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Chair and Secretariat Nominations for Belgrade|^EURALO Nominations Belgrade GA 2011.docx|||\





A.      Standing issues


  1. Opening and welcome


  1. Confirmation of attending members and


  1. apologies


  1. Confirmation of the assembly quorum


  1. Adoption of the proposed Agenda


  1. Adoption of the meeting minutes from the last GA 29.05.2011 Belgrade

  15.09.2010, Vilnius

B.      Proposed agenda items

   6.  Discussion and adoption of the EURALO Board report 2010-11|^BoardReport2010-11.pdf|||\2011-12

   7. Briefing and approval 7. Approval of the EURALO budget FY 2012|^EURALO-BudgetProposalFY2011-12.pdf|||\-13 suggested to ICANN

8. Formal approval of the latest voting results on the suggested EURALO Bylaw modifications:

a) Inclusion of individual members

b) Term extension of Board and Leadership

c) Alignment of EURALO Board and ALAC representative elections with those of ALAC

9. Confirmation of Board and Leadership (Chair and Secretariat) nominations|^EURALO Nominations Belgrade GA 2011.docx|||\

10. Election of the EURALO Chair

11. Election of the EURALO Secretariat

12. Election of EURALO Board

13. Re-election (prolongation of the ALAC mandate) of Olivier Crepin-Leblond (as the current ALAC Chair)

14.    8. How to improve EURALO’s in-reach and member involvement|^EURALO ALS list 2011.docx|||\?

15. Discussion and vote on the suggested EURALO project to become a “carrier organization” of the EuroDIG (representing civil society)

a) Other EURALO projects

16. Outlook to the EuroDIG 2011

   9. Briefing on the EuroDIG 2012

  10. Briefing on the 10 years ALAC Anniversary event at ICANN 44 in Prague

  1117. Miscellaneous

a) next GA 2012