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January 2022 - December 2022 Reports



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ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN75 on 21 Sep 2022


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN75 on 21 Sep 2022

The ALAC and the GNSO Council will meet during ICANN 75 to discuss two issues of mutual interest.

Draft Agenda:

1. Introduction and Housekeeping - Staff 
2. Welcome - Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair and Sebastien Ducos, Incoming GNSO Council Chair) (remote) 
3. Introduction to Topics - Justine Chew (ALAC Liaison to the GNSO)

a. DNS Abuse *
- Update by GNSO Council Small Team on DNS Abuse Co-Chairs Mark Datysgeld & Paul McGrady 
- Open discussion

b. Operational Design Phase (ODP) (TBC)
- Observations and open discussion on the ODP concept based on experiences with the SSAD ODP and SubPro ODP (composition, effectiveness, challenges, improvements etc) 

4. Closing remarks - Justine Chew 

For notes on highlighted items click on SUMMARY tab above


Records of Bilateral Session at ICANN75 on 21 Sep 2022

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  • Zoom Webinar Archive
  • English audio archive
  • Archive audio en français
  • Archivo de audio en español
  • Meeting Notes


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN75 on 21 Sep 2022

GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #9 (AT ICANN 75, SEP 2022)        (go up to Directory)  

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GNSO Council Meeting #9 of 2022 held on 21 Sep 2022 


GNSO Council Meeting #9 of 2022 held on 21 and 22 Sep 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions - None 

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda - None
  • Item 4: COUNCIL UPDATE - Update From Public Technical Identifiers
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team - Assignments #1 (Enforcement and Reporting) and #2 (Measurement of Accuracy) Write Up & Process for Finding a New Chair
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Proposed updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures - Working Group Self-Assessment & GNSO Statement of Interest Procedures
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements Tracker - Review of Format
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Whois Disclosure System
  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update from the UASG

Under Council Wrap-up

  • ...

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 21 July 2022 were posted on 05 August 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 25 August 2022 were posted on 07 September 2022.

  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team - Assignments #1 (Enforcement and Reporting) and #2 (Measurement of Accuracy) Write Up & Process for Finding a New Chair
    • The Scoping Team, initiated in July 2021, was tasked with considering a number of accuracy-related factors such as the current enforcement, reporting, measurement, and overall effectiveness of accuracy-related efforts. These considerations are expected to help inform its deliberations and the development of recommendations to Council on whether any changes are recommended to improve accuracy levels, and, if so, how and by whom these changes would need to be developed (for example, if changes to existing contractual requirements are recommended, a PDP or contractual negotiations may be necessary to effect a change). 
    • The Scoping Team has since completed Assignment #1 (enforcement and reporting) and Assignment #2 (measurement of accuracy) and submitted its write up to the Council on 5 September 2022 where the group is suggesting moving forward with 2 proposals that would not require access to registration data, namely a registrar survey and a possible registrar audit that may help further inform the team’s work on Assignment #3 (effectiveness) and Assignment #4 (impact & improvements), while it awaits the outcome of the outreach to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) by ICANN org in relation to proposals that would require access to registration data.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements Tracker - Review of Format
    • During the ICANN73 wrap up, the Council discussed a number of parallel conversations that have emerged since implementing PDP 3.0, identifying other aspects of the PDP where improvements could be considered. In addition, there are a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (ADR) related to PDP improvements which will need to be addressed at some point in the future.
    • Following a staff discussion paper, a draft of the PDP Improvements Tracker was reviewed during a series of Council meetings.
    • Thereafter, a survey is being done to obtain initial input from Council members as well as SG/C leadership that will help inform the substantive review of the proposed improvements and next steps.
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Whois Disclosure System
    • The proposed design of the Whois Disclosure System will have been published prior to ICANN75 and will be presented on Saturday of ICANN75, and the small team and Council will have had an initial discussion during the session immediately following the ICANN Org presentation in order to review the proposed design and consider next steps.
    • Council will seek to distill and discuss the conversations with ICANN org, the small team, GAC, and the Board and determine next steps.
    • 10.3 – Farewell to outgoing Councilors (Flip Petillion, Juan Manuel Rojas, Maxim Alzoba, Olga Cavalli, Philippe Fouquart


Meeting Details; non-Council members are welcome to observe the meeting

GNSO Council meeting held on 21 Sep 2022 at 05:00 UTC  

GNSO Council Meeting In-Person & Remote Participation: check ICANN 75 schedule


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ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022

The ALAC and the GNSO resumes the practice of having a bilateral session during ICANN meetings and which now involves the full GNSO Council.  At ICANN73, the conversation will commence on four pre-identified topics and which are expected to progress into intersessional exchanges and/or bilateral session at future ICANN meetings.



  1. Introduction and housekeeping - Staff (2 min)
  2. Welcome - Maureen Hilyard, Philippe Fouquart (1 min) 
  3. Overview of session - Justine Chew (2 min)
  4. Conversation Topics
    1. System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Assessment (SSAD ODA) (5 min intervention by Sebastien Ducos)
    2. Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase (SubPro ODP) (10 min intervention by Jeff Neuman)
    3. DNS Abuse Mitigation (5 min intervention by Mark Datysgeld & Paul McGrady)
    4. Priorities for 2022 
      1. GNSO priorities - Philippe Fouquart, Sebastien Ducos & Tomslin Samme-Nlar (10 min intervention)
      2. ALAC/At-Large approach to member/volunteer engagement and expectations - Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Alan Greenberg & Roberto Gaetano (10 min intervention)
  5. Discussion (15 min)
  6. Closing remarks - Justine Chew 

For notes on highlighted items click on SUMMARY tab above


Records of Bilateral Session at ICANN73 on 9 March Mar 2022


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022

  • Topic 1 (4a): System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Assessment (SSAD ODA) 
    • ALAC: How does Council intend to proceed with its recommendations on the SSAD given the concerns raised by the ICANN Board, which also reflect concerns contained in the ALAC's Statement of 24 Aug 2020?
    • GNSO Council SSAD ODA Small Team:
      • Noted that community has raised that the SSAD ODA does not provide all the answers in considering SSAD recommendations for implementation.
      • SSAD is a big project, there are questions on the financial sustainability, usage, etc. Possibility of a pilot in order to test a few hypotheses.
      • Still early days for GNSO and small team to review. Small team will go back to the GNSO Council and then to the Board. 
  • Topic 2 (4b): Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase (SubPro ODP)
    • ALAC: Could Council provide an update on the SubPro ODP process, including questions being discussed with the ICANN Org SubPro ODP Team? What is Council doing within the ODP process to address known issues for the next round?
    • GNSO Council Liaison to SubPro ODP: 
      • ICANN Org is responsible for implementation of SubPro Outputs (i.e. affirmations, recommendations, implementation guidance). ICANN Org SubPro ODP team is led by the Global Domains and Strategy department.
      • Noted that two sets of questions have been received from SubPro ODP team
      • GNSO submitted answers to the first set and are working through the second set. GNSO Council discussed set #2 questions over two meetings: recognition that there is much work to be done still regardless of whether the work is classified as policy or implementation. GNSO Council is exploring if some of the work can be done now. 
  • Topic 3 (4c): DNS Abuse Mitigation
    • ALAC: Has Council arrived at any next steps regarding DNS Abuse? How would Council take on board inputs/efforts from other parts of the ICANN Community on such next steps? Would Council be able to share an indication of its plan and timeline for such next steps?
    • GNSO Council DNS Abuse Small Team: 
      • GNSO council has sent outreach forms to the community (including ALAC). with responses expected by end of March.
      • No agreement reached yet on definition(s) of DNS Abuse; looking for community input to arrive at aspects that can be addressed by policy/policy development so that a more complete policy action can be scoped towards something attainable.
      • Will regroup at the end of March, they will have a meeting. 
  • Topic 4 (4d): Priorities for 2022
    • i. GNSO: SSAD, SubPro, DNS Abuse, IDNs, IGO, and Scoping Team on Data Accuracy
    • ii. ALAC: Member Engagement - implementation of recommendations from (a) the ALS Mobilization Working Party Final Report, and (b) the Unaffiliated Individual Members Mobilization Working Party Final Report
