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13:43:04 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org To Everyone:
    Hello, my name is Yeşim Sağlam and I will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote participants.  Please note that I will read aloud comments/questions submitted in English within the time set by the Chair of this session.
    When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic,  please start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
    To listen to the interpretation, please click on the interpretation icon in the Zoom toolbar and select the language you will listen to and/or speak during this session.
13:43:06 From Gopal Tadepalli To Everyone:
    Greetings and Congratulations to ALAC for completing a score of years and a tall score to look up to. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
13:43:13 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org To Everyone:
    This session also includes automated real time transcription.  By clicking on the “closed caption” button in the Zoom toolbar you can view the real time transcription.  This transcript is not official or authoritative.
    As requested verbally, please rename your sign-in name with your full name.  If you do not use your full name (e.g. First Name + Last Name/Surname), you may be removed from this session.
    Please note that chat sessions are being archived and are governed by the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior:
13:45:37 From Abraham Selby To Everyone:
    Greetings to everyone, I am Selby Abraham from Ghana. Information Technology Specialist. Please connect with me via
13:46:38 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Greetings to everyon…" with 
13:50:01 From Natalia Filina To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Greetings to everyon..." with 
14:01:11 From Tommi Karttaavi To Everyone:
    A little piece of history from the archives: Status Report on At-Large Organizing (June 2002)
14:03:19 From Raymond Mamattah To Everyone:
    Maureen was indeed a great chair. Some of us joined the At-Large family under your leadership.
14:04:52 From Bill Jouris To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Maureen was indeed a..." with 
14:05:14 From Eduardo Díaz To Everyone:
    I believe the slides might be missing Jaqueline Morris, who, if I recall correctly, was the inaugural chair of ALAC.
14:05:32 From Raymond Mamattah To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Maureen was indeed a..." with 
14:05:36 From Raymond Mamattah To Everyone:
    Removed a reaction from "Maureen was indeed a..."
14:07:24 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC To Everyone:
    It would be great if we could have a list of chairs in chronological order since start
14:07:33 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong To Everyone:
    Reacted to "It would be great if…" with 
14:07:40 From Jonathan Zuck To Everyone:
    Let’s do it @Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC !
14:07:48 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong To Everyone:
    Agree with you Dave
14:07:56 From Mouloud Khelif To Everyone:
    Great journey down / up the history lane 
14:08:22 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong To Everyone:
    History of Atlarge/ALAC
14:13:10 From Mouloud Khelif To Everyone:
    Merci @Sebastien
14:13:11 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC To Everyone:
    Yes we would like to have a second seat at the Board from the ALAC
14:14:45 From Betty Fausta To Everyone:
    Many side stories are interesting to know
14:14:59 From Mouloud Khelif To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Many side stories ar…" with 
14:16:19 From Gopal Tadepalli To Everyone:
    Replying to "Merci @Sebastien"
    Merci Boku @Sebastian. I was listening to the translation into English. It so happens that when I switch to translation, a male speaker has a lady translator and it is the other way round when a lady speaks. - Dr.. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
14:16:31 From Raymond Mamattah To Everyone:
    Beautiful stories indeed.
14:18:48 From Gopal Tadepalli To Everyone:
    I must leave now. I am very happy that Mr. Satish Babu from India made it to ALAC. I have known him for more than 20 years now. Welcome to Justine to ALAC. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
14:20:04 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong To Everyone:
    Témoignage édifiant sur l’histoire de la création de ALAC
14:20:51 From Christelle Assirou To Everyone:
    Joyeux anniversaire à ALAC ! Que de chemins parcourus et de travail abattu !
14:21:17 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Joyeux anniversaire …" with 
14:21:57 From Raihanath GBADAMASSI To Everyone:
    Vraiment tout un parcours édifiant de L'ALAC
14:22:19 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Vraiment tout un par…" with 
14:22:24 From Chokri Ben Romdhane To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Témoignage édifiant ..." with 
14:22:26 From Sarah T Kiden To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Vraiment tout un par…" with 
14:22:27 From Sarah T Kiden To Everyone:
    Removed a  reaction from "Vraiment tout un par…"
14:22:31 From Raihanath GBADAMASSI To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Vraiment tout un p..." with 
14:22:36 From Raihanath GBADAMASSI To Everyone:
    Removed a from "Vraiment tout un p..."
14:22:37 From Raihanath GBADAMASSI To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Vraiment tout un p..." with 
14:22:39 From Raihanath GBADAMASSI To Everyone:
    Removed a  from "Vraiment tout un p..."
14:23:56 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Témoignage édifiant ..." with 
14:24:02 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Joyeux anniversaire ..." with 
14:24:11 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Vraiment tout un par..." with 
14:28:31 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Maureen was indeed a..." with 
14:31:59 From Bill Jouris To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Yes we would like to..." with 
14:34:00 From Bill Jouris To Everyone:
    Jonathan just wanted to get us all to speak German and say :Nein!"
14:34:15 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr To Everyone:
    Reacted to Jonathan just wanted... with 
14:35:23 From Gunela Astbrink To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Jonathan just wanted..." with 
14:40:31 From Sarah T Kiden To Everyone:
    How about remote participants? 
14:40:50 From Hervé Hounzandji | ISOC BENIN To Everyone:
    Don't forget remote participants :-)
14:40:53 From Chokri Ben Romdhane To Everyone:
    Remote participants need some music!?
14:41:18 From Abdulrahman Abotaleb To Everyone:
    thank you all
14:41:21 From Bikram Shrestha To Everyone:
    Are we including from remote
14:41:56 From Betty Fausta To Everyone:
    <COMMENT> ALAC is also an innovative space I'm lucky to represent an EURALO ALS WITH LACRALO engagement. Thank you Olivier Crépin -leblond and Sergio for the good leadership.
14:43:15 From Narayanaswamy Baluswamy To Everyone:
    Remote participation atleast for music included pl?
14:44:50 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org To Everyone:
    We’re doing a little break-out exercise, hence the recording is paused.
14:45:55 From Bastiaan Goslings To Everyone:
    @Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org  maybe I missed it but do you know when people reconvene, at what time the plenary meeting continues?
14:47:50 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org To Everyone:
    Hi Baastian - We’ll likely reconvene in 20 mins.
14:48:47 From Bastiaan Goslings To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Hi Baastian - We’ll ..." with 
14:57:09 From Chokri Ben Romdhane To Everyone:
    Replying to "How about remote par..."
    Listen to some music
15:07:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr To Everyone:
    Ok we are gathering back now
15:15:14 From Gunela Astbrink To Everyone:
    Good to hear that disability was recognised as an under-represented group
15:25:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr To Everyone:
    Thanks everyone
15:25:59 From Christelle Assirou To Everyone:
15:26:39 From Chokri Ben Romdhane To Everyone:
    Thank you all
15:26:47 From Isaac Maposa To Everyone:
    Happy "20th" At LARGE
15:27:12 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org To Everyone:
    Thank you all for your participation. This meeting is now adjourned.