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09:00-10:00 AST

(13:00-14:00 UTC)

209 ABC (ccNSO)

UA Day 2024 Overview Work Session 

Session Details:

The first UA Day was held on 28 March 2023 with the collaboration of the community involved from across the globe. This session will provide details about the events planned for UA Day in 2024. The community is encouraged to participate and contribute to the success of UA Day events that are being organized in their region to make them more effective.

09:00-10:00 AST

(13:00-14:00 UTC)

Ballroom B (GAC)

Joint Session: GAC & GNSO

Session Details:

10:30-12:00 AST

(14:30-16:00 UTC)

104 ABC (GNSO)

GNSO SubPro Supplemental Recommendations Community Consultation

Session Details:

10:30-12:00 AST

(14:30-16:00 UTC)

Ballroom A (Main room)

FY26-30 Strategic Plan Development Community Consulation

Session Details:

Every member of the ICANN community holds a crucial role in influencing the direction of ICANN's Strategic Plan for the upcoming five years. This session presents a substantial opportunity for you to actively engage in the strategic planning process.
Community participation is valuable to gather feedback on the primary themes identified from the environmental scan sessions. Don’t miss this timely opportunity of the draft strategy development phase. Your input matters!

13:15-14:30 AST

(17:15-18:30 UTC)

102 ABC (At-Large)

At-Large Plenary Session 1: Internet Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals

Session Details:


The panel discussion is designed to elevate awareness and foster an inclusive dialogue among a diverse group of stakeholders. Its primary goal is to contribute to the development of effective governance strategies that utilize the internet as a catalyst for sustainable development. This session will examine how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are already being integrated into the strategies of internet governance institutions, highlighting best practices, innovative approaches, and identifying key challenges and opportunities.

The discussion will serve as a gateway to broader conversations about the future role of information and communication technologies within the United Nations system. This includes the high-level WSIS+20 event scheduled to take place in Switzerland in May 2024, the incorporation of the Global Digital Compact in the UN’s Summit of the Future in 2024, and the 20-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) along with the renewal of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)’s mandate in 2025.


The panel discussion is designed to be an open and interactive session, fostering active engagement from both the panelists and the audience.


  1. Welcome and Introduction - Pari Esfandiari, ALAC Member (5 mins)
  2. Panel Discussion - Pari Esfandiari/Speakers (45 mins) 
    1. Ambassador David A. Gross 
    2. Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board Member
    3. Jorge Cancio, Swiss Government 
    4. Chengetai Masango (remote)
    5. Nigel Hickson 
    6. Ana Cristina F. Amoroso das Neves 
    7. Becky McGilley (TBC)
    8. Elizabeth Oluoch, Government and IGO Engagement Director UN/ITU 

Three Round of questions: 

  • How does your organization integrate and support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within its operational practices and strategic planning? Could you also share the obstacles encountered in this integration process?
  • The overarching aim of the SDGs is to ensure inclusivity with the motto "leave no one behind." Goal 16 calls for "effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels" while Goal 17 focuses on "Partnerships for the Goals". How is your organization fostering collaborations to advance these objectives? Are there any links with the Multistakeholder model of governance and are there opportunities for collaboration in the three mentioned UN events?
  • Goal 9 of the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on "Innovation and Infrastructure." As a significant entity in internet governance, how is your organization contributing to advancements in these areas?

3. Open Floor Questions and Answers - Pari Esfandiari/All (20 mins)

4. Closing Remarks - Pari Esfandiari/Speakers (10 mins - 1 min per speaker)

Moderator: Pari Esfandiari, ALAC Member

Lead: HU/GG

Notes: AC


15:00-16:00 AST

(19:00-20:00 UTC)

102 ABC (At-Large)

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting

Session Details:

This is a meeting of the AFRALO-AfrICANN community to discuss the topic ”Artificial Intelligence (AI & AI powered tool in the service of DNS Management in Africa : Opportunities, Challenges and Impacts ”, as well as any other issues of importance for the African community. The session is open to all At-Large members of AFRALO, AfrICANN and any interested member of the public.


  1. Welcome Address  - Hadia Elminiawi, AFRALO Chair - 5 mins - (15:00-15:05 AST) (19:00-19 :05).
  2. Opening Remarks- Jonathan Zuck , ALAC Chair (5 mins) (15:05-15:10 AST) (19:05-19 :10
  3. Guest speakers (20 mins) (15:10-15:30 AST)  (19:10-19 :30)
    1. Sally Costerton,Interim President and CEO of ICANN (4 mins) (15:10-15:14 AST) (19:10-19 :14)
    2. Alan Barrett ,Board Director member, ICANN (4mins) (15:14-15:18 AST) (19:14-19 :18)
    3. Dr. Catherine Adeya, Board Director member, ICANN (4mins) (15:18-15:22 AST) (19:18-19 :22)
    4. León Felipe Sánchez Ambía ,the At-large Community Board representative on
      ICANN board (4mins )(15:22-15:26 AST) (19:22-19:26)
    5. Pierre Dandjinou, Vice President Stakehlder Engagement -  Africa, ICANN (4 mins )(15:26-15:30 AST) (19:26-19 :30)
  4. Introduction of the Topic- Penholders -Samwel Kariuki Kinuthia,Dave
    Kissoondoyal,Prof Souleymane Oumtanaga (5 mins) (15:30-15:35 AST) (19:30-19:35)
  5. Presentation of the statement: "Artificial Intelligence (AI) & AI-powered tools in the service of DNS Management in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges, and Impacts" - 
    Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, AFRALO Secretary (10 mins) (15:35-15:45 AST) (19:35-19:45) EN, FR, AR
  6. Discussion, modification and adoption of the statement - Bram Fudzulani, AFRALO Vice President - All - (10 mins)- (15:45-15:55 AST)  (19:45-19:55)
  7. AOB (4 mins)- (15:55-15:59 AST) (19:55-19:59)
  8. Closing address- Hadia Elminiawi, AFRALO Chair (1mins) (15:59-16:00 AST) (19:54-20:00)

Moderator: Hadia Elminiawi, AFRALO Chair

Lead: SV

Notes: GG


15:00-16:00 AST

(19:00-20:00 UTC)

ICANN Grant Program

Session Details:

The ICANN Grant Program will distribute the proceeds from auctions of last resort in the 2012 New gTLD Program. The first ICANN Grant Program call for applications will be published at the end of March 2024.The session will provide an overview of the first call for applications key elements, including applicant requirements, that are explained in the Applicant Guide, and timeline for the application assessment. The session will have an extended Q&A to allow in person and remote attendees to ask questions and clarification.

16:15-17:30 AST

(20:15-21:30 UTC)

102 ABC (At-Large)

At-Large Plenary Session 2: Building Trust on the Internet through Registrant Verification 

Session Details:


This At-Large hosted plenary will focus on building trust on the internet through enhanced registrant verification. The first-panel discussion will address the various global standard’s work in the area of digital ID/trust services.  The second-panel discussion will hear best current practice examples from several registry operators, including several ccTLDs.

  1. Introduction and Welcome – Michael Palage & Avri Doria (5 min)
    1. The World Economic Forum’s “Reimagining Digital ID” recently noted that “[d]espite a sustained focus on ID, the increasingly widespread use of digital technologies, and the rapid development of AI, the internet lacks an ID layer.” This session will focus on innovations by TLD registry operators (both gTLD and ccTLD) that are increasing trust in their respective namespace using enhanced registrant verification, and how this innovation can have an impact beyond the domain name marketplace. 
  2. Panel 1 - This panel will level set on the importance of verification in building trusted ecosystems. (30 minutes)
    1. Speakers: 
      1. Finn Petersen, Director of International ICT Relations Agency for Digital Government
        1. Finn will provide a summary of the European Union’s NIS 2.0 Regulation and its impact on the domain name industry (e.g. Article 28) and the work currently underway in the NIS2 Cooperation Group.
      2. Karla McKenna, Head of Standards at the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF
  3. Panel 2 -This panel will be a Tour de Table that will provide individual TLDs with a brief (3-5 minutes) overview of how they are integrating various forms of registrant verification into their respective TLDs. (30 minutes)
    1. Speakers:
      1. Lucas Prêtre, Telecommunication Engineer at Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
        1. Lucas will speak about how .SWISS has implemented registrant verification and their use of the PublicID field in their RDAP query.
      2. Niamh Lewis, Senior Digital Health & Policy Expert at the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
        1. Niamh will speak about the importance of registrant verification in ensuring the safety of the .PHARMACY namespace and how registrant verification/accreditation is leveraged in other ecosystems.
      3. Craig Schwartz, Managing Director, fTLD Registry Services
        1. Craig will speak about the importance of registrant verification in the .BANK and .INSURANCE TLDs, and how registrant verification has and will continue to evolve.
      4. Thomas Keller, Executive Board Member DENIC
        1. Tom will speak about how DENIC has worked closely with its Registrar members to implement safeguards to comply with NIS 2.0 requirements, as well as future enhancements that they are evaluating.
        2. Bruce Tonkin, Chief Operating Officer at .au Domain Administrator
          1. Bruce will speak about how registrant verification within .au has evolved and the impact that it has had on operations.
        3. Jaromir Talíř, Technical Fellow at CZ.NIC
          1. Jaromir will speak about how the MojeID service has been integrated into the CZ.NIC registry platform, as well as CZ.NIC’s participation in the eIDAS Large Scale Pilot and specific domain name use cases that they have advanced.
        4. Timo Võhmar,  Head of development
          1. Timo will speak to how registrant verification has historically been implemented within .EE as well as current projects looking to enhance the use of digital credentials
        5. Jacques Latour, Chief Technology & Security Officer at CIRA
          1. Jacques will speak to CIRA involvement in various IETF working groups and a recently co-authored on Trust Registries, as well various pilots that CIRA has been involved regarding verified registrant credentials.
        6. Question & Answer (5-10 minutes)

Moderators: Michael Palage(in person) & Avri Doria (remote), At-Large members

Lead: HU/GG

Notes: AC


16:15-17:30 AST

(20:15-21:30 UTC)

104 ABC (GNSO)

DNS Women: Involving Community 

Session Details:


  1. Opening – Welcome – Agenda
  2. Updating Women statistics
  3. Local Voice – San Juan
  4. Youth Moment
  5. Technical Presentations
  6. Sponsor Speech – Dot PT
  7. Open debate

Moderator: Vanda Scartezini

18:00-19:00 AST

(22:00-23:00 UTC)


DNS Women Networking Event

Session Details:















