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  • 2017 SSAC Membership Committee – This Committee reviews SSAC members who are approaching the end of their 3-year appointments and assesses potential new members. There have been two meeting of this Committee during this period on 4 and 11 December to finalize the work for 2017.
  • 2018 SSAC Membership Committee – This Committee has been formed and held one meeting on 15 January.  As SSAC Vice-Chair, I also chair the Membership Committee but am not a voting member of it.
  • IDN Harmonization WP – This Work Party has already released SACs 084, 088, 089, 095 and 099.  Following the meeting of this Work Party on 28 November, it was concluded that at this time, there were no pressing topics for the WP to study and it has been closed.
  • SSAC Review WP – This Work Party has been established to manage the 5-yearly SSAC Organizational Review as mandated in the ICANN Bylaws. ICANN staff have assessed responses to the Request for Proposal which was released on 7 July and provided their recommendations to the Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee. The WP is hoping for a decision to be made on the Independent Examiner in the next few weeks.  In the meantime, the WP has continued considering the results of SSAC’s own self-review and any changes that may result from that.  The WP met four times during this period on 30 November, 7 and 14 December, and 4 January.
  • IoT WP - This Work Party was established to consider challenges to preserving the security, stability, and resilience of the DNS in the emerging “Internet of Things” (IoT). There have been no meetings of this WP during this period.
  • Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) WP - This  This Work Party was established to progress the tasking by the ICANN Board at its meeting on 2 November 2017 to study and advise the Board on a number of questions related to name collisions.  The WP has met twice on 11 and 18 January.

4. SSAC DOCUMENTS. There have been three SSAC Documents published in this period: one SSAC Report and two documents in the new SSAC Correspondence Series:
