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Chat: EN

Summary Minutes: EN




Standing Agenda Items

1.  Adoption of agenda; call for Any Other Business or other amendments – Olivier (2 minutes)


4.  Review of current ALS applications – Olivier, Staff (5 minutes)

a. Recently Accredited ALSes

i. (169) Internet Society - Malaysian Chapter

b. Organizations that are Currently undergoing the Accreditation Process

i. (158) ASOCIACIÓN DE ESCRIBANOS DEL URUGUAY\ - Regional Advice from LACRALO expected imminently


v. (168) Computer Society of India - Awaiting Due Diligence

vi. (169) Internet Society - Malaysian Chapter - Awaiting Due Diligence

ALAC vote to begin shortly

See:  At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process

b. Recently re-certified ALSes

5.  Reports – Olivier (2 minutes)


See:  ICANN Public Comment page

a. Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

i. ALAC Statement on the Request for Community Input on Formulation of 2013-2016 Strategic Plan SSAC Report on Dotless Domains - Adopted

ii. ALAC Statement on the IDN Prioritization in the New gTLD Program Targeted at the ICANN Board

iii. ALAC Statement on the Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT) Final Report

iv. ALAC Correspondence to the ICANN Board Chair on the ALAC/At-Large Improvements Implementation Project - Final Report for Review by the SIC

v. ALAC Correspondence Endorsing the IPC's Statement on the .com Renewal and Thick Whois

vi. ALAC Statement on the Preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Protection of International Organization Names in New gTLDs

vii. ALAC Statement on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part C Policy Development Process Initial Report

URS Status - Status to be discussed

b. Statements currently being voted on or reviewed by the ALAC

i. Request for Community Input on SAC054 - Domain Name Registration Data Model - ALAC to vote shortly.

ii. ALAC Reply to Comments on the Draft Statements of ICANN's Role and Remit in Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the Internet's Unique Identifier System - ALAC currently voting through 29 August

  APRALO Statement on Prioritization of IDN gTLD Applications in the New gTLD Program - Next steps being confirmed

ii. At-Large RRR WG – RAA Section 3.7.8 Modification - Garth Bruen to confirm when a finalized version is ready

iii. R3 White Paper iii. ALAC Draft Statement on the URS- The ALAC is currently voting on this document

c. Current open policy forums:

i. DSSA Working Group Phase 1 Report  - Comment Period closes closed 13 September  -

ii. SSAC Report on Dotless Domains - Comment Period closes 23 September - LACRALO to prepare stament.

7.ALAC Advice to the Whois Review Team Report - Alan (10 mintues)


8. Consumer Metrics Final Report: Next Steps - Olivier (10 minutes)

See: At-Large Consumer Metrics Final Advice Workspace

9. ANgWG Request for Extension of ANgWG Charter - Olivier and Avri (10 minutes)

See: Letter to ALAC on At-Large New gTLD WG charter item 2

10. At-Large Registrant Rights and Responsibilities WG: Vote to Endorse New Chair of WG - Olivier (10 minutes)

See: At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities

Items for Discussion


. Reply period closes 21 October  - At this stage there is to be no comment.

ii. Draft Recommendations Overall Policy for the Selection of IDN ccTLD Strings - Comment Period closes 18 October - Edmon Chung to confirm if a Statement is necessary

Items for Discussion

7. Update from Selected At-Large Working Groups - WG Chairs (15 mins)

a. ALAC RoP WG and ALAC Metrics Sub-committee - Cheryl Langdon-Orr


b. At-Large Academy WG - Sandra Hoferrichter

12. At-Large Delegates to the 2013 NomCom: Review and Discussion of Candidates - Olivier (10 minutes)

See: ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom for 2013 Workspace


8. Discussion of Toronto ALAC Meeting Agendas - Olivier and Staff (15 minutes)

See: At-Large Toronto Workspace, including the At-Large Toronto Meeting Agendas


See: Venue - Westin Harbour Castle

For Information

14. Universal Acceptance of all TLD: Update from Staff - Staff (10 minutes)

See: Universal Acceptance of all TLDs - Draft text for Flyer - August 2012

See: ALAC Statement on the Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs

15. At-Large Elections 2012 - Olivier (5 minutes)

See: At-Large ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments 2012


9. Selection of Topics for At-Large Issue Briefing Papers - Olivier (10 minutes)

For Information

10. Any Other Business – Olivier (5 minutes)

