR

      20:00 - 21:00 UTC

      (15:00 - 16:00 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      Sesión interna de At-Large sobre Procedimientos Posteriores (SubPro)

      Esta sesión interna del ALAC brindará a los miembros de At-Large la oportunidad de debatir las prioridades del ALAC relacionadas con los Procedimientos Posteriores a la Introducción de los Nuevos gTLD (SubPro).


      1. Bienvenida y visión general -  Presidente de ALAC Jonathan Zuck ALAC (10 min)
      2. Vision de Ejercicio de priorización de los temas de SubPro - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (10 mins)
      3. Discusion de Ejemplos- Jonathan Zuck (30 mins)
        1. Abuso de DNS (Poll)
        2. Data (poll) 
      4. Próximos Pasos - Jonathan Zuck (10 min)
      5. Otros temas por tratar - Jonathan Zuck (5 min)

      Moderador: Cheryl Langdon-Orr

      Guía: CD

      Notas: CD (primera parte)/HU

      RPM: YS / CR

      21:30 - 22:30 UTC

      (16:30 - 17:30 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      Bucle de At-Large

      Esta sesión brindará a los miembros de At-Large la oportunidad de presentarse ante el bucle de At-Large, un concepto que está desarrollando el Presidente del ALAC, Jonathan Zuck. El bucle de At-Large se centra en garantizar que el ALAC y los miembros de las Estructuras At-Large puedan entablar una comunicación bilateral más eficaz. El bucle de At-Large está orientado a la comunidad At-Large que trabaja en el objetivo clave de aumentar la fluidez para impulsar la ampliación de comentarios y mensajes.


      1. Bienvenida y visión general - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (5 min)
      2. Presentación del bucle de At-Large, Jonathan Zuck (20 min)
        1. Presentación
      3. Debate sobre el bucle de At-Large, Jonathan Zuck/todos (30 min)
      4. Próximos Pasos - Jonathan Zuck (5 min)

      Moderador: Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC

      Guía: HU

      Notas: CD

      RPM: YS / MDS









      14h00 – 15h00 UTC

      (09h00 – 10h00 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      Séance de coordination des RALO d’At-Large 

      Ordre du jour :

      1. Bienvenue et objectif de la réunion - Augusto Ho, président de LACRALO et Claire Craig, secrétaire de LACRALO (5 min) 
      2. Quelles sont nos attentes avec la coordination des RALO - Augusto Ho, président de LACRALO, Claire Craig, secrétaire de LACRALO et tous (25 min)
      3. Développement et mise en œuvre de la coordination inter-RALO - Augusto Ho, président de LACRALO, Claire Craig, secrétaire de LACRALO, et tous (25 min)
      4. Prochaines étapes - Augusto Ho, président de LACRALO et Claire Craig, secrétaire de LACRALO (5 min)

      Modérateurs : Augusto Ho, président de LACRALO et Claire Craig, secrétaire de LACRALO

      Coordination : SV/GG

      Notes : CD

      RPM : YS/ MDS

      18h15 – 19h30 UTC

      (13h15 – 14h30 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      Séance de bienvenue des dirigeants d’At-Large à l’ICANN76

      Jonathan Zuck, président de l'ALAC, animera sa première session At-Large lors d'une réunion de l'ICANN. Il accueillera León Sánchez, directeur At-Large sélectionné par At-Large, présentera un aperçu des sessions At-Large à l'ICANN76 et passera en revue les points de discussion At-Large.

      Ordre du jour :

      1. Bienvenue, introduction et vue d’ensemble - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (10 min)
      2. Bienvenue dans la région Amérique latine et îles des Caraïbes - León Sánchez, Directeur d'At-Large sélectionné par At-Large (8 min) 
      3. Objectifs et vue d’ensemble d’At-Large à l’ICANN76 - Jonathan Zuck (15 min)
      4. Révision des points de discussion d’At-Large à l’ICANN76 et compte rendu de la séance - Jonathan Zuck et représentants nommés par l’ALAC (25 min)
        1. Points de discussion d’At-Large
        2. Rapports de séance d’At-Large à l’ICANN76
      5. Clôture - Jonathan Zuck (2 min)

      Modérateur : Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC

      Coordination : HU

      Notes : CD

      RPM : YS/CR

      20h00 – 21h00 UTC

      (15h00 – 16h00 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      Séance interne d’At-Large sur les procédures pour des séries ultérieures de nouveaux gTLD (SubPro)

      Cette séance interne de l’ALAC donnera à ses membres l’occasion de discuter des priorités de l’ALAC relatives aux procédures pour les séries ultérieures de nouveaux gTLD (SubPro).

      Ordre du jour :

      1. Bienvenue et vue d’ensemble - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (10 min)
      2. Exercice de priorisation des sujets relatifs aux SubPro - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (35 min)
      3. Prochaines étapes - Jonathan Zuck (10 min)
      4. Divers - Jonathan Zuck (5 min)

      Modérateur : Cheryl Langdon-Orr

      Coordination : CD

      Notes : CD (première partie)/HU

      RPM : YS/CR

      21h30 – 22h30 UTC

      (16h30 – 17h30 EST)

      Costa Maya 3-5

      Boucle d’At-Large

      Cette séance sera l’occasion pour que les membres d’At-Large soient présentés à la boucle d’At-Large, un concept développé par le président de l’ALAC, Jonathan Zuck. La boucle d’At-Large vise à s’assurer que l’ALAC et les membres des structures At-Large puissent s’engager plus efficacement dans la communication bilatérale. La boucle d’At-Large s’adresse à la communauté At-Large qui travaille sur l’objectif clé de parvenir à une fluidité accrue pour se mobiliser en vue de la rétroaction et l’amplification des messages.

      Ordre du jour :

      1. Bienvenue et vue d’ensemble - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (5 min)
      2. Présentation à la boucle d’At-Large - Jonathan Zuck (20 min)
        1. Présentation
      3. Discussion sur la boucle d’At-Large - Jonathan Zuck/tous (30 min)
      4. Prochaines étapes - Jonathan Zuck(5 min)

      Modérateur : Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC

      Coordination : HU

      Notes : CD

      RPM : YS/ MDS