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Deck of Cards
idAt-Large Session Reports from ICANN76


At-Large Session Reports


Objective is to keep these reports brief and focused on what At-Large should do in terms of next steps. Reports to be presented during the Thursday At-Large Wrap-Up session.

Report format:

What happened?

    • Item 1
    • Item 2

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

    • Item 1
    • Item 2

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

    • Item 1
    • Item 2


Date/Time (local)RapporteurReportPhotos (Optional)
Example TitleDate/Time @example name

Use template:

What happened?

Example: This session discussed....

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

Example: At-Large is interested in...

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

Example: At-Large needs to... 

Deck of Cards

labelSaturday, 21 October (Day 1)


Date/Time (local)RapporteurReportPhotos (Optional)
Joint Session: ALAC and GNSO CouncilSaturday, 21 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

IDN EPDP ( 1, 2 and 3 of 3)

Saturday, 21 October 2023

09:00-10:00 CEST

10:30-12:00 CEST

Monday, 23 Oct 2023

16:30-17:30 CEST


In the first session, the EPDP Team took stock of the state of Consensus of the Phase 1 report. It was announced that the final report will be handed over to the GNSO Council in early Nov 2023.

For the rest of the two sessions, the team continued to examine the Phase 2 Charter Questions, revisiting the question of the definition of the source domain and variant domain set (which had to include variants at the top- and second-level labels). The meeting also discussed the question of defining the "entity" for the "same-entity" principle to apply, and also the question of transaction fees for registration and activation of variant domain names.

Sebastian Ducos, the GNSO Chair, attended the third session on Monday, and congratulated the EPDP on IDNs team for the successful completion of the Phase 1 process. Later, the session continued discussions on the question whether a fee was required for activation/registration of variant labels.

While there are no At-Large-specific action items, the entire policy on IDN Variants has a strong end-user component.

Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group

Saturday, 21 October 2023 

10:30-12:00 CEST

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

At-Large Consolidated Policy WG (CPWG) - Overview and Year Ahead


10:30-12:00 CEST

Hall Y 5-8 (ALAC)

Satish (part)

Update on EPDP on IDNs:

The EPDP on IDNs develops policy for managing IDN Variants at the top (Phase 1) and second (Phase 2) levels.

The four major principles derived by the EPDP on IDNs Phase 1 work are (a) RZ-LGR as the sole source of variants; (b) The integrity of the variant set; (c) The Same Entity Principle; and (d) The principle of Conservatism. The EPDP Team’s work since ICANN77 included Processing the public comments from the Phase 1 Report, and working on the Charter Questions for Phase 2

While processing the public comments from the Phase 1 report, ALAC and RySG arrived at a consensus although they had started out with different positions on Rec 8.1, where ALAC urged caution in opening up too many variant labels, while RySG did not want any ceiling. Two specific points that were discussed in this context were: (a) Justifying the need for the number of variants gTLDs applied for; and (b) How the applicant plans to mitigate the potential risk of confusability to end-users, given the number of variants.

It was announced that as of early morning on 22 Oct 2023, the Phase 1 report achieved “full consensus” designation, indicating the successful closure of Phase 1. Since Phase 1 deals with the top level, it is important to note that the resolution of one of the dependencies of the new round of gTLDs has been achieved

The Phase 2 discussions were around how the principles were re-oriented for the second level. Specifically:

  • At the second level, RZ-LGR is not used. Instead, a registry-level mechanism called IDN tables is used. In order to achieve uniformity, a further step called harmonization would be required
  • There are discussions about whether harmonization should be registry-level or across registries for a given script(s)
  • Also, the same-entity principle is applicable and the second level, but may work differently, as there are no mechanisms currently in place that make the identification of an “entity” feasible within or across registries
  • The definition of the variant set may need to be expanded to include the second-level variants of all the top-level variants of the gTLDs
  • Grandfathering would be required for some cases of existing/delegated gTLDs
  • Examining how legal/contractual would change at the second level when variants are to be accommodated

In order to fast-track the work on Phase 2, a face-to-face meeting
of the EPDP participants (subject to an attendance cut-off) is
being planned in Kuala Lumpur in the first week of December.

labelSunday, 22 October


Date/Time (local)RapporteurReportPhotos (Optional)

At-Large Operations, Finance and Budget (OFB-WG) - Overview and Year Ahead

Sunday, 22 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

At-Large Consolidated Policy WG (CPWG) - Overview and Year Ahead

Sunday, 22 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

Joint Session: ALAC & SSAC

Sunday, 22 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

GNSO Council Working Session 

Sunday, 22 October 2023

09:00-10:00 & 10:30-12:00

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

labelMonday, 23 October


Date/Time (local)RapporteurReportPhotos (Optional)
Joint Session: ICANN Board and ALACMonday, 23 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

Joint Meeting: Government Advisory Committee (GAC) and GNSO Council 

Monday, 23 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

Five-year Planning for UA and Governance of UASG

Tuesday, October 24 • 10:30 - 12:30

This session examined the current governance practices of the UASG and the need for changes with a view to ensure transparency, openness, and accountability. The Statement of Interest (SoI) for all members of the list in order that every member is identified. The processes for election/selection of leaders, including UASG Chair and Vice Chair as well as Working Group leaders. Selection processes for Local initiatives and UA Ambassadors were also discussed.

The leadership team presented the draft 5-year Strategic Plan for UASG. The promotion of UA Adoption was the key message, moving from awareness building to Universal Acceptance.

The Community was requested to provide inputs to these Governance issues.

IDN Implementation Round-table

Tuesday, October 24, 16:30 - 17:30 Satish

This session announced a plan for implementation of the IDN Implementation Guidelines 4.1. The 4.0 version of the IDN Implementation Guidelines was released in May 2018. The GNSO Council asked the Board to defer the implementation of these guidelines. After discussions, the ICANN Board decided to defer the implementation of guidelines 6a, 11, 12, 13, and 18 in version 4.0 as they overlapped with the ongoing work of the EPDP on IDNs. The session presented a plan of action for the publishing of the remaining guidelines which was labeled as version 4.1 by the ICANN Board.

The guidelines will be tested using automated tests from Nov 2023, and by Q3 2024, the 4.1 version of these guidelines will be in effect.

Subsequent presentations included a presentation on the current status of additional reference Label General Rules (LGRs). Prof Yudho presented the Balinese script and its readiness for being considered as a script for Internationalized Domain Names.

Finally, speakers from the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language communities presented the question of single-character TLDs. It was concluded that no new rules were required in the CJK script for single-character TLDs.

Planning for Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024

Wednesday, October 25 • 09:00 - 10:00 Satish

This session reviewed the planning for the 2023 UA Day and the learnings from it, and discussed the plans for the 2024 edition of the UA Day. While the UA Day was on 28 March, events could be organized from 1 March to 31 May 2024. The session discussed different issues such as the low acceptance rate in the APAC region, the supervisory mechanism for short-listing proposals, staffing and budgets required for organizing the UA Day.

labelTuesday, 24 October


Date/Time (local)RapporteurReportPhotos (Optional)
At-Large Plenary 1: The impact of Technological Advancements on ICANNTuesday, 24 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

Joint Session: ALAC and GACTuesday, 24 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

labelWednesday, 25 October


Date/Time (local)RapporteurReportPhotos (Optional)
At-Large EURALO Plenary: Multistakeholder Governance for New Internet Infrastructures: SpaceX, IRIS2, and Equitable Internet Access for All. Part II - An Open Policy Session Wednesday, 25 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

At-Large Plenary 2: WSIS+20: Towards an Engagement StrategyWednesday, 25 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

Joint Session: ICANN Board and GNSO Council Wednesday, 25 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

GNSO Council Meeting (Part 1 of 2) Wednesday, 25 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

GNSO Council Meeting - Admin Meeting (Part 2 of 2) Wednesday, 25 October 2023

What happened?

What are the At-Large specific takeaways from this session? 

What are the At-Large specific action items (next steps)?

labelThursday, 26 October


Date/Time (local)RapporteurReportPhotos (Optional)


Informes de la sesión de At-Large de ICANN78


Formato del informe:

¿Qué sucedió?

    • Tema 1
    • Tema 2

¿Cuáles son las conclusiones clave específicas de At-Large de esta sesión? 

    • Tema 1
    • Tema 2

¿Cuáles son los puntos de acción específicos de At-Large (próximos pasos)?

    • Tema 1
    • Tema 2



Fecha y hora (local)



Fotos (opcional)

¿Qué sucedió?

Ejemplo: Esta sesión debatió...

¿Cuáles son las conclusiones clave específicas de At-Large de esta sesión? 

Ejemplo: At-Large está interesado en...

¿Cuáles son los puntos de acción específicos de At-Large (próximos pasos)?

Ejemplo: At-Large necesita... 


Rapports de séance d’At-Large de l’ICANN78


Format du rapport :

Que s’est-il passé ?

    • Item 1
    • Item 2

Quels sont les principaux points à retenir de cette séance ? 

    • Item 1
    • Item 2

Quelles sont les mesures spécifiques à prendre (étapes suivantes) ?

    • Item 1
    • Item 2



Date/heure (locale)



Photos (facultatif)

Que s’est-il passé ?

Exemple : Lors de cette séance, la discussion a porté sur...

Quels sont les principaux points à retenir de cette séance ? 

Exemple : At-large s’intéresse à...

Quelles sont les mesures spécifiques à prendre (étapes suivantes) ?

Exemple : At-Large a besoin de... 
