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Coming soon to this page - Adopted the APRALO Rules of Procedure 2024 dated 3 May 2024

A. Background

The APRALO Rules of Procedure Working Group (APRALO ROPs Review WG) was first initiated in 2019 but was subsequently halted, pending the work and eventual ratification by the ALAC of the recommendations in 2 reports: (a) the ALS (At-Large Structure) Mobilization Working Party Report on 4 Dec 2020 (WP wiki space); and (b) the Unaffiliated Individual Members (UIM) Mobilization Working Party Report on 25 Mar 2021 (WP wiki space). 

The APRALO ROPs Review WG was then reconstituted in early Oct 2023 (WG wiki space) and led by Co-Chairs Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chew, the working group completed its substantial review and redrafting of the APRALO ROP in Jan 2024, in considering residual work that had been identified, including: (1) Unaffiliated Individual Member criteria, (2) Role of UIM Representative, (3) The Selection Process, (4) Membership type, (5) Membership status, and (6) Code of Conduct.

On 2 Feb 2024, APRALO Chair Amrita Choudhury circulated the then final draft of the APRALO ROP 2024 (i.e. FINAL DRAFT - 2024 Draft APRALO RoP as at 31 Jan 2024, 00:01 UTC) to APRALO community members for input. No request for amendments were received to that call for input. 

B. ICANN Legal Vetting

That final draft and 9 accompanying draft Adjunct Documents were then relayed to ICANN Legal in mid Feb 2024 for legal vetting. ICANN Legal responded circa 18 Apr 2024 advising that the draft APRALO Rules of Procedures and adjunct documents do not conflict with the provisions in the ICANN Bylaws about RALOs (Article 12) or impose new obligations on ICANN’s role with respect to RALOs. However, ICANN Legal did identify 3 issues which it proposed APRALO could consider amending:

  • The ICANN Bylaws are referred to as “ICANN by-laws” or “ICANN ByLaws” or “ICANN bylaws” within the provided documents. Referring to them consistently as the “ICANN Bylaws” could be considered.
  • In Section 1.1 of the updated draft ROPs, there is a reference to a currently non-existent provision in the ICANN Bylaws ("Section 5 Article VI)". APRALO appears to be referring to Article 7, Section 7.5 of the current ICANN Bylaws (International Representation). Citing to a provision that has since been renumbered may cause confusion. Including the version of the ICANN Bylaws that APRALO is citing when referring to “Section 5, Article VI” (or using a current citation) could be considered.
  • In Section 2 of the updated draft ROPs, APRALO is defined as "The body within ICANN representing the interests of Internet users for the AP Region." Specifying that 'APRALO is the body within the At-Large Community of ICANN representing the interests of Internet users for the AP Region' can be considered.

The APRALO ROPs Review WG Co-Chairs considered these suggestions to be typographical in nature and accordingly, incorporated corresponding changes to the draft final RoP of 31 Jan.

C. Final Checks, Hyperlinking

After 18 Apr, the APRALO ROPs Review WG Co-Chairs conducted a final round of checks (proof-reading) and insertion of hyperlinks to the draft final RoP and the 9 accompanying draft Adjunct Documents, to produce: FINAL - 2024 APRALO RoP for Approval (03 May 2024 w AdjunctDocs). The pertinent updates applied are as follows:

  • Addressing the 3 issues identified by ICANN Legal.
  • Updating the adjunct document AP Adjunct03 – APRALO Specific procedures regarding At-Large Board Member Selection Implementation to adopt Paragraph 19 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure of 13 September 2022.
  • Inserting appropriate hyperlinks throughout, to link to information sources both internal and external to draft APRALO ROP.  

D. Next Steps & Timeline for Adoption by APRALO

APRALO Chair Amrita Choudhury now proposes the following steps be taken to adopt the APRALO ROP 2024:

  • 24 Jun 2024: Notice of motion to adopt FINAL - 2024 APRALO RoP for Approval (03 May 2024 w AdjunctDocs) is given.

Motion to Adopt the APRALO ROP 2024

Mover: Amrita Choudhury

Seconder: Cherie Lagakali


  1. The APRALO had adopted its current APRALO Rules of Procedure (ROP) on 26 March 2014.
  2. The APRALO had constituted an APRALO Rules of Procedure Working Group (APRALO ROPs Review WG) in 2019 for the purpose of reviewing and improving the existing APRALO ROP.
  3. The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) had ratified the ALS (At-Large Structure) Mobilization Working Party Report on 4 December 2020 and the  Unaffiliated Individual Members (UIM) Mobilization Working Party Report on 25 March 2021. 
  4. In light of the ALAC's ratification of the 2 mentioned Working Party Reports, the APRALO ROPs Review WG concluded that a review of the existing APRALO ROP must include consideration of the recommendations of the 2 Working Party Reports.
  5. Early work on reviewing and improving the existing APRALO ROP was discussed at the APRALO General Assembly 2023 held in Istanbul, Türkiye on 12-13 September 2023.
  6. Following the APRALO General Assembly 2023, the APRALO ROPs Review WG was reconstituted in early October 2023.
  7. TheAPRALO ROPs Review WG completed its substantial review and redrafting of the existing APRALO ROP in January 2024, and with the draft ROP of 31 January 2024 having undergone vetting by ICANN Legal, the APRALO ROPs Review WG Co-Chairs Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chew then completed a final check and generated the Final Draft APRALO ROP 2024 as at 3 May 2024for adoption by APRALO.


  1. The Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO) adopts the APRALO Rules of Procedure 2024 dated 3 May 2024 including the accompanying Adjunct Documents ("APRALO ROP 2024") effectively immediately.
  2. The APRALO directs At-Large Support staff to post the APRALO ROP 2024 on the APRALO website and relevant wiki space.

  • 18 Jul 2024: In conjunction with the APRALO July 2024 Monthly Call, the APRALO ROPs Review WG Co-Chairs Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chew will provide a brief presentation on  the APRALO RoP 2024 for approval and address questions (if any). 
  • 19 Jul - 2 Aug 2024: Online voting on the motion is conducted with the APRALO electorate. As per the existing RoP Section 23. Amendment of the Rules of Procedure, Subsection 23.1, approval of any modification of the APRALO Rules of Procedure requires a Supermajority vote of the APRALO.