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ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session Part 1

  •  At-Large reps to WT 5 to be selected through AASC.

ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Group Session 4

  •  Gisella Gruber to organize a single purpose webinar with Bryan Schilling on Consumer Safeguards. The webinar is to be scheduled at a globally appropriate time.

Sunday, 29 October

ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Group Session 6

  •  Gisella Gruber to gather attendance from ATLAS II and distribute to the ATLAS III OC.


  •  Maureen, Olivier and Eduardo to lead OC (to be ratified by the ALAC)


  •  All RALO Chairs and at least one Co-Chair of SC on O/E be part of the OC leadership team


  •  Tracking of ALS metrics to start in January 2018 for ATLAS III purposes.


  •  Policy Hot Topics by regional to be be used during ATLAS III

Monday, 30 October 

Outreach and Engagement session 

 Staff to announce on relevant mailing list, if the are going to IGF 2017 post their information on the wiki page to help the community coordinate outreach at IGF.

  •  Heidi Ullrich to create wiki page for all to post their IGF Workshops to help the At-Large community coordinate outreach activities.
  •  user-b6f25 to work with Adam Peake to post Regional events on a wiki page specially created for this and link to Outreach calendar. 


Tuesday, 31 October

 Capacity building Working group 

  •   Hot topics will be considered for next year capacity building webinars. Silvia Vivanco to forward RALO's hot Topics to Tijani.


  •   The WG shall work on topics broader than policy issues.



  • .
  •  Marita Mollto send an email to Tijani with ideas on marketing capacity building webinars.

Regional Leadership Meeting

  •  LACRALO to aim to start Hot Topics doc by end of the year


  •  Silvia Vivanco to create a table to put in all RALO hot topics and compare the policy topics of each RALO.  Also add a column on whether the issue is within ICANN mission.


  •  Alan Greenberg to work with staff to send out call for updating membership of FBSC, CROP, etc.



  • Vivanco to open a LACRALO Hot Topics wiki workspace and post the draft survey and other relevant links to the LACRALO lists.



  • Nazlar to add  Beran Dondeh to the hot topics mailing list and working group using her gmail account.


  •  Heidi Ullrich and Silvia Vivanco to add the issue of regional balance within the RALO Discretionary Funding criteria.


  •  Gisella Gruber to organize a single issue call for Regional Leadership on the point of the RALO Discretionary Funding.



  •  user-b6f25to design a system to make tracking of ALS information easier.

Technology Task Force Working Group


  •  user-b6f25 to explore details on Slack Chat for non-profit organizations and compatibility with Google doc 

Wednesday, 1 November 2017
