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Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the monthly NARALO call on Monday 10 June 2013 at 1900 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
  Peter Knight:I am here in Rio. de janeiro, logged in as guest -- can I do more, not sure where to put the meeting number. Weather great here.
  Garth Bruen:Hi!
  Peter Knight:Hello, Darlene -- can stay about 15 minutes only -- had previous commitment
  Darlene Thompson:Nice to see you here for whatever amount of time, Peter!
  Peter Knight:Please, not sure I'm logged in correctly
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all to the call
  Allan Skuce:No Problems with Adobe Connect here.
  Norberto Cruz Córdova:Saludos desde Puerto Rico! Hello Everyone!
  Peter Knight:Please, I can hear everyone, but can't speak to you
  Peter Knight:Please, I can hear everyone, but can't speak to you]
  Evan Leibovitch:I must say that it's REALLY good to see the people here. Lots of new names and a few long-timers. Welcome!
  Glenn McKnight:Hi
  Dharma Dailey:How do I mute my mic?
  Chris Grundemann (CO ISOC):click it
  Evan Leibovitch:Mike icon at the top of the screen
  Silvia Vivanco:Staff will take the Action Items
  Peter Knight:Is the Icon the one that looks like a telephone?
  Julia Charvolen:Seth Reisse joined the call
  Julia Charvolen:Reiss
  Silvia Vivanco: 3.3
  Glenn McKnight:I only hear music
  Glenn McKnight:Hi Seth
  Evan Leibovitch:NARALO's new soundtrack.
  seth reiss:Hi Glenn
  Peter Knight:Hello Brother (Mc)Knight
  Glenn McKnight:Hi Peter
  Norberto Cruz Córdova:It's my first meeting at ICANN
  Peter Knight:Good to be with you, have to leave in about 10 minutes unfortunately.
  Evan Leibovitch:Welcome, Norberto
  Glenn McKnight:I would suggest  all of the  NARALO members who are in Durban  schedule a face to face meeting
  Norberto Cruz Córdova:Thanks Evan
  Joly MacFie:Chris, is that inter or intra region  or both?
  Glenn McKnight:The  next  ARIN meeting is in Phoenix Arizona in August
  Garth Bruen:Thanks Glenn
  Glenn McKnight:ARIN on the Road  event on June 13th at  Quebec City
  Evan Leibovitch:sorry, forgot to lower my hand
  Peter Knight:I want to just test my mike
  Evan Leibovitch:Wasn't June 6 IPV6 day?
  Chris Grundemann (CO ISOC):yes, the one year anniversary
  Glenn McKnight:Correction on the  ARIN  meeting in Arizona  10 - 11 October 2013
  Glenn McKnight:Noise in background
  Joly MacFie:that's peter knight
  Alan Greenberg:PLEASE MUTE!!!!!
  Heidi Ullrich:Please could you mute your lines if you are not speaking
  Glenn McKnight:Tried to reach Murray
  Chris Grundemann (CO ISOC):apologies all, I must drop now and return to the conference I am physically attending =) - please feel free to ping me on any address policy issues, cheers
  Peter Knight:I only raised hand to see how to speak. -- tried to use the mike. pehaps it works now, it's now green, but I have to leave now.
  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome!!
  Julia Charvolen:Your mic works Peter
  Glenn McKnight:Thanks Garth,  Kerry  Brown  from Vancouver has volunteered to sit on NARALO
  Julia Charvolen:the backgroung noise came from your line
  Heidi Ullrich:Evan, did you have your hand rasied?
  Evan Leibovitch:Yes, it was to introduce Kerry :-)
  Kerry Brown:Thank you for welcome ISOC Canada
  Glenn McKnight:Hi Kerry
  Evan Leibovitch:Kerry is the ALS rep for ISOC Canada
  Glenn McKnight:It went  zip....
  Heidi Ullrich:NARALO Selection, Election and Appointments wor4kspace:
  Glenn McKnight:For the record  the  WIKI deadline  states  9 July 2013 - Nomination Acceptance deadline  not  June 7th
  Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, for which position(s)?
  Glenn McKnight:Hi Heidi see   the link
  Joly MacFie:I think in Skype Murray said he would join us at the half hour.
  Heidi Ullrich:Yes, I'm looking at it. There are three positions opened
  Glenn McKnight:Its the date  June 9th  not  June 7th as Darlene keeps stating on the call
  Glenn McKnight:He could not stay
  Julia Charvolen:Peter is no longer on the call
  Glenn McKnight:Also  the issue of who can nominate someone  was an issue
  Darlene Thompson:On the Wiki space that you just pointed to - it shows the 7th.  Either way, its over.
  Darlene Thompson:Peter decided not to run for ALAC.
  Heidi Ullrich:Glenn,the wiki shows the following schedule for the NomCom delegate position:
  Heidi Ullrich: TIMELINEThe ALAC ExCom suggested the following timetable for nominations and consultation recommendations from RALOs for consideration by the ALAC for appointment as the 2014 NomCom At-Large Delegate positions:1. Nominations Open:  27 May 20132. Nominations Close:  7 June 20133. Nomination Acceptance Deadline: On or before 14 June 20134. RALO nominee prioritization period:  Between 14-24 June 2013 (this may include a vote if desired)5. ALAC Notification: RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations with a recommendation for a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one by 25 June 20136.  ALAC Review of RALO Recommendations/Additional List of Nominations Accepted: 25 June - 2 July 20137. ALAC selection and endorsement vote: Carried out on-line between 2 July - 8 July8. Notification to NomCom of Appointees: No later than 12 July 2013 or as arranged with NomCom Secretariat
  Darlene Thompson:Thank you, Heidi.
  Garth Bruen:"Many people on holiday" NOT HERE!
  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, I have been noting the nominations for the various NARALO positions. I have not seen any nominations for Murray and Peter.
  Heidi Ullrich:If they were made, please inform me.
  Glenn McKnight:I don't think these  new  members  didn't realize they could self nominate.  I know both  expressed interest
  Glenn McKnight:What is  Peter's  status
  Glenn McKnight:What  ALS is Peter associated with?
  Joly MacFie:Eric posted his input to the list, it could be read into the record.
  Darlene Thompson:Peter is an unaffiliated member but has decided not to run for a position at this time.
  Glenn McKnight:Can  a unaffiliated member run for a position?
  Darlene Thompson:Yes, Glenn
  Glenn McKnight:Kerry did you get this  link to the  ALS  Webinar?
  Kerry Brown:Yes I did. I believe it is tomorrow
  Heidi Ullrich:The NARALO GA will be held during the week of the Summit
  Heidi Ullrich:Likely Mon, Tues or WEd
  Glenn McKnight:-  the 2013 Nominating Committee has completed the first of the traditionalthree work phases;- at the close of the 2013 application period on May 15, 2013 at 23:59 UTC,NomCom had received 110 Statements Of Interest. This is more than in anyone year since 2003 (when 110 SOIs were also received);- the 2013 NomCom has received 12 applications from Africa, 30 fromAsia/Australia and the Pacific Islands, 32 from Europe, 18 from LatinAmerica and the Caribbean Islands, 18 from North America. 27 candidates arefemale and 83 are male.- it is now that the recruitment phase is complete, and the NomCom hasmoved on to the evaluation phase.A very important work to be done still lies ahead of us and we are allcommitted to complete successfully and professionally this work on time!
  Glenn McKnight:Tried to try to reach Murray by phone
  Garth Bruen:A rant, from Evan?
  Glenn McKnight:Ha  Ha
  Glenn McKnight:I didnt  like their  survey
  Glenn McKnight:Staff sent out a  ATRT  survey
  Kerry Brown:I spent two hours on the survey and still didn't get it finished. When I went back my session had timed out so I gave up.
  Garth Bruen:@Kerry, it was poorly structured
  Glenn McKnight:I didn't like the  fact they wanted your name  and then they didn't  make normal and logical choices for questions
  seth reiss:Gotta go.   See you next month.
  Glenn McKnight:They  emailed me reminding me that I didn't finish the survey!
  Glenn McKnight:It was a weird  whistle blower approach
  Glenn McKnight:Good comment Gordon .  Too short of time  to deal with in good  measure
  Glenn McKnight:On reporting,  we lack  working group reports as a whole.
  Gordon Chillcott:On reporting - I should report on the TTF, given my activity on it.   And I will.
  Evan Leibovitch:Gordon: every time someone uses "mcdonalds" instead of "" in their  browser window, they are choosing to use search rather than a memorable domain name.
  Gordon Chillcott:Understood, and agreed to.   But there is this - the search engine returns ULR's.  Which go to the DNS.
  Gordon Chillcott:The fact that the end-user does not use DNS as the primary vehicle for asking questions (and really never did) does not make it anty less relevant.
  Evan Leibovitch:But those URLS could be unintelligible ... as they already are to anyone who normally writes in a non-latin script
  Evan Leibovitch:Or use third level domains, etc
  Joly MacFie:the end user very much uses the domain name for identification.
  Gordon Chillcott:Understood.  And again I agree.  But again, what is the product of the search engine?
  Eduardo Diaz:Hello all. I finished the other meeting earlier.
  Glenn McKnight:Note  all who are travelling you may need a Yellow  Fever  shot if you were in a  Tropical location prior to the event
  Garth Bruen:Can staff provide a link to the SSAC report
  Eduardo Diaz:@Glenn - define tropical location.
  Glenn McKnight:If your passport states a recent visit  you will need to provide proof of the shot.  If no  documenation they will innoculate  upon arrival
  Norberto Cruz Córdova:Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this meeting
  Glenn McKnight:Prior to the event the  African Internet Governance forum in Durban
  Evan Leibovitch:Gordon: (from the PoV of the end user), search engines present a series of choices -- not URLs -- that users can select in order to get to their destination. The user never knows the domain name of where they went.
  Evan Leibovitch:so the whole point of needing a memorable domain name diminishes,
  Garth Bruen:Can't hear you Glenn
  Glenn McKnight:I am unmuted
  Evan Leibovitch:Jaimie who?
  Glenn McKnight:ready
  Garth Bruen:Ok, you're next
  Glenn McKnight:ok
  Gordon Chillcott:Your last point is the key.  And deserves consideration.
  Evan Leibovitch:The letter tries to make the case that if the DNS better served the public interest, there would be less need to seek alternatives.
  Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you all
  Norberto Cruz Córdova:Bye!
  Darlene Thompson:Alan's evil link is in 5.8.1