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Room   Olympic  at  ICANN host  hotel 







3. Theme and Key Note Speaker need to be defined and invited
Loris proposes Jachqueline Johnson - National Congress of American Indians - Bio and photo will be needed.

4. Anthony Niiganii  to do a short success story - Glenn McKnight  to coordinate

5.  Sponsorhip: Olivier Crepin-Leblond will provide an update in the next couple of days.

6.  Glenn McKnight will edit and produce a motivational and up beat video.

7. Glenn McKnight to query the list for a headcount of NARALO ALSes members attending the event -  10 ALses attendees.

8. Theme decided : "Evening  Theme:  Our Internet, Our Stories, Our Network-- First Nations and  The  World






the World

9. Music performance- Update to be provided next week by Loris Taylor and Glenn McKnight.

10. Sponsorship - solid update to be provided next week by OCL. Glenn McKnight to send a brief note to Olivier on the theme and scope of the event.










Evening  Theme:  Our Internet, Our Stories, Our Network-First Nations and  The  World




Hoop  Dancers  - Loris Taylor
