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  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the At-Large SARP Briefing Session on Wednesday 8 May 2013 at 1300 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Gisella goog morning on Ecuador, ECUADOR Diego Acosta BAstidas free`s community/ software
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:I need the mobile phone call +59396154300 or 59322442177 on the Spanish channel, it was confirmed yesterday
  Gisella Gruber-White:Diego, we will dial-out to you soon
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Thanks, what`s a meaning SARP please ?
  Gisella Gruber-White:Diego: Support Application Review Panel (SARP)
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Can you send me a link relationed abouth SARP ?
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Gisella, just send a contact request on Skype, I can add please
  Avri Doria:Hi, for chairing do you think it is adequate to use adobeconnect, or should i dial in?
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Greetings Sabrina and Veronica, tendremos canal en español en el Adobe? o debo esperar la llamada solicitada y aprobada ya por el staff ?
  Gisella Gruber-White:Diego - only English on Adobe connect but when we call you, you will be on the Spanish channel
  Alan Greenberg:i can hear
  sergio salinas porto:hi all!
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:SPANISH CANAL: Sergio Salinas has been connected, please call me 593996154300
  Jonathan Robinson:Yep, I suspect it was me.  Apologies.  I don't get it.  On audio listen fine.  Mic is a problem.
  Gisella Gruber-White:Diego- we are calling you
  Gisella Gruber-White:Hola to Sergio and Aida on Spanish channel
  Jonathan Robinson:Is there a dial-in for this session since my Adobe audio is a problem?
  Jonathan Robinson:Will try one more time with mic vol right down
  Gisella Gruber-White:Jonathan - 08000 326 646 code 1638
  aída:Hola a todos¡
  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All. Thanks for joining.
  sergio salinas porto:hola Aida!!!!
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all, Hola a todos
  Gisella Gruber-White:Rakik Dammak has joined us - Welcome Rafik
  Yuliya Morenets:Good afternoon to all
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Saludos afectuosos desde Ecuador a los registros latinos
  Avri Doria:Feel free to contribute questions in the chat
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:equatorial`s good afternoon.
  Heidi Ullrich:New gTLD Financial Assistance Handbook:
  Gisella Gruber-White:Please state your names when speaking.
  Alan Greenberg:Have names of rest of SARP Panel members been released?
  adam:To Zahid/SARP:  how did you define "Public Interest Benefit" ?
  ebw:question for the queue: if the determination of the panel is final, and the panel has only a private record, how are the corporation's transparancy and accountability goals met?
  Karla Valente:@Alan - the names of the SARP have not been released. Zahid was the chair and SARP member.
  ebw:please speak slowly for the record.
  Cintra Sooknanan:hi everyone, hi Eric
  Karla Valente:@EBW: the panel had the privacy needed to independently deliberate. the CMR oversaw the process
  ebw:actually all the reasons for not speaking to all, and each, application considered by the sarp, should be stated.
  ebw:audio drop
  ebw:the rational for confidentialiy during the evaluation process (a) financial details, (b) non-interaction, are now moot. what are the rational(s) for open-ended confidentiality and how will the experience of this sarp be transmitted to the next sarp?
  ebw:audio drop
  Heidi Ullrich:Zahid, Adigo has called out to you
  Heidi Ullrich:the second line is on mute
  ebw:audio drop
  ebw:avri: can you scroll down just a little so we can see the seven sub-criteria?
  ebw:audio drop
  Alan Greenberg:LOST AVRI
  Heidi Ullrich:Zahid is now on the bridge
  ebw:question for cintra: was that local government?
  Yannis Li:Is there any plan for the remaining pool of money as now only 1 application was approved for the assistance?
  ebw:clarification: to cintra and zahid -- did cintra have oversight responsibility or observer responsibility?
  Cintra Sooknanan:PHEW finally reconnected!
  Cintra Sooknanan:CMR is Community Member Representative... Avri you're right
  Cintra Sooknanan:Local Government means regional government NOT Federal Government, in the JAS discussions the GAC and the JAS supported inclusion of local government in the Applicant Support Program
  Cintra Sooknanan:The problem with the Non Disclosure is that it subsists since the applications are part of the gTLD program
  ebw:thanks, not central (represented in gac), but subordinate (not represented in gac) .
  ebw:so no oversight function, only an interpretive function.
  Cintra Sooknanan:Eric it was a mix both oversight and observer capacity. The SARP did confirm and I am satisfied with the process.
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Question: has the knowledge and expertise over the objections of SARP ". PATAGONIA" or ". AMAZON"
  Jonathan Robinson:Considering Zahid's concerns about the absolute (binary) nature of the decision.  Is he suggestiing that this is reconsidered in this round OR in future rounds?
  Avri Doria:Clarifying Questions from the SARP?  the idea was invented after. but a good idea.
  adam:It would also be interesting to know the Consultant.  
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Please send the link of the seven criteria of public interest
  ebw:not sure if i'll have audio, so i'll put the questions in the chat:
  ebw:1. agree with alan, as this (the n of 7 public interest metric) is similar to the 14/16 metric for community application, and to the best of my knowledge that evaluion s
  ebw:no audio
  ebw:... that evalution is not private.
  ebw:my interest is actually in the evaluation, not the membership.
  ebw:i would not like the community-type application evaluation for the 14/16 metric to be opaque to the applicant, as well as to others interested in the process.
  Edmon:without some info on the scoring it is also difficult to refine the requirements (alan just said it before i finished typing this)
  ebw:zahid: at this point we, as co-authors of the jas recommendation, have no idea which elements of language presented problems to the sarp members. we can assume that cintra, as a co-author of the jas originating language (jas contributor), knows each of these, but that is an assumption. do you plan to provide a summary of "language too restricting or ambigous" issues?
  Karla Valente:@Avri: I have a meeting starting in 5 minutes
  Jonathan Robinson:Please excuse me.  I also have to join another meeting.
  ebw:thanks karla.
  Cintra Sooknanan:no audio
  Cintra Sooknanan:?
  Karla Valente:Thank you all and my apologies for not being able to extend my time for another 30 minutes due to prior commitment.
  Avri Doria:i have another meetng too, but this is worth keeping going if we have new questions.
  sergio salinas porto:I knock knees, but must retire ... bye!
  Avri Doria:thank you for being here
  adam:got to leave - thanks for the webinar.
  Edmon:i was wondering whether there is plan to invite feedback from the applicants (all of those who applied as well as trying to identify some of the ones in thsi round that thought about applying for financial support but did not)
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Question: has the knowledge and expertise over the objections of SARP ". PATAGONIA" or "
  ebw:there is a process design issue zahid identified: if any question is to be asked, then must all applications be asked the same question, and if any question is asked, is there sufficient time for the question and response.
  ebw:action item request to staff: please post the 7 public interest metrics, and if available, the findings of the sarp on each of the seven, and the aggregate, as well as the weighting, or inform us that this information is not available.
  ebw:one more question.
  ebw:the non-eligibility "rule", again, to staff, identify where this originates, as it is outside of the recommendation of the jas (to the best of my memory as a co-contributor).
  ebw:i see your point cintra.
  ebw:action item to staff: please identify where the rejected (for the purposes of sarp) appliation must not be considered further, as this is outside of the recommendation of jas (to the best of my memory).
  Cintra Sooknanan:+1 Alan
  aída:Thanks. Bye
  Cintra Sooknanan:bye everyone
  Avri Doria:thanks all.
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:bye and greetings for everyone fron Ecuador
  JOHNNY LAUREANO:Gracias a todos
  Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you to all
  ECUADOR Diego Acosta Bastidas:Thanks Sabrina, regards from Ecuador
  Heidi Ullrich:Bye