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 On 22 September 2015, the ALAC re-appointed Maureen Hilyard to serve as the ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO. This term will be from the end of the ICANN 54 Meeting in October 2015 through the end of the 2017 AGM. Maureen Hilyard has served as the  ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO since 2013.


December 2016 ccNSO update


Intermeeting Council Decisions

  • Adoption of the Election Report re: the special Election for the North American Region (Becky Burr's position)
  • Adoption of the ccNSO Council response to the SO/AC Accountability survey for the CCWG Accountability


  • Ching Chiao, Peter Vergote and Mathieu Weill were appointed as the CCNSO members to the CCWG new GTLD Auction proceeds
  • A list of 12 ccNSO members volunteered and were subsequently appointed to the ccNSO PDP team to draft the charter of the WG Review Mechanism and the WG Retirement of ccTLDs. The group together with the Issues Manager  still has to elect a Chair and CoChair. They must have the first drafts ready by the Copenhagen meeting for discussion with the ccTLD community

Further requests for Volunteers 

  • A call has gone out for the Council to identify interested community members to help select the recipients of the Ethos Award. Two people are required and could spend two terms on the selection panel to ensure diversity and variety of input and equal opportunity among community members.  
  • Further requests are being made to members for a ccNSO co-Chair, and the ccNSO Liaison to the ALAC - there have been expressions of interest but no formal applications
  • Appointment of members to the Security and Stability Review 2 process
    • the ccNSO decided that they will participate in this process and decided to nominate 3 candidates but add further candidates if there is further interest, but this list will be prioritised in case they are required to fill any spaces. 

Review of Council meeting practices

  •  During the Hyderabad meeting there was some discussion of how they could make ccTLD members not feel left out of the decision -making process during the Council meetings. Some members did not realise that a lot of discussion about each of the items had taken place at the prior Council preparation meeting earlier which then just required a quick vote with little discussion - leaving the members wondering what had happened. Byron suggested that members be distributed a Consent Agenda and invited to contribute before any actual voting takes place.  A ccNSO Guideline on Council Practices will be prepared and submitted to the community for comment. 

Adoption of the Final Report and closure of the WG EPSRP,

  • The SSAC has responded to the ccNSO, and have tried to address some of the issues that the ccNSO highlighted. The ccNSO EPSRP WG will have a look at the response, and see if there is a need to make some changes in the ccNSO document to address issues highlighted by the SSAC and to ensure that their points have been address. The report will be re-submitted to the Council for further discussion before adoption and being sent to the Board. 

Organisational review of the ccNSO

  • the ccNSO have been notified that the ccNSO of the process and schedule of their second organisational review
  • This will require the formation of a Working Party in January 2017, and to engage with the OEC of the ICAN Board and staff to discuss the scope, roles and responsibilities, schedule, etc of this review. 
  • They are currently discussing the development of a webinar to explain the review process, for councillors. There will also be a session about the review in Copenhagen 

November 2016 ccNSO report

In Hyderabad - Members, Day 2 (sessions I was able to attend, outside of my ALAC duties)


Barrack Otieno (AFTLD); Peter van Roste (CENTR), Andres Piazza  (LACTLD); Leonid Todorov (APTLD) - encouraging dialogue among members - gathering momentum within Asian ccTLDs, offers Fellowships for underserved areas - supports regional initiatives (APIGA, APSIG), promoting their activities online; signed MOU with sister organisations in Marrakech; as well as ISOC, APRALO and ITU. Communication and capacity building a focus. Wants to do webinars, focus on South Pacific ccTLDs

Maureen and Katrina at the ISOC@ICANN event including headwear and fortunetelling 

Guidelines Review CommitteeKatrina Sataki
