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Who is on the dial-out list for this call?


Apologies: Sandra Hoferichter, Christopher Wilkinson




Action Items: EN, FR, ES


a. (158) Association of Notary Public Professionals of Uruguay|^158 - ASOCIACIÓN DE ESCRIBANOS DEL URUGUAY.pdf|||||||\ (ASOCIACIÓN DE ESCRIBANOS DEL URUGUAY) - ALAC to conduct vote shortly. 


v. Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - Deadline: 3 April 2012


Items for Discussion


8. Update from At-Large Working Groups

a. New gTLD WG

i. On-line wiki tool for possible At-Large objections to new gTLD applications


b. At-Large Improvements Taskforce


9. At-Large Prague Meeting Development - Olivier and Staff (10 min)

See: At-Large Prague Workspace, including the At-Large Prague Meeting Agendas


ii. ALAC/GAC meeting - day, time and topics

For Information


10. New SO/AC Alert Mailing List - Olivier (5 min)

a. Suggested items for discussion

11. ALAC Policy Issues to be part of Policy Webinar - Staff/Olivier (5 min)

a. Suggestions for topics

12. Updating ALAC Top 10 Policy Issues - Next Steps - Olivier (5 min)

See: 2008 ALAC Top 10 Issues

13. Next Beginner's Guide -

14. Any Other Business – Olivier (5 min)
