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  • AFRALO proposes a GA in 2011 to be held in Dakar (or the African venue of the 42nd ICANN meeting if different) (FY12) in conjunction with the capacity building program   
  • APRALO proposes a GA in 2011 to be held in Jordan, FY10/11 or FY11/12 if impossible immediately)
  • EURALO proposes a GA in 2012 to be held in the region (FY11/12). According to EURALO bylaws, it needs to conduct one GA per year. In previous years, no funding was made available, with organization left to ALS volunteers (with ICANN staff support), and participants paying for their own travel/accommodation. This seriously thwarted the number of physical participants
  • LACRALO proposes GAs for 2011/2012/2013/2014 focusing each year in a Strategic Focus Area:
    • Y2011: Core Operations including IANA
    • Y2012: Consumer Choice, Competition & Innovation
    • Y2013: A Healthy Internet Eco-System
    • Y2014: DNS Stability & Security
  • NARALO proposes a GA in 2012 in October 2012 (FY11/12) at ICANN meeting #45




Other Outreach Activities

This section expands on the outreach/in-reach material to be developed, to reach further than using classical printing matter. The aim of further outreach is to really make use of today’s technology and of today’s Internet to enter the realm of active outreach through campaigning and viral marketing.

  • NARALO proposes the designing and creation of an outreach video for YouTube, Blip TV and other fora (equivalent to “other outreach activities) as part of its outreach/in-reach material creation project described in the previous section. The material should be accessible in English, French and Spanish.
  • LACRALO suggests two initiatives that it would take part in:
    • The designing and creation of an outreach Radio, Television and Podcast content on ICANN, At-Large, LACRALO for public dissemination with particular focus on Spanish, Portuguese and French languages – a proposal similar to NARALO’s one but ongoing from FY11/12 to FY14/15
    • Outreach conference calls aimed at non-member organizations for countries where no ALS and no At-Large representation exists (link to project), designed to present ICANN, At-Large and LACRALO for organizations considering joining. These calls would require up to two simultaneous translation services (a choice of English, Portuguese, French or Spanish) depending on the country, but also standard Adobe online conferencing and staff support


Ongoing work is required to translate key policy documents, briefing materials, presentations and transcripts into Spanish, French or Portuguese. LACRALO suggests making a budget available for documents to be translated on demand (http://) provided a threshold interest is shown from ALSes. This goes in-line with ICANN’s enhanced translation strategy within its internationalization program.


One specific project proposed by NARALO involves the reduction of Economics, Ownership and Trust barriers to policy-critical data through the establishment of an advisory working group which will produce one or more documents with the help of legal and technical experts. This could then be used by lawmakers, stakeholders, and decision makers to base their decisions on asset of first hand facts.
