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14:00 - 15:00 UTC

(09:00 - 10:00 EST)

Costa Maya 3-5 (ALAC) 

ALAC Hosted Community Session: Unfinished Business and the Role of the ODP


With the completion of two Operational Design Phases (ODPs) behind us and a formal review in the offing, the purpose of this session is simply to get the conversation started about the efficacy of the ODP process and how it might be improved. The panel will explore 3 main issues surrounding the ODP process: risks of impacting policy, expertise, and the role of community input.

Session Details:

Slide deck


  1. Welcome and Introduction - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (10 mins) (09:00-09:10 EST)
  2. Panel Discussion - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair and Panelists (40 mins) (09:10-09:40 EST)
    1. Introduction of Panelists
      1. Becky Burr - ICANN Board Director
      2. Lars Hoffman - ICANN Org, Senior Director of Policy Research and Stakeholder Programs 
      3. Heather Forrest - Past GNSO Chair; Com Laude, Head of Legal
      4. Jeff Neuman - GNSO ODP Liaison for SubPro 
      5. Alan Greenberg - ALAC past chair, ALAC appointed representative to the SSAD ODP Small Team
    2. Implications for Policy 
    3. Potential for Outside Expertise
    4. Community Input
  3. General Discussion - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (10 mins) (09:40-09:50 EST)
  4. Wrap-Up - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (10 mins) (09:50-10:00 EST)

Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair

Lead: CD

Notes: HU


This is the third ALAC hosted community session on policy related topics that benefit from further community discussion. The focus of this session was on the role of the ICANN org Operational Design Phase (ODP) and, at a high-level, the two ODPs that have happened thus far. 

During this session, panelists Panelists from ICANN org, the ICANN Board, and the ICANN community discussed what criteria exists as well as gaps in regards to determining when a policy discussion is to be sent to ICANN org versus the ICANN community.

  • Broad understanding that while these discussions are complex, there are always ways to reflect on processes and possible improvements. 
  • Recognition of needing more points of entry for the community to provide input during an ODP, and community shepherds should be approached to clarify positions where inconsistencies occur.
  • Agreement for an increased role of staff participation earlier in group discussion processes, in order to address any issues raised by the community. 

Action Items:

  • None.

15:30 - 17:00 UTC

(10:30 - 12:00 EST)

Gran Cancún 3-5

ICANN Public Forum

ICANN Public Forums are a long-standing tradition at ICANN Public Meetings. Open to everyone in the community, they offer people from diverse backgrounds a chance to express their views about key issues of concern to ICANN and what can be done about them.

Session Details:

18:15 - 19:30 UTC

13:15 - 14:30 EST

Costa Maya 3-5 (ALAC) 

At-Large Leadership Wrap Up

This session will provide an overview of At-Large at ICANN76 as well as a look at what to expect at ICANN77. Please note that this session will include reports from the ALAC Liaisons and from ALAC members on the sessions they participated in.

Session Details:


  1. Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (5 mins)
  2. Highlights of ICANN76 and ALAC Actions - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, Liaisons and All (35 mins)
    1. Liaison Reports 
    2. Session Reports 
  3. Social Media - Summary and Contest Winners - Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, At-Large Social Media Working Group Lead (5 mins)
  4. NomCom Update - Judith Hellerstein, ALAC Delegate to the NomCom (5 mins)
  5. Report on the LACRALO General Assembly (GA) - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (10 mins)
  6. Steps toward ICANN77 - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (10 mins)
  7. Closing of ICANN76 - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (5 mins)

Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair

Lead: HU

Notes: CD


  • Liaisons who were present and not needed in other  sessions provided reports on the work of other groups.
  • Session reports allowed At-Large members hear what was happening in other sessions during the meeting, such as with IDNs, DNS abuse, Applicant Support, and Transfer Policy. The chair thanked volunteer rapporteurs for attending and listening to sessions throughout the week and reporting back. 
  • A summary of the LACRALO GA included a review of sessions that reviewed Whois and Registration Data, how to become more involved with the work of At-Large, and a preview of the upcoming LACRALO statement that is in draft form.
  • The session concluded with a NARALO update and their forward looking discussion of work needed to continue between now and ICANN77. 
  • The Applicant Support slide deck to be discussed in depth during an upcoming CPWG call. 
  • At-Large members requested to weigh in on a draft Transfer Policy Review (TPR) statement, which will be presented to the CPWG on 29 March with Steinar Grøtterød . The statement is due in early April to the GNSO TPR-PDP working group. 
  • The LACRALO GA is considered open until the statement is voted on and approved via a remote consensus call in the upcoming weeks. The ALAC chair congratulated the coordination team on coordinating a successful GA. 

20:00 - 21:00 UTC

(15:00 - 16:00 EST)

ICANN Board Meeting

21:30 - 22:30 UTC

(16:30 - 17:30 EST)

Cozumel 3-5 (GAC Room)

Updates on Geopolitical, Legislative, and Regulatory Developments

This is now a regular session at ICANN meetings organized by ICANN’s Government Engagement team to update the community on geopolitical developments. With these sessions, we aim to continue to improve the flow of information to the ICANN community about Internet-related public policy issues, including legislative and regulatory proposals that may impact ICANN’s technical mission, policies and processes. We have seen that governmental, regulatory and other initiatives have the potential to impact all parts of the ICANN community, and ICANN org will support the community in bringing more awareness to these issues. At ICANN76 in Cancún, this session will include an overview of trends in the Latin American and Caribbean region as well as updates on geopolitical and regulatory developments and IGO processes globally.

ICANN actively monitors the government and intergovernmental organization (IGO) activities and processes to identify those with the potential to impact ICANN’s mission. Our goal for these sessions is to provide an opportunity for regular interaction with the community during ICANN meetings about these activities.

We would like the session to be as interactive as possible and encourage you to submit questions in advance, which we will include as part of the Q&A section of the session. Please send your questions to the session facilitator at

Session details:

17:30 - 18:30 EST

Terraza Akumal 

Closing Cocktails

An opportunity to meet and network with industry peers while enjoying complimentary food and drinks as we wrap up ICANN76.


Zoom rooms disponibles 24 horas antes de la sesión en el calendario principal de la ICANN (consulte los detalles de la sesión)






14:00 - 15:00 UTC

(09:00 - 10:00 EST)

Costa Maya 3-5 (ALAC)

Sesión de la comunidad presidida por el ALAC Asunto no terminado y el rol de la ODP


Una vez concluidas dos Fases de Diseño Operativo (ODP) y a la espera de una revisión formal, el objetivo de esta sesión es simplemente iniciar el debate sobre la eficacia del proceso de ODP y cómo mejorarlo. El panel analizará 3 cuestiones principales en torno al proceso de ODP: los riesgos de afectar a la política, la experiencia y el rol de los aportes de la comunidad.


  1. Bienvenida y presentación - Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC (10 min) (09:00-09:10 EST)
  2. Debate del panel - Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC y panelistas (40 min) (09:10-09:40 EST)
    1. Becky Burr, directora de la Junta Directiva de la ICANN
    2. Lars Hoffman - organización de la ICANN, Director Sénior de los Programas para Partes Interesadas e Investigación de Políticas 
    3. Heather Forrest - ex presidente de la GNSO; Com Laude, Jefe de Asuntos Legales
    4. Jeff Neuman - Coordinador de enlace de la ODP de la GNSO para SubPro 
    5. Alan Greenberg - ex presidente del ALAC, representante del pequeño equipo de SSAD ODP designado por el ALAC
    1. Presentación de los panelistas
    2. Implicancias para la política 
    3. Potencial de experiencia externa
    4. Aportes de la comunidad
  3. Debate General - Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC (10 min) (09:40-09:50 EST)
  4. Cierre - Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC (10 min) (09:50-10:00 EST)

Moderador: Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC

Guía: CD

Notas: HU


15:30 - 17:00 UTC

(10:30 - 12:00 EST)

Gran Cancún 3-5

Foro público de la ICANN

18:15 - 19:30 UTC

13:15 - 14:30 EST

Costa Maya 3-5 (ALAC)

Sesión de cierre del liderazgo de At-Large


  1. Bienvenida y objetivo de la reunión: Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC (5 min)
  2. Noticias destacadas de ICANN76 y acciones del ALAC - Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC, coordinadores de enlace y todos (35 min)
    1. Informes de los coordinadores de enlace 
    2. Informes de la sesión 
  3. Redes sociales - Resumen y ganadores del concurso - Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, líder del Grupo de Trabajo de At-Large sobre Redes (5 min)
  4. Actualización del NomCom - Delegado del ALAC ante el NomCom (5 min)
  5. Informe sobre la Asamblea General de la LACRALO - Humberto Carrasco, Presidente de la Asamblea General, y Sylvia Herlein Leite, Secretaria de la Asamblea General (10 min)
  6. Pasos hacia ICANN77 - Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC (10 min)
  7. Cierre de ICANN76 - Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC (5 min)

Moderador: Jonathan Zuck, Presidente del ALAC

Guía: HU

Notas: CD


20:00 - 21:00 UTC

(15:00 - 16:00 EST)

Reunión de la Junta Directiva de la ICANN

21:30 - 22:30 UTC

(16:30 - 17:30 EST)

Terraza Akumal 

Cóctel de cierre









14h00 – 15h00 UTC

(09h00 – 10h00 EST)

Costa Maya 3-5 (ALAC)

Séance communautaire hébergée par l’ALAC : les affaires inachevées et le rôle de l’ODP


Avec l’achèvement de deux étapes de conception opérationnelle (ODP) et une révision officielle en vue, le but de cette séance est simplement de faire démarrer les échanges sur l’efficacité du processus ODP et sur la façon dont il pourrait être amélioré. Le panel examinera 3 questions principales entourant le processus de l’ODP : les risques d’avoir une incidence sur les politiques, l’expertise et le rôle de la contribution de la communauté.

Ordre du jour

  1. Bienvenue et introduction - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (10 min) (09h00-09h10 -EST)
  2. Table ronde - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC et panélistes (40 min) (09h10-09h40 EST)
    1. Becky Burr - membre du Conseil d’administration de l’ICANN.
    2. Lars Hoffman - Directeur sénior de la recherche sur les politiques et des programmes des parties prenantes de l’organisation ICANN 
    3. Heather Forrest - ancienne présidente de la GNSO ; Com Laude, chef du service juridique
    4. Jeff Neuman - agent de liaison de l’ODP de la GNSO pour les SubPro 
    5. Alan Greenberg - ancien président de l’ALAC, représentant de l’ALAC auprès de la petite équipe de l’étape de conception opérationnelle relative au système normalisé d’accès et de divulgation (SSAD ODP )
    1. Présentation des panélistes
    2. Implications pour la politique 
    3. Potentiel d’expertise externe
    4. Contribution de la communauté
  3. Discussion générale - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (10 min) (09h40-09h50 EST)
  4. Synthèse - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (10 min) (09h50-10h00 -EST)

Modérateur : Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC

Coordination : CD

Notes : HU


15h30 – 17h00 UTC

(10h30 – 12h00 EST)

Gran Cancún 3-5

Forum public de l’ICANN

18h15 – 19h30 UTC

13h15 – 14h30 EST

Costa Maya 3-5 (ALAC)

Réunion de clôture des dirigeants d’At-Large

Ordre du jour

  1. Bienvenue et objectif de la réunion - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (5 min)
  2. Faits saillants de l’ICANN76 et actions de l’ALAC - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC, agents de liaison et tous (35 min)
    1. Rapports des agents de liaison 
    2. Rapports de séance 
  3. Réseaux sociaux - Résumé et gagnants du concours - Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, responsable du groupe de travail sur les réseaux sociaux d’At-Large (5 min)
  4. Mise à jour du NomCom - délégué de l’ALAC au NomCom (5 min)
  5. Rapport sur l’assemblée générale de LACRALO - Humberto Carrasco, président de l’AG et Sylvia Herlein Leite, secrétaire de l’AG (10 min)
  6. Étapes finales en vue de l’ICANN77 - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (10 min)
  7. Clôture de l’ICANN76 - Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC (5 min)

Modérateur : Jonathan Zuck, président de l’ALAC

Coordination : HU

Notes : CD


20h00 – 21h00 UTC

(15h00 – 16h00 EST)

Réunion du Conseil d’administration de l’ICANN

21h30 – 22h30 UTC

(16h30 – 17h30 EST)

Terraza Akumal

Cocktails de clôture
