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In late 2019, the APRALO Leadership Team proposed the initiation of an APRALO Policy Platform for 2020. After reviewing input from RALO members to the proposal and in light of the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic, the Leadership Team considers this APRALO Policy Forum to be a modest but useful kickstart to facilitate and coordinate ICANN policy-related discussions at a regional level.


The APRALO Policy Forum aims to:


  • Informing the APRALO Community on ICANN policy issues.
  • Engaging the APRALO Community in At-Large discussions on ICANN policy issues 
  • Consulting the APRALO Community to formulate input on ICANN policy issues.
  • Building the capacity of the APRALO Community to effectively participate on ICANN policy deliberations 
  • Participating in inter-RALO discourse on ICANN policy issues 
  • Creating intra-regional discourse & cooperation opportunities to advocate for individual end user interests

APRALO Priorities for 2023-2024


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id2024 Archive

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title[25] New gTLD Next Round, Webinar 3 (2024)


APRALO Policy Forum Webinar #3 on the Next Round of New gTLDs: Applicant Support ProgramImage Added

Background:  ICANN org is seeking feedback on the Draft Application Support Program (ASP) Handbook, which has been previously discussed by the Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) Implementation Review Team (IRT) Sub-Track on ASP as part of ICANN’s efforts to implement the policy recommendations on Topic 17: Applicant Support, of the SubPro PDP Final Report, and taking into account the guidance provided by the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) on Applicant Support. An APF Small Team is to be constituted to work on inputs for APRALO's submission to this call for feedback. 

Target Aims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Target Priorities: 1a, 3a, 3b, 3c, 5b

Status: Ongoing.  

Dedicated Workspace:  Draft ASP Handbook Statement Googledoc

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title[24] APRALO Subs - Draft ASP Handbook (2024)


APRALO Statement to ICANN Org Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program (2024)Image Added

Background:  ICANN org is seeking feedback on the Draft Application Support Program (ASP) Handbook, which has been previously discussed by the Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) Implementation Review Team (IRT) Sub-Track on ASP as part of ICANN’s efforts to implement the policy recommendations on Topic 17: Applicant Support, of the SubPro PDP Final Report, and taking into account the guidance provided by the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) on Applicant Support. An APF Small Team is to be constituted to work on inputs for APRALO's submission to this call for feedback.

Target Aims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Target Priorities: 1a, 3a, 3b, 3c, 5b

Status: Ongoing.  

Dedicated Workspace:  Draft ASP Handbook Statement Googledoc

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title[23] APRALO Sub - IDNs-EPDP P1 (2024)


 APRALO Statement to ICANN Board Call for Public Comments for the IDNs-EPDP Phase 1 Final Report (, February 2024)

Background: APRALO seeks to respond to the Public Comment proceeding that is seeking input on the Phase 1 Final Report Recommendations from the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ICANN Board Consideration.

Target Aims: 1, 2, 3
Target Priorities: 2b, 3a, 3c, 5b

Status: Ongoing.

Dedicated Workspace:  IDNs-EPDP Phase 1 Statement Googledoc

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title[10] Project RoSI


 APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project (2021-2023)

Background: Tentatively code-named "Project RoSI", this project is intended to produce a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO.

Status: Ongoing. Project RoSI Small Team completed preliminary work on data to be presented to the RALO for consultation vide the Hot Topics Survey 2021/2022. See: Infographic report Infographic report

Dedicated Workspace:  Project RoSI Workspace
