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Summary Minutes: North American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO)Summary Minutes 18 October 2010

Action Items: Action Items 18 October 2010

Recording: ENGLISH


A G E N D A - to be updated


1. Roll Call (2 minutes)

2. Review of Summary Minutes and Action Items from the 13 September call (5 minutes)


a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule

b. Recently submitted ALAC Statements:

ALAC Statement on the Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries ALAC Statement on Draft Applicant Guidebook v4 and Explanatory Memorandum

Proposed Agenda Items

4. NARALO Updates (Evan)(10 mins)

  • Update on Unaffiliated Member Registration and the Representative Election


  • Update on Modifications of NARALO Operating Principles



NARALO Position on Community WG Report on Implementation of GNSO New gTLD Rec 6 (Evan)(10 mins)

The ALAC has endorsed the WG Report on Recommendation 6 on 24 September and encouraged the RALOs to submit regional Statements on the document.

Reference Documents:

Public Consultation Announcement

Community WG Report on Implementation of GNSO New gTLD Rec 6 (pdf)

6. Regional Representation Model on the At-Large Board Director Election

6. Discuss and Approve Draft ROP Modifications to be put to a vote (Darlene, Evan)(15 mins)

Background Information:

According to paragraph 15 of the Rules of Procedures, modifications need to be endorsed by no less than 70% of the active ALSes to take effect.

During the NARALO call on 12 July two amendments to the NARALO RoP were discussed:

  • unaffiliated NARALO members need to register by submitting a Statement of Interest.
  • the voting weight of all unaffiliated NARALO members combined will be equal to that of one ALS representative.

During the NARALO call on 09 August, two additional points were raised:

  • incorporate the position of unaffiliated NARALO member representative in the RoP. The representative will have one vote at the NARALO GA and online votes.
  • the rules pertaining to the decision-making processes need to sufficiently flexible and should not be tied to one particular process such as online voting

In addition to the modifications outlined above, the draft modified RoP also includes the following suggested changes:

  • reduce the number of ALS and unaffiliated member representatives participating to the GA and online votes from 2 to 1 to be consistent with past practice.
  • make ALAC members eligible to serve for two FULL two-year terms.
  • allow the NARALO Chair and the Secretariat to register as an unaffiliated member.


(Evan)(10 minutes)

Discussion on whether the votes of the NARALO representatives in the At-Large Board Director election should be "guided" by NARALO.


. If so, what representation model should be employed (e.g. will the NARALO representatives be asked to vote according to the result of a regional vote on the candidates)?

7. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process (Annalisa, Myles)(5 mins)

a. Activities of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)
b. Next Steps

Reference documents:
Public Comment Announcement
BCEC Workspace
At-Large Director Candidate Workspace


8. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Beau, Alan, Gareth) (10 mins)


9. Update on the JAS WG (Evan) (5 minutes)


10. Any other Business