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AUGUST 2015 ccNSO Report

ccNSO Council Meeting (20 Aug)



  •  Internet Governance - Report provided by Young Eum Lee
  • ICG - Keith Davidson
    • ICG put out a proposal at end of July, if ccNSO intends to submit comments they have until 8 Sept. To date 22 submissions have been received - issues identified to date are easily addressed
    • ICG has held two webinars
    • There was a lot of discussion around the ICP-1 (the Internet Coordination Policy 1) which was one of 3 documents produced by ICANN staff shortly after the creation of the Internet Coordination Policy group in an attempt to update operational details over how the DNS was structured and should be run. The document has been a source of significant friction between ICANN and the ccTLD community. The ccNSO formally rejected the ICP-1 document arguing that it modified policy but did not meet the requirements for doing so at the time of its introduction in 1999. (Refer Final Proposal for Chartering Organizations' Consideration (11 June))
    • ccNSO noted some reservations in BA around the CWG Stewardship proposal re the inclusion of the ICP-1 in the list of relevant documents. There was further discussion about this and it has been decided  that a letter to the Board and  submission will be made by the ccNSO (Keith, Becky and Nigel willl assist the Secretariat to draft a note for the ICG and Board). Unanimously supported.
    • Nigel voiced reservation about the"implementation of the FOI" as reported by Keith. Policies are implemented. A policy already exists. FOI is interpretation of existing policy and hence needs to be applied.
    • Keith said that aspects of systems, website, etc need to be changed to accommodate FOI within existing processes. Indications are that IANA are treating it with urgency. Moving forward expeditiously. 
  • CWG Stewardship (Lisa Fuhr unavailable)
    • main item has been around the SLE (Service Level Expectation) effort; strong indication is that the SLE is almost concluded. Issue of ICP-1 was discussed extensively
  • ccWG Accountability (Becky Burr)
    • 2nd proposal has been published. GAC members have been involved in the process - stress test 18 - their advice is taken in consensus. 
    • Becky is concerned that not all ccTLD issues have been addressed. Fundamental pieces have been agreed upon, but the goal is to have these accepted in Dublin. All aspects of CWG requirements have been met, but no formal feedback has been received from CWG yet.
  • Preparation for the Decision-making proces on CWG and CCWG proposals in Dublin
    • At the Dublin meeting the ccNSO will most likely have to decide on:
    • Whether there is community support for the Final Proposal of the CCWG Accountability, in particular on WS 1
    • Check whether the CCWG Accountability Final Proposal meets the conditionality requirements (as defined by the CWG-Stewardship, as required by BA resolution)
    • In order to prepare for the decision-making in Dublin, this item will be included on the agenda of this and upcoming Council meetings. 
    • Discussion points:
      • Should the RO’s be invited again to co-organise the meeting?  Becky say yes! Their input is important.
      • Use similar structure of sessions (relevant for the Program WG)?
        • Informational sessions;
        • Discussion sessions
        • Council decision is sensing level of support by community and recording this and based on the recorded level of community endorsement, support submission to the Board of Directors.
  • IDN ccTLD Fast Track Review
    • At its Buenos Aires meeting, the ICANN Board of Directors have requested the ccNSO to provide further guidance pertaining to IDN ccTLD Fast Track process, in particular on issues relating to the second panel to assess potential confusing similarity of strings. In providing guidance the GAC and SSAC need to be consulted
    • The draft charter is still under discussion. As soon as draft charter is ready, it will circulated with to Council email list for discussion and adoption. After adoption the secretariat will send out a call for volunteers.

  • SECIR Working Group (Secure Email Communication for ccTLD Incident Response)
    • The SECIR WG has completed its work, which is documented in its Final report, including recommendations for next steps. In anticipation of closure of the WG, and following the ccNSO Council resolution in BA, the WG has drafted a charter/statement of purpose for the TLD-Ops Standing Committee. The role of the committee is to give guidance to and oversee activities of the TLD-Ops secretariat. To ensure continuity, the SECIR WG will act as interim TLD-Ops up and until all members of the TLD-Ops Standing Committee are appointed by Council.
    • The Council adopted the SECIR Final Report and its recommendations. The Council thanked the working group for their hard work and for turning the project into a success.
    • The Council adopted the proposed charter for the TLD-Ops Standing Committee and is requesting volunteers for membership of this committee
  • Discussion of Meeting B Strategy
    • No decision has been made regarding programme for proposed new Meeting B. Working group plan to run a survey - ccNSO would like a fulsome discussion with the full community in Dublin. There was concern raised about how they would carry out their normal work, and that they will need to amend their current processes so that they can do everything that needs to be done.
  • ccNSO Council Elections
    • Five regional councillors are stepping down according to schedule: Lesley Cowley (EU) Demi Getschko (LAC) Keith Davidson (AP) Abibu Ntahugiue (AF) and Becky Burr (NA). Victor Abboud (LAC) has also resigned so that the LAC region will need two councillors. 
    • A timeline for the ccNSO Council election has been outlined and adopted. Gabriella Schittek has been appointed as Election Manager.
  • Appointment of ccNSO member on ICANN's nominating committee
    • There was some considerable discussion about whether the Council had followed its guidelines for receiving nominations within an identified timeframe. The discussion focused on on the fact that the Council has not followed the guidelines basically since it was created. Lesley noted that this was because there was seldom an election required, as it was already difficult to find someone prepared to take on the NomCom role. This year there are two candidates and Nigel Roberts asked that they follow the guidelines or amend the ones they've got to fit what they have done. Nigel's point was that in light of ICANN Accountability it was not a good look for the ccNSO Council to not follow its own rules, especially when there has been a complaint. 
    • BYRON - "The decision is to continue to follow the current process - because the Council can decide. We recognise that there has been some dissension on this issue and suggest we delay the nominations for another week and reissue the call for nominations - with proposers and seconders. The Seccretariat will write up the resolution."
  • Strategic and Operational Working Group (SOPWG)
    • Four volunteers were appointed to the WG: Barrak Otieno (AfTLD), Pablo Rogrigues (.pr), Dotty Sparks de Blanc (.vi) Michael Vasilakis (.gr)
  • ICANN Leadership Training (Dublin)
    • The ccNSO is eligible to appoint two volunteers for the ICANN leadership training in Dublin. The traning is intended for current ccNSO Leadership (councillors, working group chairs) and potential leaders. Closing dat for appointment is 31 Aug 2015.
    • Lesley asked if there were any volunteers (Jordi Iaparraguirre volunteered in the chat). Byron suggested setting up a WG to seek someone.
    • Byron said it was always difficult to get volunteers because everyone was so busy with their jobs (not just a ccNSO problem)
  • GNSO Liaison Update - provided by Patrick Miles
  • ALAC Liaison Update - provided by Ron Sherwood
