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Sub-group Members:     Athina Fragkouli, Caollina Aguerre, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Fiona Asonga, Julie Hammer, Lito Ibarra, Lousewies van der Laan, Niels ten Oever, Olivier Muron, Pam Little, Rafik Dammak, Sebastien Bachollet, Sonigitu Ekpe, Taylor Bentley, Tijani Ben Jemaa   (15)

Staff:  Alice Jansen, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Andrews, Mandy Carver,Staff:  

Apologies:  Olga Cavalli, Finn Petersen

**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**




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Chat Transcript

  Brenda Brewer:Good day all and welcome to WS@ Diversity Subgroup Meeting #1 on 8 August 2016 @ 13:00 UTC!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):hi


  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):indeed Rafik

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:hello all

  Sonigitu Ekpe:Hello all!

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:All if you are not speaking please mute your miccrophone

  FIONA ASONGA:Hallo everyone

  Sebastien (ALAC):Bonjour à tous ;)

  Lito Ibarra:Buenos días


  Athina Fragkouli (ASO):hello all

  Lito Ibarra:Buenos días

  Lousewies van der Laan:Hi all

  Niels ten Oever:Hi all !

  Lousewies van der Laan:et bonjour Sebastien :-)

  Niels ten Oever:Yes

  Athina Fragkouli (ASO):yes we can hear you

  Lousewies van der Laan:yes, but you dropped a moment

  Lito Ibarra:Also my sund is delayed

  Lito Ibarra:sorry: sound

  Sebastien (ALAC):no more sound?

  FIONA ASONGA:I lost sound

  Lousewies van der Laan:cant hear anymore

  Brenda Brewer:calling out to Rafik, please stand by

  Brenda Brewer:If your phone number is listed, please idenify your name and I can then merge with your Adobe connection.  Thank you!

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Please remember to mute you microphone if not speaking

  Niels ten Oever:Do we have a rough background paper?

  Niels ten Oever:because we should learn from other diversity policies

  Niels ten Oever:we can also ask for input from other fora that have been working on this

  Niels ten Oever:and what are we looking for in terms of scope? Diversity of staff, ICANN community, meetings? all of it?

  Niels ten Oever:Maybe good to understand what we mean with diversity

  Niels ten Oever:and what we are trying to achieve

  Niels ten Oever:The presentation and research were very useful, but good to understand where we want to go. And what we use as indicators

  Lito Ibarra:Is there also historical data about how diversity in ICANN has chamged thru time?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):agree  Jule...  we need that foundation to build upon

  Sonigitu Ekpe:+1  to Julie comments on defining diversity.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):So true Julie  I tried to raise the matter  of different "needs"  in my lightening talk

  Lousewies van der Laan:Historical overview would also allow us to see trends - are more women attaining leadership positions? isthe ICANN community becoming less ANglo-Saxon?

  FIONA ASONGA:Yes Cheryl you did

  Niels ten Oever:I think there are quite some academics that could provide us with papers

  Niels ten Oever:so we could edicate ourselves

  Niels ten Oever:+1 having everyone define their own requirements will be messy

  Niels ten Oever:and will mess up indicators

  Niels ten Oever:One could think of geographic, gender, orientation, age, minorities, time involved, education, expertise, etc

  Lousewies van der Laan:you mean political or sexual orientation?

  Lousewies van der Laan:or soemthinhg else?

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:language and culture diversity are key

  Niels ten Oever:I was thinking of sexual orientation

  Lousewies van der Laan:I think its key to have an atnmosphere that is open and inclusive, so that all minorities, including sexual ones feel welcome

  Niels ten Oever:+1

  Niels ten Oever:But how to measure that? Participation, right?

  Lousewies van der Laan:but, its not necesarily needed to have membrs of the LGBT community in every leadership position.

  Niels ten Oever:Depends on what we set as our objective

  Lousewies van der Laan:Also, to some people thats a deeply private matter.

  Carolina Aguerre:Hi Everyone, I'm sorry I could only join a few minutes ago. I look forward working with this team.  I particularly agree that working and refining the issue of diversity in organizational settings is a very important baseline to move forward.

  Niels ten Oever:There are different ways of measuring diversity, other than questionaires.

  Niels ten Oever:I agree that self reporting should not be our only indicator on LGBTQI diversity

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):absolutly  ley for us in ICANN  IMO  dhould be *inclusiveness, opportunity to participation  (here I mean  both minimal barriers and faciitation, and if course recognition of our desireed 'diversity objectives*  for  our componenet parts of ICANN and as a whole...

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):not so much *complex*  but 'time consuming'

  Carolina Aguerre:re Fiona / Rafik I think this timeline is feasible

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):so onger term

  Carolina Aguerre:+1 Rafik

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):e may need to identify our "stages of work"

  FIONA ASONGA:Great idea cheryl

  FIONA ASONGA:Please explain abit more so thatw eare all clear

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Note that the first slot it 0500 and not 0600

  Brenda Brewer:Also, 13:00 UTC, not 12:00 UTC

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Sopme groups have reserved until November so the number of slots is going down

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Please consult the master CCWG schedule on Google Sheet

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thanks  everyone, bye for now... Good night Rafik :-)

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all

  Julie Hammer (SSAC):Bye!

  Lousewies van der Laan:Thanks!

  Carolina Aguerre:bye

  Lito Ibarra:Thanks Rafik and Fiona, Bye all

  Rafik Dammak:good night Cheryl

  Rafik Dammak:bye al

  Brenda Brewer:Thank you all for joining today's meeting.  A follow-up summery will be sent to list.

  Niels ten Oever:bye all