Versions Compared


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On 23 July 2018, the ALAC voted unanimously to re-appoint Cheryl Langdon-Orr as the ALAC Liaison to the GNSO for the period between the 2018 AGM to the 2019 AGM.

In 2017, the ALAC re-appointed Cheryl Langdon-Orr as the ALAC Liasion to the GNSO for the period between the 2017 AGM to the 2018 AGM.

On 10 September 2016, the ALAC appointed Cheryl Langdon-Orr to serve as the ALAC Liaison to the GNSO. This term will be from the end of the ICANN 57 Meeting on 8th November 2016 through the end of the 2017 AGM. 


15 Dec 2016 at 1200 UTC 


07/08 November 2016GNSO Council Public Meeting at ICANN 57 Hyderabad13:45 IST

This agenda is also published on the Wiki page at:


GNSO Liaison notes:
Motion passed unanimously. A lot of preparation had been made to reach this point. Mason Cole, who has held the interim Seat, has been thanked for his service.


Item 4. COUNCIL VOTE – Adoption of Consensus Recommendations from the GNSO Bylaws Drafting Team (20 minutes)


7.2 – Council discussion

 7.3 – Next steps 


GNSO Liaison notes:

A discussion took place - as per council update.


Item 10: Any Other Business (5 minutes)



29 September 2016GNSO Council Teleconference21:00 UTC


 This agenda is also published on the Wiki page at:


Motion Passes with 2 abstentions (Heather Forrest; Paul McGrady).

 Abstention from Heather Forrest was caused by the IPC's concern about the pace at which important decisions needed to be made and there is concern that WS2 is also progressing super fast too - perhaps too fast for some constituencies. Paul Mc Grady expressed that he had faith in the work being done by the drafting team but echoed Heather's concerns.



The next sections appears to have been skipped or is here in error.


Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Proposed Draft Charter for a New Cross Community Working Group concerning Auction Proceeds from the 2012 New gTLD Program (15 minutes)


The 2012 New gTLD Program established auctions as a mechanism of last resort to resolve string contention. Although most string contention sets have been resolved through other means prior to reaching the stage of an auction conducted by ICANN's authorized auction service provider, it was recognized from the outset that significant funds could accrue as a result of several auctions. As such, any and all auction proceeds have been reserved and earmarked until the Board authorizes a plan for the appropriate use of the funds. The Board, staff, and community are expected to work together in designing the appropriate processes for addressing the use of the new gTLD auction proceeds.To this end, a cross-community Drafting Team (DT) was formed which has now submitted a proposed Charter for a cross-community working group to all SO/ACs for consideration.


As outlined by the DT, the proposed charter is the result of extensive input and deliberations and represents a careful balance between the different viewpoints and perspectives, including from both the DT Members and the ICANN Board liaisons to the DT. As such, the DT has requested that the GNSO Council review the proposed charter with this careful balance in mind and only flag to the DT any pertinent issues that would prevent the GNSO from adopting this charter. The DT has requested to receive the GNSO's feedback by 30 September 2016 at the latest, including an indication of when the GNSO anticipates to be in a position to consider the charter for adoption following 30 September, provided that no pertinent issues have been identified by any of the ICANN SO/ACs.


Here the Council will discuss the DT's proposed Charter, with a view toward providing its input by 30 September.


7.1 – Summary and update (Jonathan Robinson (DT chair))


The following points were emphasized: 

The funds are ring-fenced. 

They are a single revenue source. 

There has been substantial discussion about conflict of interest provisions.


There has been substantial discussion and care taken so as not to prejudice or impact ICANN’s tax status. There’s recognition of issues like transparency that you expect, lean and effective work, diversity issues.


Jonathan Robinson proposed that Cross Community Working Group be formed along the concepts that have been developed and refined by recent Cross Community Working Groups. The planned course of action is to run the charter by the different chartering organisations. The charter will aim to be finalised by Hyderabad.


 8.2 – Discussion

8.3 – Next steps 

GNSO Liaison Notes: a quick update from Phil Corwin and no discussion. Item to be discussed further in Hyderabad.


GNSO Liaison Notes: item skipped and discussed further in Hyderabad. 


Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – GNSO Meeting Schedule for ICANN57 (5 minutes)


GNSO Liaison Note: I have shared the details of the At-Large Survey for the At-Large Review and shared the links in the AC Chat.


1 September 2016GNSO Council Teleconference12:00 UTC


This agenda is also published on the Wiki page at:


Motion as passed, with dates to be updated highlighted as indicated below:





1. The GNSO Council hereby confirms the extension of the term of the current GNSO Liaison to the GAC, Mason Cole, until the end of the ICANN AGM in Hyderabad. 


Motion Carried unanimously.



Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE – Approval of Recommendations from the Standing Committee on GNSO Improvements (10 minutes)


Motion carried unanimously.




Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE – Adoption of Implementation Advisory Group Recommendations to Update Procedure on WHOIS Conflicts with National Laws (15 minutes)


6.2 – Discussion

6.3 – Next steps 

GNSO Liaison Notes: expressed the ALAC's discussions in its new gTLD working group and read out to the record:


A strong discussion took place about this. Expression about a pattern of abuse being undertaken by some Registries and ICANN compliance not helping was expressed by Susan Kawaguchi.

 Discussion will continue for the next call, noting that the Board is expecting a response. The aim would be to respond to the Board by mid October. (before Hyderabad)





Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Next Steps for the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance (10 minutes)


Liaison Notes: skipped to a future call. Concern expressed by Marilia Maciel that this item keeps on being moved from meeting to meeting and  


Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Proposed Cost Control Mechanisms and Request for GNSO Council Validation of the Budget for the Cross Community Working Group on Ensuring ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) (15 minutes)


8.2 – Discussion

8.3 – Next steps 

Liaison Notes: The Council will be asked to approve the costs of CCWG Accountability. Concern expressed (Paul McGrady) about approving a plan that includes "Jurisdiction" in WS2. This is of concern to some. Otherwise, satisfaction was expressed at the level of detail given to provide ongoing updates for the cost control of WS2 topics. 



Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Planning and Scheduling for ICANN57 (15 minutes)


Liaison notes: most of these items will be raised and discussed on the mailing list.

21 July 2016GNSO Council Teleconference21:00 UTC


Item 1: Administrative matters (5 minutes)


The Registrar Stakeholder group asked Volker Greimann to continue in his role on the Council until a replacement has been elected and elections are under way.


9.2 – Update on status of progress on the Drafting Team that is to identify new and additional rights and responsibilities for the GNSO under the revised ICANN Bylaws


GNSO Liaison Notes: problem about a member of the RPM working group. Request for GNSO Council to look into available actions when an individual sends unsollicited communication to other community members and staff. ICANN Legal to be consulted.



30 June 2016GNSO Council Public Meeting in Helsinki 07:45 UTC



Meeting Minutes (from GNSO Staff)


Approval to Permanently Integrate Successful PDP Improvements into the GNSO Policy Development Process

  Motion proposed by Donna Austin seconded by Carlos Gutierrez.



The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.


Motion proposed by Paul McGrady, seconded by Susan Kawaguchi as amended by Heather Forrest 

The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Voting results




Action Item


ICANN staff to issue a call for volunteers for a Drafting Team that will work with ICANN staff to fully identify all the new or additional rights and responsibilities that the GNSO has under the revised Bylaws, including but not limited to participation of the GNSO within the Empowered Community, and to develop new or modified structures and procedures (as necessary) to fully implement these new or additional rights and responsibilities.


Motion proposed by James Bladel seconded by Volker Greimann as amended by Wolf-Ulrich Knoben


The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Voting results 



Action Item 



  • GNSO Secretariat to inform the GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies of the extended selection timeline (Nominations Accepted for Candidates - 1 OCT 2016; Council Chairs consider candidates and notify first choice - 20 OCT; Chairs submit motion to Council by 29 OCT for consideration during Council meeting on 8 NOV; GAC Leadership notified of new Liaison by 9 NOV).
  • Staff to include consideration of a uniform selection process as part of the work associated with implementing the post-transition bylaws


  • Acknowledging receipt of the request,
  • referring the request to the Chairs of the Translation and Transliteration PDP Working group
  • referring the request Chairs of the GNSO PDP on the Next Generation Registration Directory Services to Replace WHOIS  Working Group.




David Cake confirmed that the GNSO PDP on the Next Generation Registration Directory Services to Replace WHOIS  Leadership was fully aware of the request.




Action Items


  • Staff to note that GNSO Council will proceed with the Board request. 
  • Staff to draft a letter which will be circulated to the Council list before transmitting to the ICANN Board and to the co-chairs of the Translation and Transliteration PDP Working group and the GNSO PDP on the Next Generation Registration Directory Services to Replace WHOIS  Working Group



As the next points are well caught in the meeting's minutes, these are copied here:



Item 8: COMMITTEE UPDATE - Selection of Primary and Alternate Delegates from the GNSO to the New Bylaws-mandated Customer Standing Committee  

Donna Austin provided the Council with an update on the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Selection Committee 

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben provided background information about the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) and reminded the Council of the selection date deadline of the 15th August 2016. The target is to monitor the performance of the IANA naming functions in the future. The Customer Standing Committee (CSC) shall consist of representatives of all Advisory Committees and Supporting Organisations. The GNSO must appoint members (voting) and is strongly encouraged to appoint liaisons (non-voting).
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben offered to lead the GNSO Liaison Selection Committee.  

Deadline for applications to be sent to the GNSO Secretariat is the 15th July.


The GNSO Council Selection committee, Rubens Kuhl, Heather Forrest, Susan Kawaguchi, Wolf-Ullrich Knoben and David Cake, have decided on an evaluation tool which will be used to send four candidates to the GNSO Council which will select two out of the four.
The final selection will be decided with the Country Code Naming Support Organisation (ccNSO) and the gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group in a coordination round.


15th July 2016: deadline for applications and for Expressions of Interest (EoI) 

 21 July 2016: GNSO Council meeting, motion to be provided for selection of two top   applicants. 




James Bladel reminded everyone that the two GNSO Council Liaisons can be listed unnamed in the motion as such until the names of the applicants are known to the Council.


The aim would be for the GNSO Council to vote confirming members and liaisons by email ballot rather than having to convene an extra Council meeting during the summer break. Only gTLD and ccTLD registries are appointing members as they are the IANA direct customers and will be those to best keep the process in check. 


Further discussion was had about the timeline, the roles and selections of members and liaisons.
Wolf- Ulrich Knoben reminded Council that a motion deferral was ill advised and that a few days would be necessary for councilors to consult with their groups prior to the meeting and the close of the application window.
Paul McGrady raised the IPC's concerns about Council having undertaken this process, and noted that the IPC would not make a formal issue of the matter in light of tight timelines, but wished that Council's role in such matters be discussed going forward.
Keith Drazek clarified the members/ liaison terms. 


Action item:
Schedule precautionary 9 August 2016 Council meeting as vote is required.  

Item 9: WORKING GROUP PROGRESS REPORT – Activities of the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance  

The Co-Chairs of the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance Working Group (CCWG IG) Rafik Dammak, provided Council with an Update while Olivier Crépin-Leblond, confirmed  the Working Group’s targets and accountability and clarified how much staff support and support in general the CCWG was receiving.


Mariel Maciel stressed the importance of this CCWG both in triggering awareness of the potential threats ICANN could be facing but also in consolidating collaboration with other similar organizations.
Heather Forrest requested copies of the reports produced by the CCWG IG support staff so the Council can be kept apprised of the CCWG’s progress.

Action Item:
Council be kept apprised of the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance Working Group’s (CCWG IG) progress


Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Next Steps relating to Implementation of Recommendations for the GNSO Review  

James Bladel reminded everyone that ICANN Board has approved the GNSO review recommendations as well as those amended by the GNSO Council. It is foreseen that a team is to be created in July to work on an Implementation Plan to send to the Board. However, is a new team to be created or would the Standing Committee on the Implementation of GNSO Improvements (SCI) be repurposed to this intent?
Avri Doria supported the latter. 

Anne Aikman-Scalese, vice-Chair of the SCI, reminded the Council that the SCI is at their disposal for work projects 

Action Item:


Staff proposed re-drafting the SCI’s charter in order to accommodate the changes.


Item 11: STAFF UPDATE TO COUNCIL – Next Steps relating to the Final Report of the Implementation Group on Review of the WHOIS Conflicts with National Law Procedure


Jamie Hedlund provided an update to the Council giving a brief reminder of the beginning of the Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) through to current developments. Currently, there is one trigger for the procedure and that is evidence of a process or regulatory action or litigation against a contracted party for effectively complying with Whois obligations in conflict with local privacy law. 

Donna Austin questioned whether the GAC or Data Protection Agencies had been consulted on the subject. Several other members raised the concern that the Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) could not come to consensus given that their scope of action was narrow as policy had already been made.  

Item 12: Any Other Business

James Bladel noted that a written proposal from the Board Finance Committee on proposed cost, monitoring cost, tracking cost, and control mechanisms for CCWG Accountability Work Stream 2 was submitted and encouraged Councillors to review the proposal. 



14 April 2016GNSO Council Teleconference21:00 UTC


 (preliminary report pending addition of Recorded Action Items)


GNSO Liaison Notes: Deferred to mailing list due to time having run out.

18 February 2016GNSO Council Teleconference12:00 UTC


 (preliminary report pending addition of Recorded Action Items)


3.2 – Approve appointment of the Chair and Vice-Chairs for the Next-Generation Registration Directory Services PDP Working Group 





Item 4: COUNCIL ACTION – Vote on Initiation of Policy Development Process (PDP) for the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs, and Discussion of Proposed Charter for the PDP Working Group (30 minutes)


GNSO Liaison Notes: a long discussion took place about disagreement on the order in which the issues will be addressed in the PDP:


  • Whether the review of the RPMs is performed first, followed by a review of a UDRP
  • Whether the review of the UDRP is performed first, followed by a review of the RPMs


It was strongly added that this decision should not be left to the Working Group itself to work out. 

With the Council ready to hammer out the Charter in advance of Marrakech, the Motion was passed unanimously.


Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (30 minutes) 



In the course of discussions over the IANA stewardship transition, the community had raised concerns about ICANN's accountability, given ICANN's historical contractual relationship with the United States government. The community discussions indicated that existing ICANN accountability mechanisms do not yet meet some stakeholders' expectations. As the US government (through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)) has stressed that it expects community consensus on the transition, this gap between the current situation and stakeholder expectations needed to be addressed. This resulted in the creation of a Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) of which the GNSO is a chartering organization.




In May 2015, the CCWG-Accountability published an initial proposal regarding its work on Work Stream 1 (meant to align with the timing of the IANA stewardship transition) for public comment. In August 2015, the CCWG-Accountability published its Second Draft Proposal for public comment. This second proposal included significant changes to the initial document, arising from feedback received in the first public comment period. Following community input, including from the ICANN Board, and discussions at several sessions during ICANN54, the CCWG-Accountability made further adjustments to its draft recommendations, resulting in its Third Draft Proposal that was published for public comment on 30 November 2015.




Concurrently, the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) – the community group formed to consolidate the various proposals relating to the IANA stewardship transition submitted by the Internet communities affected by the issue – announced after ICANN54 that it had completed its task. However, before the ICG can send its consolidated proposal to the NTIA via the ICANN Board, it will first have to confirm with the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) that its accountability requirements have been met by the Work Stream 1 recommendations from the CCWG-Accountability. In this regard, the CWG-Stewardship had submitted a public comment to the CCWG-Accountability which, while noting that several of the CCWG-Accountability's latest recommendations adequately satisfied the CWG-Stewardship's requirements, nevertheless highlighted a number of points that in its view merited further attention.


I shared the process that the ALAC is going to use. (community calls on 24th & 25th February 2016; 1/2 day face to face meetings on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 March 2016 at ICANN55 and ratification in an ALAC vote later in the week, potentially Tuesday)




ITEM 7: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – GNSO Review (10 minutes)


7.2 – Discussion


7.3 – Next steps 



GNSO Liaison Notes: the call ran out of time before addressing this issue, thus to be continued at a future date. 



Item 8: BRIEFING & DISCUSSION – RDAP Implementation (10 minutes)


8.1 – Discussion


8.2 – Next steps 



GNSO Liaison Notes: the call ran out of time before addressing this issue, thus to be continued at a future date.




Item 9:Any Other Business (5 Minutes)




22 January 2016GNSO Council Teleconference21:00 UTC


Item 1: Administrative matters (5 minutes)


Item 3: Consent agenda (0 minutes)




Item 4: VOTE ON MOTION – Adoption of Final Report from the Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP Working Group (20 minutes)


4.3 – CCouncil vote (voting threshold: an affirmative vote of more than two-thirds (2/3) of each House or more than three-fourths (3/4) of one House and one-half (1/2) of the other House) 



Motion Passed Unanimously 



Item 5: VOTE ON MOTION – Charter for Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group on New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures (15 minutes)


5.3 – Council vote (voting threshold: an affirmative vote of more than one-third (1/3) of each House or more than two-thirds (2/3) of one House)




Concern by Paul McGrady to avoid collision of other PDP that has been deferred regarding Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs). The concern is that RPMs would be treated in both PDPs when they should be addressed separately.



After small friendly amendment, Motion Passed Unanimously. 



Item 6: Vote on motion: Initiation of Policy Development Process (PDP) to review all RPMs in all gTLDs for (15 minutes)


6.3 – Council vote (voting threshold: an affirmative vote of more than one-third (1/3) of each House or more than two-thirds (2/3) of one House) 






Item 7: Vote on motion – Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (30 minutes)


7.3 – Council vote (voting threshold: simple majority)




There was no vote. Action Item is to have a final version circulated to the GNSO Council, with a consensus call.


Item 9: Any Other Business (10 Minutes)



14 January 2016GNSO Council Teleconference12:00 UTC


This was a special meeting of the GNSO Council on a single topic: CCWG Accountability Final Report.


  • Letter explaining GNSO Council response - James to prepare draft for Council consideration before 21 January, assisted by Keith and Ed
  • Rec 5, 11 - James to draft additional language along the lines of what was discussed/agreed on the call, assisted by Ed and Paul
  • Rec 1 - reinsert BC note about strong right of inspection (perhaps with cross-reference in/to Rec 3?)
  • Rec 2 - change "unanimous support" to "broad support"
  • Rec 3, 4 - no change
  • Rec 6 - remove last sentence; add note that certain questions remain to be resolved in WS2
  • Rec 7 - no change
  • Rec 8 – further elaboration needed on note about timeliness (including replies and deadlines)
  • Rec 9 - Review whether IPC comment on AOC section 8(b) and direct constituency participation in review teams should be included; review generally for accuracy
  • Rec 10 - emphasize need for it to be a community-led effort
  • Rec 12 - no change

18 DecemberGNSO Council Teleconference18:00 UTC


Item 1: Administrative matters (5 minutes)


Item 3: Consent agenda (0 minutes) 


Item 4: VOTE ON MOTION – Initiation of Policy Development Process (PDP) for New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures(15 minutes)


NOTE: Check Charter which is at the end of the Final Report of the Issues as drafted by Staff.



  • Vote on Motion #1 (initiation of PDP) – PASSED
  • Vote on Motion #2 (adoption of Charter) – DEFERRED
    • Susan Kawaguchi, Philip Corwin and ICANN staff to work on appropriate language to clarify scope of Charter vis-à-vis rights protection mechanisms (which is the subject of a separate Issue Report on which the Council is expected to consider in January 2016) and circulate to Council list prior to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting


6.3 – Council vote (voting threshold: simple majority) 

Liaison Notes:

The response to the GAC communiqué was presented and voted on. The response was fairly non-controversial.


Motion approved unanimously.




  • Vote on Motion - PASSED; candidates named in the motion are endorsed by GNSO Council (Calvin Browne, Gregory DiBiase, Ben Anderson, Jeff Neuman, Jordyn Buchanan, Nacho Amadoz, Carlos Gutierrez, Jonathan Zuck, Waudo Siganga, Michael Graham, Greg Shatan, David Taylor, Stacie Walsh, Viktor Szabados, Cecilia Lee Smith, YJ Park, Jeremy Malcolm, Kinfe Michael Yilma Desta)
  • Actions outlined in motion to be carried out by GNSO Secretariat (i.e. inform Review Team selectors including specific advice (see below) - COMPLETED; inform endorsed candidates as well as candidates that did not obtain endorsement -COMPLETED)
  • Susan Kawaguchi to assist staff in drafting specific advice concerning GNSO role in New gTLD Program implementation and need to ensure representation of all relevant GNSO stakeholders - COMPLETED
  • NPOC & NCUC to send specific candidate lists (if wished) directly to selectors, but to note that these are not candidates endorsed by the GNSO Council


James Bladel summarising: the GNSO Council will not be able to send consolidated comments due time running out.




  • Council to develop process to document support for CCWG-Accountability from GNSO SG/Cs and synthesize into a consolidated, GNSO position
  • Council to work on appropriate resolution for adoption


GNSO Council Chair: James Bladel
GNSO Council Vice Chair (Contracted Parties House): Donna Austin
GNSO Council Vice Chair (Non-contracted Parties House): Heather Forrest

19 NovemberGNSO Council Teleconference15:00 UTC



Item 1: Administrative matters (5 minutes)


Item 3: Consent agenda (0 minutes)




Item 4: VOTE ON MOTION – Adoption of the Charter for PDP Working Group on Next Generation gTLD Registration Directory Services (RDS) to Replace WHOIS (15 minutes)


7.2 – Discussion


7.3 – Next steps



Councilors to begin consultations with their respective SG/Cs based on the 15 November Formal Update provided by the CCWG co-chairs: (pending the release of the full Third Draft Proposal on 30 November).


  • Proposed meetings for 2016: Councilors to provide input on the proposed schedule of meetings as well as potential changes to the rotation of time zones.

  • CWG-Stewardship Letter concerning role in implementation: Councilors to provide feedback on whether there are any concerns in relation to the approach proposed by the CWG-Stewardship for dealing with implementation oversight.

  • DNS Entrepreneurship Center: Julf to circulate message concerning DNS Entrepreneurship Center to Council mailing list.

24 SeptemberGNSO Council Teleconference18:00 UTC

 Action Items


2.1 – Review of Projects List and Action List
Action Items:


3.1 – Approve addition to the GNSO Operating Procedures of a proposed process for the selection of Board seat #13 by the Contracted Parties House (per current rules in the Operating Procedures concerning the selection of Board seats by each House) 

Action item: Staff to update and post GNSO Operating Procedures accordingly.

3.2 – Approve transmission of Recommendations Report to ICANN Board following public comments on the Council’s recommendation that the Board adopt the Final Report from the Translation & Transliteration of gTLD Data Working Group 


 Action item: Staff to submit Recommendations report to the ICANN Board.


Item 4: MOTION – Public Comment Period for New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures Preliminary Issue Report


Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Final Report of the Independent Examiner on GNSO Review    

Action Item: The GNSO Review Working Party to communicate to the OEC that there are concerns with Recommendation 23 and these are being discussed within the GNSO at present noting that a full expression of those concerns may be forthcoming in the near future. 


Action Item: Candidates for the GNSO Council slot for the Leadership Training in Dublin should be submitted to the GNSO Council list as soon as possible. Note, the candidate does not need to be a Council member.

3 SeptemberGNSO Council Teleconference15:00 UTC



GNSO Council Call

Item 1: Administrative matters (5 minutes)


2.1 – Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action List
2.2 – Comments or questions arising 

NOTES: project list has been updated.


Item 3: Consent agenda (10 minutes)


Notes: Unanimously agreed.


Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION & DECISION – Public Comment Period for New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures Preliminary Issue Report (15 minutes)


Notes: I expressed the ALAC’s lack of consensus on the matter with very different points of view between ALAC members, some finding closed generic strings to be absolutely fine. As a result I expressed that some ALAC would say linking this to the public interest would be a waste of time whilst others would support it.


Item 6: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – Protection for IGO Acronyms at the Second Level in All gTLDs (15 minutes) 

At the July 2015 Council meeting, PDP Working Group co-chair Philip Corwin outlined for the Council certain concerns that the WG co-chairs shared regarding the timing and mechanisms for interactions between the WG and the IGO “small group” (comprising IGO and GAC representatives) that had been formed to formulate a substantive proposal for discussion with the GNSO. The final proposal is expected to be based on the Board’s New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) initial March 2014 proposal to the GAC, and as such is expected to address both so-called “preventative” (i.e. pre-registration) as well as “curative” (i.e. post-registration) protections for IGO acronyms. In respect of preventative protections, the NGPC had previously requested that the GNSO Council consider amending those of its adopted policy recommendations that are inconsistent with GAC advice. Following discussions with the NGPC, the Council had put the matter on hold pending further details regarding possible amendments from the NGPC. 

Here the Council will receive an update on the status of the WG, GAC and IGO interactions on the topic if IGO protections, and discuss what, if anything, it might wish to do at this stage to facilitate progress in resolving any issues arising therefrom.


Notes: very slow progress / none / since Buenos Aires meeting.  


Item 7: UPDATE ON EXPECTED COUNCIL ACTION – Final Report from the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group (5 minutes)


Recommended for any ALAC member who wishes to catch up quickly on the contents of the report.


Item 8: UPDATE & DISCUSSION - Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability – CCWG Accountability (15 minutes)


Note: due to time running out, this item was deferred to the mailing list.  


AugustNo GNSO Council Conference Call due to Summer Recess


 GNSO Council Call 


Agenda Wiki page (where the latest updates can be found):

Motions are posted on page:

GNSO Council is having an induction day on Friday, at the end of the ICANN Week for all new Councillors to be brought up to speed on GNSO matters. This is likely to become a permanent fixture to help new Councillors be more quickly effective in their new position.


Action Items:

  • ·        Arrange for a facilitator for the Council Development and Induction session in Dublin on Friday 23 October 2015.
  • ·        Formally communicate to parting councilors that they are welcome to attend the Council Development and Induction.



Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (15 minutes)


  •  WG chair’s concern on the process and substance of the letter is noted by the Council. Phillip Corwin to report back to the Council at or before the next Council meeting


 GNSO Council Call

4 & 5: Updates on IANA Stewardship & ICANN Accountability


  • Councillors are encouraged to review the GNSO Review report (All)
  • Inform Staff if Stakeholder Groups/Constituencies wish to meet with the Westlake team and the GNSO Review Working Party during Constituency Day in Buenos Aires so that time slots can be arranged.(All)




The agenda was reorganised due to the need for some participants to leave early.


10.3 Appointment of a Liaison will proceed forward.


10.4 N/A




19 MarchGNSO Council Teleconference18:00 UTC

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)


Item 11: DISCUSSION – Issues for Possible Referral to the SCI (5 minutes)


At its January 2015 meeting, the GNSO Council placed on hold two items it had identified previously as possibly meriting referral to the GNSO’s Standing Committee for Improvements (SCI) for review. Following discussion with the SCI at ICANN52 in Singapore, the Council liaison to the SCI agreed to complete a template request form for these items. Here the Council will discuss whether or not to refer these items to the SCI for further work.


Defer this item to the next Council meeting on 16 April 2015 for Council to decide whether or not to refer these items to the SCI for further work. 

Item 12: DISCUSSION – Remaining Items from the GNSO’s Strategic Discussion Session in Singapore (15 minutes) 

At ICANN52 in Singapore, the GNSO engaged in an open and strategic discussion concerning the effective functioning of the GNSO Council and the community as a whole. Here the Council will aim to conclude the discussion, with the emphasis on reviewing its goals and performance based on the objectives and priorities identified during its Development Session at ICANN51 in Los Angeles in October 2014.


Call for participants to form a Drafting Team to develop a charter for a working group to develop recommendations on new gTLD auction proceeds.


Mar 2015:  ALAC has appointed Olivier Crepin-Leblond as the new ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council to serve from March 7th, 2015, to the end of the AGM at the ICANN #54 meeting in Dublin 2015.


The Next Meeting of the GNSO  Council will be held on March 19th, 2015

19 MarchGNSO Council Teleconference18:00 UTC


Last Meeting of the GNSO Council was a Face to face Meeting during the ICANN #52 Singapore Meeting see

11 FebruaryGNSO Council Public meeting Singapore
Wed, 11 February 2015 - 13:00 to 15:00 SGT Room:  Canning





29 JanuaryGNSO Council Teleconference

12:00 UTC

Agenda for the GNSO Council Teleconference on 29 January 2015 at 12:00 UTC

GNSO Council meeting audio cast

To join the event click on the link: 

Agenda for the GNSO Council Meeting 29 January 2015 is published on page:  

Item 1: Administrative matters (5 mins)


Item 6: Any Other Business (5 mins)



Past Meetings in 2015 


15 JanuaryGNSO Council Teleconference18:00 UTCAgendaTranscript
Chat Transcript

Agenda for the GNSO Council Teleconference on 15 January 2015 at 18:00 UTC.


  • Approve the GNSO Council Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board concerning IRTP Part D 


Note: The outcome of the vote on the Council input to the public comment forum on theBoard Working Group Report on Nominating Committee (BWG-NomCom). 

Item 4: UPDATE  – C
ross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions (20 mins)


The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has requested that ICANN “convene a multistakeholder process to develop a plan to transition the U.S. government stewardship role” with regard to the IANA Functions and related root zone management (see item 4 above). 


During discussions around the transition process, the community raised the broader topic of the impact of the change on ICANN's accountability given its historical contractual relationship with the United States and NTIA. The concerns raised during these discussions around the transition process indicate that the level of trust into the existing ICANN accountability mechanisms does not yet meet some stakeholder’s expectations. Considering that the NTIA has stressed that it was expecting community consensus regarding the transition, this gap between the current situation and stakeholder expectations may prevent the transition to proceed.


10.4 - Request for extension of time for Issue Report on Rights Protection Mechanisms





GNSO Liaison Reports 2014


2.1 – Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action List
2.2 – Comments or questions arising 

NOTES: project list has been updated. 

Item 3: Consent agenda (10 minutes)


Notes: Unanimously agreed.


Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION & DECISION – Public Comment Period for New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures Preliminary Issue Report (15 minutes)


Notes: I expressed the ALAC’s lack of consensus on the matter with very different points of view between ALAC members, some finding closed generic strings to be absolutely fine. As a result I expressed that some ALAC would say linking this to the public interest would be a waste of time whilst others would support it.


Item 6: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – Protection for IGO Acronyms at the Second Level in All gTLDs (15 minutes)


At the July 2015 Council meeting, PDP Working Group co-chair Philip Corwin outlined for the Council certain concerns that the WG co-chairs shared regarding the timing and mechanisms for interactions between the WG and the IGO “small group” (comprising IGO and GAC representatives) that had been formed to formulate a substantive proposal for discussion with the GNSO. The final proposal is expected to be based on the Board’s New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) initial March 2014 proposal to the GAC, and as such is expected to address both so-called “preventative” (i.e. pre-registration) as well as “curative” (i.e. post-registration) protections for IGO acronyms. In respect of preventative protections, the NGPC had previously requested that the GNSO Council consider amending those of its adopted policy recommendations that are inconsistent with GAC advice. Following discussions with the NGPC, the Council had put the matter on hold pending further details regarding possible amendments from the NGPC.


Here the Council will receive an update on the status of the WG, GAC and IGO interactions on the topic if IGO protections, and discuss what, if anything, it might wish to do at this stage to facilitate progress in resolving any issues arising therefrom.


Notes: very slow progress / none / since Buenos Aires meeting. 



Item 7: UPDATE ON EXPECTED COUNCIL ACTION – Final Report from the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group (5 minutes)


Recommended for any ALAC member who wishes to catch up quickly on the contents of the report.


Item 8: UPDATE & DISCUSSION - Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability – CCWG Accountability (15 minutes)


Note: due to time running out, this item was deferred to the mailing list.  

1. *do not start the process of a subsequent round until all necessary
reviews have been completed* and their reports and recommendations have
been fully considered by the ICANN community and Board. This includes
not just the Subsequent Procedures PDP referenced in Chairman Crocker’s
letter but also the RPM Review PDP and the Consumer Choice, Competition
and Trust Review mandated by the Affirmation of Commitments.