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 On 22 September 2015, the ALAC re-appointed Maureen Hilyard to serve as the ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO. This term will be from the end of the ICANN 54 Meeting in October 2015 through the end of the 2017 AGM. Maureen Hilyard has served as the  ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO since 2013.

JULY 2017 ccNSO Update

ccNSO Council Meeting July 20 18:00UTC

  • Vadim A. Mikhaylov (.su) was appointed to the PDP WG Retirement of ccTLDs - representing a country that no longer exists, but he is still a ccTLD manager Although the appointment was met with general support, Peter Van Roste asked if the PDP-ret WG would avoid focussing on the specific .su issue but rather come to conclusions that are more abstract and take into account a broader range of issues. Nigel, as WG chair, promised to avoid those concerns. Bart noted that IANA database still contains .SU as a ccTLD manager. Everyone voted in favour
  • Stephen updated the Council on the approval and rejection action process as a decisional participant of the Empowered Community.  Regarding the change to the ICANN bylaws:the ASO has informed the ECA and ICANN that they are in support. GNSO as well. ccNSO has voted in favour, but has not yet finalised its decision.  nothing yet from ALAC, or GAC. The approval period expires tomorrow morning.
  • The ccNSO Council adopted the Term of Reference as developed by the joint group of ccNSO and RySG for the Customer Standing Committee Charter Review version 1.0.
  • At the ccNSO members meeting in Johannesburg the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. However, the format to continue work is still under community discussion. Awaiting the outcome of that discussion the ccNSO Councils deferred the discussion and adoption of the final paper to this meeting (July 2017)

    The ccNSO Council adopted the Final Paper of and supported recommendation 1, 2 and 4:

    1. Close this CWG in accordance with and as foreseen in the charter.
    2. Recommend that the ICANN community consolidate all policy efforts relating to geographic names (as that term has traditionally very broadly been defined in the ICANN environment to this point) to enable in-depth analyses and discussions on all aspects related to all geographic-related names. This is the only way, in our view, to determine whether a harmonized framework is truly achievable.
    3. Recommend that future policy development work must facilitate an all-inclusive dialogue to ensure that all members of the community have the opportunity to participate. Again, we believe that this is the only way to determine whether a harmonized framework is truly achievable.
  • Discussion included: Ben (as liaison to GNSO council) briefed the Council on what is happening at the GNSO council: they are currently discussing a PDP process for the matter.  They felt that there is an existing PDP which is relevant, the new gTLDs subsequent procedures PDP.  Young-eum mentioned that Annebeth suggests to close this WG, and try to find another way to move forward. The public forum in Johannesburg highlighted the differences between the viewpoints of the different communities. The ccNSO should try to cooperate with the GAC on this matter, regardless of what the GNSO will try to do. Peter Vergote asked the Council to choose option 3. GNSO is looking at which position the ccNSO is in, to try to take into account the ccNSO position. In that way they will have better support for what they are trying to do, and potentially try to isolate the GAC. It is critical that the ccNSO has a clear view of what our members are thinking about this.
  •  At the ccNSO members meeting in Johannesburg the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. This also included the recommendation of the Study Group. However, as the format to continue work is still under community discussion, and interest of the ccTLD community in future efforts needs to be ensured the ccNSO Councils defers the decision to send a letter to the Board making a recommendation from the Council until a drafting team is formed to prepare a draft for the August meeting.
  • EPSRP (Extended Process Similarity Review Panel) update. WG Hiro and Wafa prepared a response to the Board's questions. These were presented to the SSAC who made amendments, but there have been no response to the ccNSO response to these amendments. 
  • PDP progress report: Nigel Roberts reports on the Johannesburg meeting of the PDP Retirement as well as this morning's meeting to discuss issues related to the retirement of ccTLDs of countries that no longer exist.  Good feedback about Jaap's presentation at the F2F meeting.
  • The Council did a brief review of ICANN59 and started discussion on preparations for the Abu Dhabi sessions. Alejandra has sent an email asking for topics for cross-community sessions. The deadline is tomorrow when the ccNSO programme WG will meet. Next week there will be call with the SO/AC planning team. 
  • CSC update (Byron). They have had a couple of meetings this week. (1) The Subcommittee of the CSC is working on remedial action procedures. (2) Last month, PTI met 100% of all of the 63 SLA reporting requirements (since monitoring started in October last year) (3) a review of the survey is ongoing: all are invited to participate in order to highlight things that need improvement, and to recognise what went well. "IANA gets a Gold Star for the month!" (Stephen)

  • GRC update (Katrina) Expect some new guidelines soon

  • Auction Proceeds Report (Peter Vergote in Ching's absence) The plan is to come up with a final report by the end of the year. Ching's term ends at the end of the AGM (ICANN60). allow him to continue the completion of the work? The meetings are held every 2 weeks. The WG is now levelling out the details of the chartering questions. The greater focus of the working group is giving us the direction of travel, given the interim report. The group is looking at what needs to be done to make sure that the mechanism is within the scope of ICANN's mission. Also, will this mechanism be a permanent body, or something that fades out once the funds are distributed? All these questions are tackled via surveys. Follow work of the group here:

JUNE 2017 ccNSO Report

  • PDP Retirement of ccTLDs Working Group,meeting to be held Thursday 29th (10.30-12.30) at the meeting in Johannesburg. Included a presentation by Japp Akkerhuis on the ISO organisation and standards, and how SO1366 codes were allocated and used, with a variety of examples. Kim Davies from IANA also spoke on the implementation of the ccTLD eligibility cycle, with a suggested approach to phasing out ccTLDs
  • ccNSO Council Meeting (agenda)
    • Decisions were made to appoint Chair Nigel Roberts) and Vice Chair (Eberhard Lisse) of the the PDP WG Reitreiment of ccTLDs and two members to the CWG Auction Proceeds (Stephen Deerhake and Pablo Rodriguez). Jacques Latour has been appointed the Chair of the TLD-OPS steering committee
    • The ccNSO is calling for a volunteer to serve on the NomCom FY18.
    • The final paper of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs has been presented to the Council. A decision was made to defer the adoption of the report unti the next meeting until the result of the discussions by the Geographic names as gTLDS working group.
    • Regarding the ccNSO procedure for the exercise of the Empowered Community's right to approve specified actions, the council posed three alternatives (1) only ccNSO Council to take approval action decision (2) ccNSO Council decision on approval action subject to the result of members vote under the rules of the ccNSO) and (3) only members vote (no quorum simple majority).  The Council decided that the Guideline Committee will  develop a formal decision to present to the Council. 
    • The Council formally moved to participate in the Abu Dhabi meeting
    • The members supported the continuation of the activities of the CCWG Accountability WS2 as suggested by the co-Chairs.
    • Updates were discussed regarding the FAQ by the GAC Underserved regions; the amended charter of the CWG Internet Governance; the review of the CSC charter. 
    • EPSRP update - a working group has been formed with the SSAC - any updates will be brought to the Council. (Hiro Hotta)
    • As part of the GNSO report Ben mentioned the number of Fellows who are interested in the ccTLD community, and Alejandra asked for ccNSO mentors who could help to further build the ccNSO community through the Fellowship and Onboarding programme. 
    • Barrack raised the work of African cctlds, and the work of the ccTLD-OPs standing committee within the African region.
