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The "APRALO Proposed Text for Joint ccNSO and GNSO Working Group on Single Character IDN TLDs - Dec 2011 Final" in all six UN languages, including Korean and Japanese, can be downloaded using the following links:

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    [العربية |^APRALO proposed text for Joint ccNSO and GNSO Working Group on Single Character IDN TLDs - Dec 2011 Final - AR.pdf]\[PDF, 119 KB\]
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    [中文|^APRALO proposed text for Joint ccNSO and GNSO Working Group on Single Character IDN TLDs - Dec 2011 Final - ZH.pdf] \[PDF, 98 KB\]
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    [English|^APRALO proposed text for Joint ccNSO and GNSO Working Group on Single Character IDN TLDs - Dec 2011 Final - EN.pdf] \[PDF, 41 KB\]
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    [Français|^APRALO proposed text for Joint ccNSO and GNSO Working Group on Single Character IDN TLDs - Dec 2011 Final - FR.pdf] \[PDF, 66 KB\]
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    [日本|^APRALO proposed text for Joint ccNSO and GNSO Working Group on Single Character IDN TLDs - Dec 2011 Final - JP.pdf] \[PDF, 111 KB\]

JIG Response to ICANN Board Resolution on Single Character IDN TLDs

Further to the email message copied and the attached files below being sent on this matter, the ALAC ExCom at their mid month (15th Nov) meeting was advised (by me in my capacity as ALAC's ccNSO Liaison) that at the cNSO Council meeting held earlier on Nov 15th, the Council was briefed on, held preliminary discussion about but did not agree debate or resolve this matter, but would be doing so at a future Council meeting, as they had not received the draft and advice of the JOG-WG on sufficient time before that meeting call... ExCom agreed that the matter of ALAC endorsement or support of such SO resolved advice to the ICANN Board on this matter, would be discussed at their November ALAC Meeting and in the interim the APRALO/Regional ALAC Members (this matter being of specific interest to the AP Regions Internet users and domain name registrants) would further regional discussion and drafting of any 'APRALO Statement or advice to ALAC'. APAC-list discussion has therefore been introduced, and this Wiki page is provided for Regional and wider community input and reaction to the following DRAFT proposed text from APRALO.

DRAFT proposed text for APRALO consideration.

 DRAFT proposed text form APRALO:-

Single Character Internationalised Domain Name Top Level Domains (IDN-TLDs) in the new gTLD process, inclusive of the first round, has been a matter of considerable and lengthy community discussion, joint SO work group activity (cNSO and GNSO's JOG-WG) and consensus support in the wider ICANN and At-Large Community and specifically is of intense interest and importance to the Internet users and potential Domain Name Registrants in the Asia Pacific Region. Inclusive of the accredited as ‘At-Large Structures' ALSes of the Asia Pacific Regional At-Large organisation (APRALO) and most essentially those in the parts of the region whose language scripts commonly utilise single characters as meaningful words / terms/ concepts etc., i.e. Chinese, Japanese and Korean language users. APRALO trusts that it does not need to articulate the statistical and numerical significance of the numbers of people that this matter may of course potentially effect to the ALAC and the ICANN but we do wish to raise via the ALAC to the ICANN Board our deep concern about aspects of their resolution on this matter from their August 2011 Board meeting, where the Board specified that Single Character IDN TLDs not be included in the first round

APRALO also notes that the August 2011 Board resolution generally requested input from ICANNs Advisory Committees on this matter and therefore requests that the ALAC give their supportive of concept and requirement, input and advice to the ICANN Board, as a matter of some urgency so that properly informed and reminded of the wide community support and the necessity of these IDN-TLDs, the Board may be able to review their current resolution re this, and move, we trust to the more reasonable, fair and justifiable option of including the implementation of Single Character IDN TLDs as acceptable applications for the first round of the new gTLD program.  

APRALO is aware of a letter from the JIG-WG which we believe is under current discussion for resolution and endorsement in the GNSO and ccNSO and specifically wish to have formally noted our support to the following items from that letter:

The JIG, through the ccNSO and GNSO councils therefore sincerely urges the Board to:

  1. Implement the community consensus of allowing Single Character IDN TLDs without restricting such implementation to being after the first round of the new gTLD process, and to decouple the requirement that IDN ccTLD or IDN gTLD mechanisms wait for the other;
  2. If necessary, form an implementation team to assist staff in immediately implementing Single Character IDN TLDs for scripts and languages where the input of a Single Character requires multiple keystrokes (e.g. ideographical scripts, and avoiding the potential technical concern of keyboard layouts identified in the JIG report), and for the team to further guide implementation for other scripts as well as coordinate input from the ACs; and,
  3. Update or amend the New gTLD Applicant Guidebook for such implementation before the application period for the first round is over.

and from our Regional endorsement and support of these proposals to the ICANN Board (whether or NOT they are endorsed by both or either the ccNSO or the GNSO) we request ALAC also discuss and then support, endorse and advise the ICANN Board on this important issue of equity and opportunity for meaningful and usable IDN-TLD opportunities to be part of the coming First Round of acceptances of new gTLD application, with the strongest possible encouragement for their review of their August 11th resolution on the matter inline with the above.

1st draft text of the above 'penned' by Cheryl Langdon-Orr ( CLO) 21 Nov,2011.

PLEASE  COMMENT and propose any EDITS etc., in the comment  section of the page below.

Second and Final Draft using input from comments below.

ALAC Statement on

Joint ccNSO and GNSO Working Group on Single Character IDN TLDs

Further to the August 2011 Board Meeting where it was specified that Single Character IDN TLDs not be included in the first round, the ALAC would like to invite the Board to re-consider creating an exception for Single Character IDN TLDs.

The language scripts within the region covered by the Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO), commonly utilise single characters as meaningful words/terms/ concepts. These language scripts include and are not limited to Chinese (Hanzi, Han), Vietnamese (Han Tu), Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji), Korean (Hangul) etc.

Cultural diversity has long been recognised as a driving force of development, not only in respect of economic growth, but also as a means of leading a more fulfilling intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life. This has been enshrined within various International Legal instruments such as Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which acknowledges that people have the right to freedom of expression. The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2005, Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage also promote multilingualism.

The Board is invited to note ICANN’s core values in particular of seeking and supporting broad informed participation reflecting the functional, geographic and cultural diversity of the Internet at all levels of policy development and decision-making.

Single Character Internationalised Domain Name Top Level Domains (IDN-TLDs) in the new gTLD process, inclusive of the first round, has been a matter of considerable and lengthy community discussion, joint SO work group activity (ccNSO and GNSO's JIG-WG) and consensus support in the wider ICANN and At-Large Community and specifically is of intense interest and importance to the Internet users and potential Domain Name Registrants in the Asia Pacific Region.

The ALAC also notes that the August 2011 Board resolution generally requested input from ICANN’s Advisory Committees on this matter and therefore gives its support of concept and requirement, input and advice to the ICANN Board, as a matter of some urgency so that it is properly informed and reminded of the wide community support and the necessity of these IDN-TLDs. The Board may be able to review their current resolution regarding this, and move, we trust to the more reasonable, fair and justifiable option of including the implementation of Single Character IDN TLDs as acceptable applications for the first round of the new gTLD program.  

The ALAC is aware of a letter from the Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG-WG) which we believe is under current discussion for resolution and endorsement in the GNSO and ccNSO. The ALAC specifically wish to have formally noted our support to the following items from that letter:

The JIG, through the ccNSO and GNSO councils therefore sincerely urges the Board to:

  1. Implement the community consensus of allowing Single Character IDN TLDs without restricting such implementation to being after the first round of the new gTLD process, and to decouple the requirement that IDN ccTLD or IDN gTLD mechanisms wait for the other;
  2. If necessary, form an implementation team to assist staff in immediately implementing Single Character IDN TLDs for scripts and languages where the input of a Single Character requires multiple keystrokes (e.g. ideographical scripts, and avoiding the potential technical concern of keyboard layouts identified in the JIG report), and for the team to further guide implementation for other scripts as well as coordinate input from the ACs; and,
  3. Update or amend the New gTLD Applicant Guidebook for such implementation before the application period for the first round is over.

From our Regional endorsement in particular by APRALO and support from the ALAC of these proposals to the ICANN Board (whether or not they are endorsed by both or either the ccNSO or the GNSO), the ALAC advise the ICANN Board on this important issue of equity and opportunity for meaningful and usable IDN-TLD opportunities to be part of the coming First Round of acceptances of new gTLD application, with the strongest possible encouragement for their review of their 25 August 2011 resolution on the matter inline with the above.

Penned by Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro (16 Dec 2011)

Attachments to email sent from JIG-WG to ccNSO

Motion for JIG Response to ICANN Board Resolution on Single CharacterIDN

JIG Response to ICANN Board Resolution on Single CharacterIDN TLDs -- final.pdf

----Original Message----

Wiki Markup
From: [|] \[[|]\] On Behalf Of Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 12:54 PM

To: ALAC Working List

Cc: APRALO; Alan Greenberg; Edmon Chung

Wiki Markup
Subject: \[APAC-Discuss\] Fwd: \[ccnso-council\] Reminder: Dial in details

Council Call 15 Nov 12:00 UTC

ALAC, IDN Liaison / WG and Regional Leaders *Especially APRALO*,

Please find below an email to the attention of the ccNSO Council (who meet later today) referencing the attached Motion for JIG-WG (joint ccNSO & GNSO) response and associated letter to ICANN Board regarding single character IDN TLD's...

I *strongly recommend* (not only as your ccNSO Liasion  but as someone who has supported and worked in 'matters of IDN's for many years now as an essential issue for Asia Pacific and beyond)  that the ALAC (via its ExCom and of course with the endorsement of the IDN Liaison and his associated topic WG) formally endorse this letter to the ICANN Board. And that we specifically with relation to points a., b., and c., from the letter adopt this as formal ALAC advice... 

I further recommend that APRALO also undertakes  similar action to endorses / supports this letter as Regional / RALO endorsed advice...

Finally if the ALAC / ALAC ExCom so desire I would be happy to report to the ccNSO Council at their meeting later today that such endorsement action / discussion is currently underway...

I look forward to your *URGENT and timely* advice on this matter,... I also assume that the GNSO Liaison might also have opinion / action plan to offer on this issue.

Kindest regards,

Cheryl Langdon-Orr