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Wiki Markup
[Sunday, 11 March 2012 Meetings|atlarge:At-Large Meetings - Sunday, 11 March 2012]
[Tuesday, 13 March 2012 Meetings|atlarge:At-Large Meetings - Tuesday, 13 March 2012]
[Wednesday, 14 March 2012 Meetings|atlarge:At-Large Meetings - Wednesday, 14 March 2012]
[Thursday, 15 March 2012 Meetings|atlarge:At-Large Meetings - Thursday, 15 March 2012]
[Friday, 16 March 2012 Meetings|atlarge:At-Large Meetings - Friday, 16 March 2012]

|| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*LACRALO with the ICANN Fellows* \\
*Time:* 07:00-08:00 \\
*Meeting Room:*  Orquideas || h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*LACRALO with the ICANN Fellows* \\
*Horaire:* 07:00-08:00 \\
*Salle de réunion*: Orquideas || h4. Lunes, 12 Marzo 2012
*LACRALO with the ICANN Fellows* \\
*Horario:* 07:00-08:00 \\
*Sala de reunión:*  Orquideas ||
| *Adobe Connect:*  [|]\\
*{+}Agenda:+* \\
* * \\
Coffee and Networking (07:00-07:30) \\
Marilyn Cade, Chair, Business Constituency (07:30-8:00) | *Adobe Connect:* \\
\\  {color:#000000}{*}{+}Agenda:+{*}{color}\\
TBD \\
\\ | *Adobe Connect:* \\
\\  {color:#000000}{*}{+}Agenda:+{*}{color}\\
TBD \\ |

|| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*LACRALO Capacity Building Session 2* \\
*Time:* 08:00-09:00 \\
*Meeting Room:*  Las Americas || h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*LACRALO Capacity Building Session 2* \\
*Horaire:* 08:00-09:00 \\
*Salle de réunion*: Las Americas || h4. Lunes, 12 Marzo 2012
*Desarrollo de Capacidades de LACRALO Sesión 2* \\
*Horario:* 08:00-09:00 \\
*Sala de reunión:*  Las Americas ||
| *Adobe Connect:*  [|]\\
*{+}Agenda:+*  \\
1. Introduction to the World of At-Large and Ways to Participate (8:00-8:30) - Speakers: Carlton Samuels (ALAC Member appointed by NomCom and ALAC Vice-Chair) and Carlos Aguirre (GNSO Member - Former ALAC Member). \\
Main topics \\
a. Internet end users in Latin America and Caribbean. \\
b. Participation. \\
2. IP Addresses Policy Development Processes - RIRs (8:30-9:00) - Andres Piazza (External Relations Officer - LACNIC) \\
* * \\
\\ | *Adobe Connect:* \\
\\  {color:#000000}{*}{+}Agenda:+{*}{color}\\
TBD \\
\\ | *Adobe Connect:* \\
\\  {color:#000000}{*}{+}Agenda:+{*}{color}\\
TBD \\ |

|| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*Future Challenges Working Group Meeting*  (CLOSED) \\
*Time:* 10:00-11:00 \\
*Meeting Room:* Las Americas \\ || h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*Groupe de Travail sur les Défis du Futur*  (CLOSED) \\
*H{*}{*}oraire:* 10:00-11:00 \\
*Salle de réunion*: Las Americas || h4. Miercoles, 14 Marzo 2012
*Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Desafíos Futuros* (CLOSED) \\
*Horario:* 10:00-11:00 \\
*Sala de reunión:* Las Americas ||
| *Adobe Connect:*  [|]\\
Moderators: Jean-Jacques Subrenat and Evan Leibovitch \\
*Agenda: * \\
# Introduction (10:00-10:05)
# Update on enforcement initiatives  - presentation by Garth Bruen (10:05-10:20)
# Discussion of the "R3" White Paper (10:20-10:50) \\
## Overview (10:20-10:30)
## Substance (10:30-10:40)
## Go-forward strategy (10:40-10:50)
# Any other business(10:50-11:00) | *Adobe Connect:* \\
*Agenda: * \\
TBD \\
\\ | *Adobe Connect: * \\
*Orden del dia:*  \\
TBD \\
\\ |

|| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*ALAC Meeting with the NCSG* \\
*Time:* 11:00-12:00 \\
*Meeting Room:*  Las Americas \\ || h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*Réunion ALAC avec le NCSG* \\
*Horaire*: 11:00-12:00 \\
*Salle de réunion:*  Las Americas \\ || h4. Lunes, 12 Marzo 2012
*Reunión de ALAC con el Grupo de Partes Interesadas No Comerciales (NCSG)* \\
*Horario:* 11:00-12:00 \\
*Sala de reunión:* Las Americas ||
| *Adobe Connect:*   [|]\\
*Agenda:* \\
1. Substantive Issues: \\
a. Objections to the IOC/RedCross exemptions \\
b. Ensuring SOPA/ACTA gets on ICANN's radar \\
c. LEA/registrar/RAA \\
2. Institutional/Process Issues:  \\
a. Outreach \\
b. [At-Large ICANN Academy |]\\
\\ | *Adobe Connect:* \\
*Agenda:*  \\ | *Adobe Connect:*  \\
*Agenda:* \\
\\ |

| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*LACRALO Working Session* \\
*Time:* 12:00-15:00 \\
*Meeting Room:* Orquideas | h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*LACRALO* *Working Session* \\
*Horaire:* 12:00-15:00 \\
*Salle de réunion:* Orquideas | h4. Lunes, 12 Marzo 2012
*LACRALO Working* *Sesión * \\
*Horario:* 12:00-15:00 \\
*Sala de reunión:* Orquideas |
| *Adobe Connect:* [|]\\
The first hour will be a Working Lunch (TBC) \\
*Agenda:*  \\
TBD \\ | *Adobe Connect:* \\
*Ordre du Jour:* \\
TBD \\ | *Agenda:* \\
*Cuestiones pendientes:* \\

|| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*NARALO Monthly Meeting*   \\
*Time:* 14:00-15:00  \\
*Meeting Room:*  Las Americas \\  \\ || h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*NARALO Réunion Mensuelle*   \\
*Horaire:* 14:00-15:00   \\
*Salle de réunion*: Las Americas \\
Agenda: \\
TBC || h4. Lunes, 12 Marzo 2012
*NARALO Reunión Mensual*   \\
*Horario:* 14:00-15:00  \\
*Sala de reunión:*  Las Americas \\
Agenda: \\
TBC ||
| Agenda:  \\
Standing Issues:  \\
1. Roll Call (2 minutes)  \\
2. Review of Summary Minutes and Action Items from  call (5 minutes)   \\
[Open Public Consultations|] (5 minutes)  \\
Agenda Items:  \\
3. Update from the ICANN Costa Rica Meeting (10 minutes)  \\
See: [At-Large Costa Rica Meeting page|]\\
See: [ICANN Costa Rica Meeting page|]\\
a. Key Policy Discussions in Costa Rica  \\
b. ALAC Policy Discussions  \\
4. Update on NARALO Outreach Video (5 minutes)  \\
See: [At-Large YouTube Channel|]  \\
5. Update on NARALO Survey (10 minutes)  \\
See: [NARALO Survey page |]\\
6. Identify Priorities in the Coming Months (15 minutes)  \\
7. Any other Business (5 minutes)  \\ | | |

|| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*New gTLDs Working Group * \\
*Time:* 15:00-16:00 \\
*Meeting Room:* Girasol \\ || h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*New gTLDs Working Group * \\
*Horaire:* 15:00-16:00 \\
*Salle de réunion*: Girasol \\ || h4. Lunes, 12 Marzo 2012
*New gTLDs Working Group * \\
*Horario:* 15:00-16:00 \\
*Sala de reunión:* Girasol ||
| *Adobe Connect:*  [|]\\
*Moderator:* Avri Doria \\
*Agenda:*  \\
1. [Objection Process|] \- Review of process and changes due to the RALO review (15 min) \\
2. JAS/ASP - Outreach (15 min) \\
3. New gTLD Issues - Update (10 min) \\
4. Time of new gTLD WG meetings (5 min) \\ | *Adobe Connect:* \\
*Modérateur: * Avri Doria \\
*Ordre du jour:*   \\
TBD | *Adobe Connect:* \\
*Moderador: * Avri Doria \\
*Agenda:*  \\
TBD \\ |

|| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*IDN Working Group * \\
*Time:* 17:00-18:00 \\
*Meeting Room:*  Heliconia \\ || h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*IDN Working Group * \\
*Horaire:* 17:00-18:00 \\
*Salle de réunion*: Heliconia \\ || h4. Lunes, 12 Marzo 2012
*IDN Working Group * \\
*Horario:* 17:00-18:00  \\
*Sala de reunión:*  Heliconia ||
| *Adobe Connect:* [|]\\
  *Moderator:* Edmon Chung \\
  *Agenda:*  \\
 1. Response to VIP Project Plan (~30min)
- References:
- [|]
- [|download/attachments/31166974/ALAC+Statement+on+the+Framework+for+the+FY+13+Budget.pdf?version=2&modificationDate=1331327978359] |

2. Reaching out and working with other parts of the ICANN Community (~15min)\\

3. Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs (~15min)
- References:
- [|]
- [|] | | |

|| h4. Monday, 12 March 2012
*LACRALO Showcase*  \\
*Time:*  19:00-20:00 \\
*Meeting Room:* Las Americas \\ || h4. Lundi, 12 Mars 2012
*Présentation LACRALO* \\
*Heure:*  19:00-20:00 \\
*Salle de réunion*: Las Americas \\
\\ || h4. Lunes, 12 Marzo 2012
*LACRALO Showcase{*}* * \\
*Horario:* 19:00-20:00 \\
*Sala de reunión:* Las Americas \\ ||
| *Theme: Increasing participation of end users from Latin America and the Caribbean in ICANN and Internet Governance issues.* \\
*Schedule of Events{*}*:* \\
Arrival of Delegates and Invited Guests (5 min) \\
Welcome - Jose Arce, Chair of LACRALO (3 min) \\
Welcome Address - [Sebastien Bachollet|], ICANN Board Member selected by At-Large (3 min) \\
Opening Address - Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC (3 min) \\
Introduction of Keynote Speaker 1 - [Rod Beckstrom|], President and CEO, ICANN (3 min) \\
Keynote Speaker 1 \-  {color:#222222}[Alejandro Cruz|]{color}{color:#222222}, the Minister of Science and Technology of Costa Rica{color} {color:#222222}(10 min){color}\\
Introduction of Keynote Speaker 2 - [Rod Beckstrom|], President and CEO, ICANN (3 min) \\
Keynote Speaker 2 - {color:#222222}[Raul Echeberria|]{color}{color:#222222}, LA{color}{color:#222222}CNIC CEO and {color}{color:#222222}Chair of ISOC Board of Trustees (10 min){color}\\
LACRALO Speaker 1 \-Cintra Sooknanan (3 min) \\
LACRALO Speaker 2 - Sergio Salinas Portos (3 min) \\
Call for NomCom Members - Vanda Scartezini, Chair of the NomCom (3 min) \\
Introduction of ALSes - Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Secretary of LACRALO  (10 min) \\
Wrap Up - Jose Arce, Dev Anand Teelucksingh and LACRALO ALAC members: Natalia Enciso, Sergio Salinas Porto, Carlton Samuels (6 min) \\
\\  \\
  | *Schedule of Events:* \\
\\ | *Schedule of Events:* \\
\\ | <\!-\-  /\* Style Definitions \*/  table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; 	mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; 	mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; 	mso-style-noshow:yes; 	mso-style-priority:99; 	mso-style-qformat:yes; 	mso-style-parent:""; 	mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; 	mso-para-margin:0in; 	mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; 	mso-pagination:widow-orphan; 	font-size:11.0pt; 	font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; 	mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; 	mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; 	mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; 	mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; 	mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; 	mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} \-->1. Response to VIP Project Plan (~30min) |

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - References:

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - [|]

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - [\|&#124;download/attachments/31166974/ALAC+Statement+on+the+Framework+for+the+FY+13+Budget.pdf?version=2&modificationDate=1331327978359\||]

2. Reaching out and working with other parts of the ICANN Community (~15min)

3. Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs (~15min)

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - References:

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - [|]

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - [|]