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In line with a key strategic goal in At-Large, to implement a complete bottom-up input process, the bulk of the input to this document comes from extensive work performed at RALO level. The ALAC has strived to perform the function of information collation, ordering into broad lines of similar project types, whilst taking care of not performing any kind of top-down filtering. We believe that grass-root input is key to our process because it warrants the need for ICANN to act locally, in line with:


A proposed timeline of RALO At-Large summits involves the conducting of a RALO GA in each of the five regions of the world at least every three years.

  • AFRALO proposes a GA in 2011 to be held in Dakar (or the African venue of the 42nd ICANN meeting if different) (FY12) in conjunction with the capacity building program   
  • APRALO proposes a GA in 2011 to be held in Jordan, FY10/11 or FY11/12 if impossible immediately).
  • EURALO proposes a GA in 2012 to be held in the region (FY11/12). According to EURALO bylaws, it needs to conduct one GA per year. In previous years, no funding was made available, with organization left to ALS volunteers (with ICANN staff support), and participants paying for their own travel/accommodation. This seriously thwarted the number of physical participants
  • LACRALO proposes GAs for 2011/2012/2013/2014 focusing each year in a Strategic Focus Area:
    • Y2011: Core Operations including IANA
    • Y2012: Consumer Choice, Competition & Innovation
    • Y2013: A Healthy Internet Eco-System
    • Y2014: DNS Stability & Security
  • NARALO proposes a GA in 2012 (Proposal form enclosed) in October 2012 (FY11/12) at ICANN meeting #45


Part of ICANN’s core strategic objectives is to raise its profile internationally. One of the key ways of achieving such potential is to take part in regional and international Internet Events outside ICANN meetings. So far, this has been done by individuals in ALSes around the world, sometimes wearing more than one hat, and not necessarily wearing an ICANN At-Large hat. RALOs all propose a presence in their own area – and the cost/return potential of this participation is further improved thanks to the ability of RALOs to call upon their local ALSes to reduce costs and maximize impact.


One specific project proposed by NARALO involves the reduction of Economics, Ownership and Trust barriers to policy-critical data through the establishment of an advisory working group which will produce one or more documents with the help of legal and technical experts. This could then be used by lawmakers, stakeholders, and decision makers to base their decisions on asset of first hand facts.

Key At-Large and ALAC Priorities

As mentioned in the ALAC Strategic Plan statement, a key ongoing project remains the organization of a second ICANN At-Large Summit. The first Summit in Mexico City having yielded such benefits as to motivate At-Large Structures to work together, to produce a flurry of useful material, in-reach momentum can only be kept through another Summit.


The ALAC is actively searching for a synergy with those partners aiming at increasing and improving public participation and the development of a healthy Internet eco-system.

Wiki Markup
*\[ add here a short paragraph about our key priorities \]*
*\[ does staff also need to add to this document? \]*


The above proposals were prepared in good faith by all five (5) Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) regions, following the new format and procedures which were presented during conference calls and the face to face meeting in Cartagena.  
