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May 2014 Report

1. CROPP Submission for 2014 (At-Large RALOs)

During the CROPP pilot phase (till June 2014) only one submission for QITCOM 2014 has been submitted and approved, but due to unforeseen visa issues, the trip was not implemented. The challenges had been shared with the WG members from AP region to be shared with the CROPP team as well.

Several requests, which had been submitted by AP region within FY15 budget were allocated under CROPP 2015 period (Workshop at PacINET, 22-26 September 2014 and Workshop and outreach activities at Asia Pacific Regional IGF (APrIGF), August, New Delhi, India). During the monthly call it was decided to start the preparatory works for submission the new requests to be submitted whenever the new deadlines will be announced by CROPP team.

2. ATLAS II in London

APRALO is in the process of preparing for ATLAS II activities. Siranush, Maureen, Pavan and Ali are in charge of different activities. The following items had been completed:
   a) Fayre of opportunities – RALO Music collection – Pavan is leading – is uploaded in the wiki space
   b) APRALO Table – APRALO ALSs PPt and Singapore showcase video on the table – Maureen is leading
   c) APRALO ALSs booklets, brochures, info sheets as hand outs – Ali Almeshal is leading - the follow up e-mail to all ALSs will be sent
   d) APRALO E-brochure with APRALO ALSs info – submitted to staff by Pavan. Staff is asked to check with Communications Department how many copies of APRALO booklet (disseminated in Singapore) are available and if possible to print more copies for dissemination in London - Silvia is leading
   e) APRALO Banner – Celebrating Diversity - Done
   f) RALO Secretariats re Social Media strategy - Pavan is the leading person from APRALO
   g) ATLAS II Webinars – participation or follow up with the uploaded info – by ALL

   f) Participation in the survey related to the selection of Thematic groups by all APRALO ALSs - the link will be re-send by staff

3. APRALO General Assembly in London 

APRALO GA will take place on Wednesday, at 11:00-13:00 local time in London. The main agenda will cover the selection/consensus of the following vacancies for APRALO Leadership Positions:

a) ALAC Representative to serve for 2 year term ending in November 2016 
b) APRALO Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016
c) APRALO Vice Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016
d) The second Vice Chair to serve a 1 year term ending in October 2015 (in case if the current Acting Chair will be selected to serve the new term)

The clear outline for the positions and nominations had been sent to AP list. The call for consensus will be sent as well to keep the selection procedures in accordance with the newly adopted Rules of Procedure.

The final agenda for GA is in the process of finalization.

4. Metrics - At-Large Metrics Sub Committee


APRALO ALSs are expected to fill in the form, to mention in which WGs they participate. This will help also to share the best practices among the ALSs representatives to encourage more participation in ICANN related activities - Maureen is leading the process. 


5. IGF 2014 - submission from APRALO

 IGF MAG is in the process of finalizing and approving the submitted proposals. This year IGF MAG decided to limit 3 workshop proposals per organization. More than three submission had been done from ICANN, and the final approval is not done yet.

April 2014 Report

1. APRALO ALSes Spotlight PICISOC and CIIAG - Presenter Maureen Hilyard
