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  • Under the new Transition guidelines, the ccTLD World email list has been enhanced to also include those ccTLDs who are not members of ccNSO to ensure that the wider ccTLD community is kept informed of the CSC, RZERC and other related work and activities
  • Due to the opposing view of the SSAC to the Council's final report by the EPSRP, the Council notes that the SSAC proposes further consideration of the report and will return a decision within four weeks (in time for the next ccNSO Council meeting on 15 Dec 2016).  The Council will defer any further decision on this matter until its next meeting and requests that the WG EPRSP remains available to review and advise the Council with respect to the upcoming iteration of the report by the SSAC. 
  • The Council adopted the final report of the CCWG to develop a Uniform Framework of Principles and Recommendations for Cross Community WGs and invites other SOs/ACs to also adopt the framework. Becky Burr was the ccNSO Co-Chair.
  • Two new WGs will be formed to (1) develop a review mechanism for decisions pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs and (2) develop recommendations for a policy on the retirement of ccTLDs. Volunteers have been called to help draft charters which will be included into the Issue Report which should be available for consideration by the Council at its meeting in Copenhagen (ICANN58)
  • After the Council decided to overturn its March decision not to participate as a chartered member of the CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds, the ccNSO moved to adopt its charter and to call for volunteers to fill its slate of ccNSO appointed members. Although the volunteers need not be limited to the ccTLD community, they should be closely related to ccTLD managers and have experience in the areas to be considered by the CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds. 
  • A call has gone out to replace Ron Sherwood as the ccNSO Liaison. Sincere appreciation was extended to Ron for the 6 years of generous service he gave to his liaison role on behalf of the ccNSO and the greater ICANN community, before his resignation in August 2016. A letter expressing the Councils recognition and thanks, and wishing him a long and happy retirement was signed by the Councillors and myself which Stephan Deerhake will personally deliver. Katrina very kindly welcomed me again, following Alan's formal notification about my continued liaison role with the ccNSO on behalf of the ALAC.

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Marketplace Health Index Initiative - Mukesh Chulani (ICANN)
