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Arrived in BA  on Thursday,  Friday and Saturday    ISOC  Leadership training sessions prior to ICANN, Started at ICANN on Sunday to  Friday Morning.

Attendance  of   ALAC  meetings,  ALAC and the Board meetings,  Capacity Building,  Technical Taskforce, Accessibility  and many more 

Production of   short  community member  videos  for the ICANN  Shorts  series.

Igor Mkrtumyan, Internet Society of  Armenia, Father of the Armenia  Internet

Joge Carcavallo,  ISOC  Argentina,  Working  with the disabled community to be connected to the Internet


Pictures of  ICANN  Event

Pictures of   ICANN Fellows 




At today's  Capacity Building Session the Chair  was looking for new ways to engage the community.   Garth, myself and Alfredo Calderon suggested that we start looking at  comic books. In fact  Alfredo and I have worked using  AR  Augmented Reality as a tool to teach people  complex ideas.

As  Heidi arranged with Ashwin to discuss the ways and means  to convert  ALAC materials  to using  AR.   Here is a short video explaining the value of  comic books and AR


Comic  Strips

Illustrated comic

Garth BruenNARALO ChairFriday: SO-AC-SG-RALOs - Community Workshop @ 4:30 pm: Represented region. Aguila Meeting Room on the 24th Floor of the Sheraton Hotel. Other attendees were David Olive, byron holland, thomas schneider, louie, alan greenberg, patrik from SSAC, Elisa Cooper, greg shatanipc, rafik dammak, william drake, rudi vansnick, Michele of blacknight, drazek of Verisign, Chris Mondini, aziz hilali, siranush vardanyan, alberto soto, wolf ludwig, Nick Tomasso, Duncan Burns, Wolf-Ulrich.Knoben, Akram Atallah , Fadi Chehade, Allen Grogan, Ashwin Rangan, Susanna Bennett, Tarek Kamel, Sally Costerton This was followed by a working dinner session.
Garth BruenNARALO ChairSaturday: Participated in RALO Chair meeting and RALO & ATL meeting
Garth BruenNARALO ChairSunday: All-day ALAC meetings
Garth BruenNARALO Chair

Monday: Chaired NARALO Monthly Meeting; key action items 1) Active support this week for the NARALO Newsletter, 2) Comparison of Post ATLAS II objectives and At-Large recommendations to the CWG (are we staying on message?), 3) Explore the idea of having a sub-regional meeting in NYC over the summer. At the SO / AC High-Interest Topic (15: 15-16: 30) I served on the panel addressing the issue of the process of what to do with the surplus new gTLD auction funds. My recommendation is to stay within the documented ICANN mandate and examine areas where the mandate being failed. In particular in the area of extending services to the disabled, this would an excellent use of the funds.

Garth BruenNARALO ChairTuesday: Attended ALAC meeting with Board and then GAC. Participated in ALAC work sessions I and II.
Garth BruenNARALO ChairWednesday: Developing a structured comparison of ALAC-driven CWG initiatives and the post ATLAS II activities to ensure we are "doing what we say" and not re-inventing the wheel with each effort.
Glenn McKnightNaralo


Tango dancers






Dev Anand TeelucksinghLACRALO

The At-Large Technology Taskforce (TTF) held its session on Monday. Agenda page and slides can be found here:
The detailed presentation was a good measure of the work put in by the cochairs Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein and TTF members.

An electronic version of  a  TRAVEL  TIPS  for BA  was produced and emailed to all and hard copies  distributed.

The session was well attended by various ICANN staff to give information and answer questions. Outcomes from the session include issuing a call for persons from other AC/SOs after the
chair and co-chairs draft the messaging for the call ; adding a person from EURALO to the TTF

Also, the slides and discussion received attention from two persons in the GAC who have asked to join the TTF.

Futhermore, met with LACNIC representatives at the ICANN meeting who were receptive to share information on their policy development process and associated tools) they use, with potential to contact the NRO which could ask all the RIRs for such information.

Dev Anand TeelucksinghLACRALO

Attended the "ICANN In Your Language" session on Monday which started after the TTF session, so arrived late.
Audio and slides at

Two things of note: Language Services has a wiki space at ICANN LANGUAGE SERVICES which offers resources such as

What piqued my interest was the collaboration work with ICANN communications and Language Services to develop Global English Guidelines for authors. I asked whether such guides would be made public and the response was that it wasn't planned but if there was interest, they may. I also asked about if there was any Global Spanish Guidelines, which they didn't plan for. However, the Language Services Team's interest was peaked by the query and said they will look to compile some resources. This could prove useful for LACRALO and possibly a webinar could be done when the Global English guidelines work are completed by ICANN.



Garth BruenNARALO ChairFriday: ATL Wrap-up meeting with David Olive and Steve Crocker. Brought up idea of having Board members sit in on actual At-Large work on a rotating basis.
Peter KnightCapital Area Globetrotters, ALS - NARALO 

Arrived June 21, and attended a variety of meetings June 22-25, departing Buenos Aires early June 26 at my own expense. The meetings included ICANN 53 Opening Session, CWG-Stewardship/CCWG-Accountability Joint Town Hall Meeting, NARALO Meeting, CWG-Stewardship Engagement Session, WISS mtg Internet Governance, Joint Meeting of the ALAC and the ICANN Board, LAC Strategy Update, LAC Talks: Infrastructure, Access, Interconnection and IXPs, ALAC Work - Part II, At-Large Ad-hoc WG on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability, GAC Meetings (AM) - Wednesday 24 June, CCWG-Accountability Working Session, CCWG-Internet Governance F2F Meeting, ALAC/LACRALO Showcase, GAC Meetings - Thursday 25 June, ICG Working Session 3, ICANN Public Forum, ICANN Public Board Meeting, and the ICANN53 Wrap-Up Cocktail.

At most of these meetings I took photographs of participants and also a number of slides showing main points that were being presented. I posted these photos as a series of albums available to the general public on my Facebook page ( and linked them to my LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts, allowing public access with a view to interesting people outside to see them, as part of the Social Media Working Group outreach program. I also made them available to ICANN staff member Ariel Liang, who supports the Social Media Working Group, at the following Dropbox link, where they can be downloaded by her, any other interested Social Media Working Group members, or anyone else interested: The Facebook albums have captions and tags on many of the photos. My Facebook page is

Dev Anand TeelucksinghLACRALO Attended the DNSSEC for Everyone; A Beginners Guide session - the skit with the various persons illustrating the concepts of DNSSEC (what happens when there is no DNSSEC and what happens when DNSSEC is used). Perhaps concepts like this can be applied for outreach and capacity building videos.
Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatSunday June 21 attended the opening session with At large  and the NCSG. Much of the work that many of us in At Large are working towards and that we are striving for is also being done within the NCSG either in NPOC or in the NCUC so is great we are trying to collaborate together.  what most interested me in this meeting was that we find much more common ground with the folks in NPOC than with NCUC.  Was shocked to hear that NCUC did not support the principles and problems we see with some of the new GTLD's like .doctor, while NPOC and some in the other constituencies agree with us. 
Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatJune 21. Attended the ALAC and Regional Leadership Sessions that were scheduled for the rest of the day,topics included accountability, meeting strategy, ALS criteria, stewardship, and leadership . In the afternoon briefed others on At Large on the funding I received for my special request pilot on real time captioning. Also talked about the upcoming meeting I was having with Josh Baluch and Christine from Language Services with Silvia Vivanco that was scheduled for Tuesday.
Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatAccessibility Working Group meet to discuss the results of the accessibility survey that Gunela, Glenn and I worked on. Talked with the ICANN staff, especially Diane Schroeder, who were there about raising the culture of accessibility and how it needs to be thought of just as one thinks about languages. In discussions at the meeting and afterwards I feel that staff have really understood this message and am hopeful for changes.
Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatJune 22. Attended the Women in DNS breakfast which had about 80 people there. The DNS Women’s breakfast is a regular event at ICANN meetings, aiming to promote networking, information and resource sharing. Thanks to Olga Cavelli, Vanda Scartezini, and Cheryl Langdon-Orr for organizing the breakfast, which had more than 85 participants. It's great to see more women in positions of leadership across ICANN and other parts of the Internet technical community there, ISOC, ARIN and other groups.I am in this picture from ISOC's blog. Sally Wentworth from ISOC was the featured Speaker and talked about growth of women in Internet policy issues.
Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatAttended the Welcoming and opening meeting and then prepared for the NARALO meeting. key action items 1) Active support this week for the NARALO Newsletter, 2) Feedback on Working Group and meeting templates that I created with Glenn McKnight. 3) Comparison of Post ATLAS II objectives and At-Large recommendations to the CWG (are we staying on message?), 4) Explore the idea of having a sub-regional meeting in NYC over the summer.
Judith HellersteinNARALO Secretariat

Monday: Attended the At-Large Technology Taskforce. Agenda page and slides can be found here:
The detailed presentation was a good measure of the work put in by the cochairs @Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein and TTF members. Talked about the funding of my pilot on real time captioning

An electronic version of  a  TRAVEL  TIPS  for BA that Glenn Mcknight and Judith Hellerstein produced and emailed to all and hard copies  distributed. Eduardo Diaz created a Spanish version of the newsletter.

The session was well attended by various ICANN staff to give information and answer questions. Outcomes from the session include issuing a call for persons from other AC/SOs after the
chair and co-chairs draft the messaging for the call ; adding a person from EURALO to the TTF

Also, the slides and discussion received attention from two persons in the GAC and some people from NPOC who have asked to join the TTF.

Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatAttended the SO/AC High interest Session, DNS SEC for everyone, and the open session of the Working Group of Internet Governance where I am a member. Pictures are located here,
Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatJune 23.  Attended the NPOC Constituency day in an effort to bring these two constituencies closer together. then attended the ALAC sessions on Leadership training program, working group updates where I talked about the new monthly template, learned about the work that Laura Bengford and Chris Gift are doing on the At Large Website and then met with Silvia Vivanco, Josh Baluch and Christine from Language Services on the real time pilot
Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatJune 24. Attended the AT Large and Regional Leadership meeting and then the Face to Face meeting of the CWG on Internet Governance and then at the LACRALO Showcase.
Judith HellersteinNARALO SecretariatJune 25 attended the at large regional meeting that summed up the conference, reviewed the open action items, voted on the ICANN transition and accountability proposals. Discussed the reports from the Chairs and others on the events that transpired over the weekend and what was achieved.  Lastly attended the ICANN Public Forum and the Public Board Meetings