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2. Review of Action Items of Monthly December 2013  - Glenn McKnight  (2 min) 


2.x1. Staff - Please create a "2014 Teleconference" Directory in the WIKI

2.2: Staff - Please reorganize the NARALO Monthly Report listings in descending chronological order so most-recent year is first

2.x3. Staff - Is it possible to create and aliases to ease officer transitions?

2.Staff - Please advise of the status of Buenos Aires Reciprocity Reimbursements

2.x5. All - Please note that "New gTLDs" has been removed as a standard item and moved under "ICANN Functions"

2.x5. All - Please note that the agenda has been renumbered since the last session

2.x6. Heidi Ullrich (Staff) to look for a Digital certificate of Gareth's Shearman.

2.x7. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) The ALS RALO database is to show the date of updating.

2.18. Eduardo Diaz is to give NARALO a list of tasks that need or can be completed by volunteers. NARALO officers will attempt to assign these tasks as possible to our membership or otherwise assist in their supply ATLAS Needs for Volunteers (See 3.2.1)

2.92.x. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) to notify RALO leaders and the ALAC members when the RALO ALS database is updated.

2.6. Alberta Community Association, Darlene mentioned that the association does not exist.  Therefore Garth Bruen  will start the internal process to de-certify.  The next association to be examined will be Consumers Web watch.

2.7. Update Staff: Please update on the Native Scholarship/fellowship program from staff - Formal Documentation Requested


2.x. Garth Bruen (Chair) to let Sandra Hofferichter and other organizers of the ICANN Academy know of the need for training for RALO Leaders and Secretariats. - Completed. 

2.x. METRICS WG Feedback: Garth Bruen to  request feedback from all the NARALO ALSes. - To be integrated in ongoing discussions, see

2.x. All - Please Note that Daylight Savings Time ended 2 November 2013 but will resume 9 March 2014 - Regardless, this call will occur at 3PM ET/12PM PT

3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)


3.2. London ATLAS II 22 - 26 June 2014

3.2.1. Eduardo Diaz is to give NARALO a list of tasks that need or can be completed by volunteers. NARALO officers will attempt to assign these tasks as possible to our membership or otherwise assist in their completion.

3.3. Los Angeles 12-16 October 2014

3.4. CES (past week)

3.5. RSA Conference (San Francisco 24-28 February)


3.7. Colorado Internet Society,   The Future of the Internet 2014: Defining Software Defined Networks 22 August 2014   

3.x. Forward any other meeting notices to Chair or Secretary!

4. Review of Communication/Outreach Strategy


5. Our Community (10 Minutes)

5.1. Ongoing Engagement with Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG)

5.2.11.  Calendar of  Outreach initiatives

25.123.   Transition documents  for  the new secretariat. Glenn's Request:


2.12.6. In General this must be formalized Cross-RALO so At-Large has efficiency

5.4. On TOR and Alternate DNS

5.x. Messages from Chris Grundemann at ISOC CO


5.x.2. Defining Software Defined Networks - See 3.7 


6. Committee/Working Group Activity - for All WG/Committee Reports

6.1.NONCOM Report Submitted by Louis H. (NomCom December Report)

6.1.1. Suggest a Candidate

7.  At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)

8.1 Policy Advice Development Page
