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 On 22 September 2015, the ALAC re-appointed Maureen Hilyard to serve as the ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO. This term will be from the end of the ICANN 54 Meeting in October 2015 through the end of the 2016 AGM. Maureen Hilyard has served as the  ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO since 2013.

October 2016 ccNSO Update

* (1 Oct) Latest on review of the March 2015 ccNSO decision regarding being a chartered organisation of the the Auction Proceeds CCWG, Katrina has made the following statement to the CCWG Co-Chairs:  After careful consideration of all arguments, taking into account the importance of the use of the auction funds and contribution that ccTLDs with experience in comparable projects could bring to the cross-community working group, I am pleased to inform you that the ccNSO now anticipates to participate in the cross-community working group as a chartering organization and will consider the charter for adoption at its upcoming meeting on 13 October 2016.

September 2016 ccNSO Update


  • Post Council meeting Election Results: these newly elected Council members will take up their seats at the end of the ccNSO meeting (9 March 2016) in Marrakesh. 

    African Region
    Abibu Ntahigiye, .tz
    Asia-Pacific Region
    Debbie Monahan, .nz
    European Region
    Peter Vergote, .be
    Latin American and Caribbean Region
    Demi Getschko, .br
    North American Region
    Becky Burr, .us

  • ccNSO Council meeting 19 Nov: Main items discussed and decisions made
    • Becky gave an update on the ccWG for those who couldn't attend Mathieu's webinar 
    • Byron and Peter van Roste reported on their participation in the IFG Brazil esp. WSIS+10, Human rights, IXPs (Byron), cybersecurity esp terrorism, intellectual property rights (Peter). 10 streams per session sometimes made it difficult to follow threads.
    • With Alejandra Reynoso's election by the LAC region to replace Victor Abboud, the election report was adopted
    • Stephen Deerhake was elected for North American region, and the election report adopted.
    • Wafa Dahmani Zaafouri (.tn) and Hiro Hotta (.jp) were appointed to the Working Group Extended Process Similarity Review Panel.
    • Next Council meeting Dec 10, and a special meeting on Dec 23 to discuss ccNSO decision about the ccWG proposals
  • 18 Nov - ccTLD Webinar - ccWG update: Great summary of progress of the ccWG up to and after Dublin, given by Mathieu Wiel who is one of the ccNSO co-chairs. Bart provided a summary of the discussions held by the ccNSO in Dublin. A recording and Mathieu's ppt presentation will be placed on the ccNSO website shortly.
  • ccNSO Special Council meeting (6 November 12.30UTC) held to discuss the decision-making process of the CCWG (Accountability) Proposal with Matthieu Weill. The Council raised concerns relating to the overwhelming amount of information that needs to be reduced to some "digestible" volume so that ccTLD managers can become better informed through the consultation process and provide appropriate feedback which the Council can return to the CCWG. Concern was also raised relating to the proposed "working session" at the IGF and decisions being potentially made excluding those who could not attend the meeting in Brazil, it lacked transparency - Mattheiu assured the Council that a formal meeting would not take place. The Council decided to create outreach opportunities as per the CWG consultation which proved successful. Council appointed members will provide our primary input - consensus being the model rather than unanimity. Webinars (in conjunction with the ROs) and social media will be used to get information out to as many of the ccTLD community as possible - Staff to collate information on how many ccTLDS actually provide feedback. The tight ccWG timeframe constrains the consultation process so that the Council will meet a few days before the deadline date of 31 December in order to make the final decision/statement for delivery to the ccWG.
  • ccNSO Council and ccNSO community have been invited to comment on the GNSO Questionnaire CCWG Use of names of country and Territories: 3-letter codes. Comments required by 30 November. This request is a follow-up from the presentation Annebeth Lange (.no) and Paul Szyndler (.au) gave at the ccNSO meeting in Dublin. Their presentation can be found here:
  • A summary has been provided of the discussions from the ccNSO’s ICANN 54 sessions in Dublin related to the IANA Stewardship Transition and the ICANN Accountability work.  An audio recording of the meeting can be found here A more detailed update of the CCWG Accountability timeline, which can be found at . This update includes key dates and a brief description of the next steps in the process to enable the report on Work Stream 1 recommendations of the CCWG Accountability to be finalized and sent to the ICANN Board by mid-January 2016


October 2015 ccNSO Report


NOTICE: the ccNSO Council has now started publishing the Council call preparation materials online as well. You can find them at


