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  •  Yesim Nazlar to add Kris Seeburn to the TTF mailing list <>, Kemel Zaidan <>, Destiny Tchehouali <>
  •  user-b6f25 to explore details on Slack Chat for non-profit organizations and compatibility with Google doc 

Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Working Group

  •  Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due dateCCC on Accessibility Staff Leads Heidi Ullrich and Gisella Gruber to check the previous meeting records to establish who (if anyone) was allocated to review the Staff Accessibility Survey and provide Diane any updates or modifications to questions by 31 January.
  •  In preparation for next CCC on Accessibility meeting at ICANN61, Gisella Gruber and Cheryl Langdon-Orr to review the meeting room and meeting tool options to maximize accessibility for WG participants.
  •  In preparation for next CCC on Accessibility meeting, Cheryl Langdon-Orr to coordinate review of ICANN60 meeting records for "issues raised", to see if any have been considered, reviewed or resolved.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017
