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13:03:11 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Volume is low
13:03:17 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Hello everyone
13:03:26 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Hi Dave
13:03:49 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Hello Glen
13:04:09 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
its the same
13:04:21 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Volume is low for Maureen
13:04:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
volume is lower than the last call I was litening to you in
13:04:25 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
13:04:27 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
13:10:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
I completed the doodle re assisting in planning with the Virtual Meeting topic
13:10:49 From Yrjo Lansipuro to Everyone:
Me too
13:10:49 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
Great Cheryl
13:11:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
I assumed you would Yrjö
13:11:24 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
ok sure
13:11:29 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
There’s no limit
13:11:38 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Yrjo or cheryl
13:11:44 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Yes fill out the doodle @Hadia
13:12:34 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
There is indeed ;-)
13:12:41 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
@Cheryl ok - when was the doodle sent?
13:12:52 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Carlos sent it
13:13:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Heidi do you have a link for it
13:13:39 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
As a reminder, weekly one-hour planning calls begin next week for the two ICANN72 plenary sessions. To join a planning team, please participate in the relevant Doodle poll:
Designing Hybrid ICANN Public Meetings:
Moving Forward with the Public Interest Framework:

Both Doodle polls close on Thursday, 2 September.
13:13:41 From Greg Shatan to Everyone:
It's Oct 26 at 2:30 PDT
13:14:01 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Pacific Daylight Tiime
13:14:24 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
The Doodle was sent yesterday
13:14:33 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
The deadline is today
13:14:45 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
will look for it
13:15:18 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
That's it Cheryl. Part of my current discomfort as I am on the road.
13:15:37 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
once the doodle closes then we willknow
13:16:55 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
13:17:30 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
They are for standing calls.
13:17:37 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
It will be a weekly meeting?
13:18:01 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
I put my name forward in both
13:18:03 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Thanks JZ. I think that clears it up. Just need a backup in the planning meeting
13:18:05 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
ot specified SeB
13:18:22 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
And have we identified a backup?
13:18:52 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
The Doodles close today and the standing calls next week.
13:18:55 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
I filled in both doodles and put my name forward in both
13:19:26 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
but again attendance will depend on when the calls will actually happen
13:19:44 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Perfect @Hadia
13:19:48 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Great -- thanks Hadia.
13:19:56 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
13:20:06 From Alfredo Calderon (ICANN72 Mentor) to Everyone:
I’ll do my best to collaboe.rat
13:20:25 From Alfredo Calderon (ICANN72 Mentor) to Everyone:
13:20:40 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
thanks Marita and Cheryl - looking forward to work with all
13:21:12 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Three sessions are enough
13:21:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
That works from MY POV @Maureen
13:22:43 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
given the length of the meeting, three sessions are fine
13:23:53 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
and the topics address important issues of interest to all users
13:24:23 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
@Hadia, the three At-Large Policy Sessions will be held during the At-Large week which is schedule the week before the AGM itself.
13:25:06 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
@Heidi thank you for this information
13:25:39 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
I hadn’t absorbed that fact
13:26:13 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Most of the At-Large sessions will be held during At-Large week . This will allow the calls can be held at a globally friendly time for At-Large members.
13:26:17 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
It is indeed a three week meeting
13:26:27 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
We all realize that yes *sigh*
13:26:31 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
but does allow though for wider engagement
13:26:39 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
And also allow more time for At-Large members to participate in other meetings during the four day AGM.
13:26:46 From Greg Shatan to Everyone:
I had not realized we had our own ICANN week before ICANN
13:27:22 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Three weeks is a big comtttment for many people
13:27:37 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO to Everyone:
@Greg: welcome aboard!
13:28:43 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
the sessions in the pre week are NOT limited to only our Community
13:28:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
they are advertised in the program are they not???
13:29:06 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Staff are happy to send announcements to other SOAC lists to invite them to At-Large sessions.
13:29:44 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
I don’t understand how this session got bumped out of the main meeting, however.
13:29:46 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
and quite popular in general attendance if memory serves
13:30:02 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO to Everyone:
This whole thing of having a three week meeting dilutes the purpose of the ICANN meeting itself
13:30:27 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
+1 Eduardo. The ICANN meetings are a mess.
13:31:25 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
@ed and @alfredo we have the NASIG Virtual on Oct 20th and Oct 21, need to make sure Jon Zuck can make these sessions given these other activities
13:31:26 From Abdulkarim Oloyede to Everyone:
+1 Eduardo
13:31:27 From Greg Shatan to Everyone:
Does this mean we are not having any Policy sessions during the ICANN meeting?
13:31:38 From Alfredo Calderon (ICANN72 Mentor) to Everyone:
+1 @Eduardo, Three week meeting will cause a dangerou.s tendency to watch recording and not participate actively/live
13:31:50 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
We are having the PIF plenary @Greg
13:32:26 From Greg Shatan to Everyone:
I was referring to non-Plenary sessions. Sorry to be unclear.
13:32:54 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
The Sessions during the AGM are the Board/ALAC meeting, sessions with other SOACs, a NARALO social event and the Wrap Up.
13:33:14 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Those will be on PDT time.
13:33:21 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Yes it is a thin model in this 3 weeks
13:33:31 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Well noted @Joanna
13:33:34 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
The At-Large sessions during the At-Large week will be on a globally friendly time
13:33:39 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
+1 Joanna
13:34:29 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
Perfect approach Joanna
13:34:52 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO to Everyone:
@Heidi: Will the At-Large week be part of the ICANN 72 schedule? Otherwise will be doing this alone if not broadly advertise.
13:34:58 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
+1 Joanna
13:35:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
+++ @Joanna
13:35:36 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Let's be honest - our lives have become one continuous ICANN virtual meeting.
13:35:53 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Yes Joanna ;)
13:35:54 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
Ive told Goran that on several occasions..
13:35:57 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
@Eduardo, we’ll be promoting the sessions of At-Large week on the SOAC lists.
13:36:26 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO to Everyone:
@Joanna: Then we may stop doing the ICANN meetings until we are back to f2f meetings
13:36:47 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
It is you who said it @Eduardo, not me ;)
13:36:49 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
@Greg, I am not aware of any significant number of other SOA sessions. I can check.
13:37:05 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
I was much more careful with my wording there :D
13:37:06 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
That’s a very real danger and we might need to adjust our expectations accordingly and seek to find an At-Large consensus on various issues.
13:37:28 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
I put down my hand because I was going to say more or less what Joanna said in relation to the three week meeting, I do agree also with Greg we need to make sure there are no significant clashes between our sessions and others sessions
13:37:52 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
+1 @Maureen - I can do 2-3 hours a day, I am not able to sit in 8 hours of a virtual ICANN meeting _and_ have a day job
13:38:14 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
+1 Joanna same here
13:38:23 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
A common issue I would think regardless of the time zone your in
13:38:29 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
13:38:38 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
unless your on vacation or retired at the time
13:39:23 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
in person ICANN meetings allow full day meetings but virtual meetings are different
13:40:02 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
The Meetings Team have informed me that they are not aware of any other SOAC holding any significant number of meetings during the inter-sessional week.
13:40:15 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
@eduardo are we planning a NARALO meeting during these dates?
13:40:46 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
I sometimes go back to sessions and listen to the recordings because I just couldn't be on the session at the time it was happening
13:41:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Thx @Heidi
13:41:36 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO to Everyone:
@Glenn: our October meeting does not conflicts with at-Large or ICANN 72 so the answer is yes.
13:43:57 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Please be sure to join the Policy Session during Prep Week!
13:44:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Not showing the schedul
13:44:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
13:44:53 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
I think we are getting a spreadsheet of the meetings for the social media wg for promotion
13:46:55 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
@ ed the time for the NARALO GAME NIGHT Thurs October 18th,20216:00 pm PST 0:100 UTC
13:46:58 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
is this correct
13:47:45 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
@Glenn, we are still scheduling the sessions.
13:48:05 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
13:49:02 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
@Glenn - do you wish to have the Game Nicht at 01:00 UTC in intercessional week? I don’t think you will have many AF/EUR people joining. We do not need to have Pacific times
13:49:11 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
For the Beer tasting, this will be on Pacific Tim e
13:51:49 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Tim’s blogs:
13:52:17 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Thanks Heidi
13:52:23 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Will we get free virtual beers?
13:52:28 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Looking forward to this event (Aussie I know ;-)
13:52:32 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Sure, Dave ;)
13:52:36 From Greg Shatan to Everyone:
I hope to be able to get Seattle beers here in New York City.
13:52:45 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
@Glenn how ill the virtual drinks work?
13:52:49 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
13:52:52 From Greg Shatan to Everyone:
Will there be virtual fish tossing as well?
13:53:19 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
free virtual beer seems only appropriate at 3 am :)
13:53:31 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
I may show you photos of the fish tossing at Pike Place Market
13:53:35 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
@Joanna yes in your dreams
13:53:35 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
@Cheryl.. Beer is very much a feature of "down under" culture
13:53:55 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
I was literally weaned on it ;-)
13:54:02 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Perhaps we could work out a virtual fish toss game...
13:54:05 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
13:54:11 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
(laughing emoji)
13:54:25 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
we used it at insig in the past
13:54:50 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
@JZ, great idea!
13:58:16 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
FYI. a list of suggestions to purchase and evaluation sheets will be posted in advance of the event
13:59:07 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO to Everyone:
Need to move to another meeting. See you in the ether…
13:59:41 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
We will need to start thinking of questions to the Board soon, as well.
13:59:43 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Bye for now then … until next week...
13:59:47 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
thanks all
13:59:48 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Okay -- see you soon
13:59:49 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Thank you all - bye for now
13:59:52 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Thanks and bye to all
14:00:14 From Harold Arcos to Everyone:
thanks to all,,, thansk to our interpreters!
14:00:15 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Thanks, All.
14:00:20 From Harold Arcos to Everyone:
bye bye